  • Maddison,Anne
  • Maddison,Anne - 研究助理-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I was recruited to join the Perennial Bioenergy Crops Programme at Aberystwyth University in November 2009. My previous scientific background was largely in the field of plant gene expression in particular genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.


Purdy, S., Maddison, A., Nunn, C., Winters, A., Timms-Taravella, E., Jones, C., Clifton-Brown, J., Donnison, I., Gallagher, J. 2017. Could Miscanthus replace maize as the preferred substrate for anaerobic digestion in the United Kingdom?: Future breeding strategies. GCB Bioenergy Cadair
Maddison, A., Camargo-Rodriguez, A., Scott, I., Jones, C., Elias, D., Hawkins, S., Massey, A., Clifton-Brown, J., McNamarra, N., Donnison, I., Purdy, S. 2017. Predicting future biomass yield in Miscanthus using the carbohydrate metabolic profile as a biomarker. GCB Bioenergy Cadair
Davey, C., Jones, L., Squance, M., Purdy, S., Maddison, A., Cunniff, J., Donnison, I., Clifton-Brown, J. 2017. Radiation capture and conversion efficiencies of Miscanthus sacchariflorus, M. sinensis and their naturally occurring hybrid M. × giganteus. GCB Bioenergy 9 (2) pp. 385-399. Cadair
Cunniff, J., Purdy, S.J., Barraclough, T.J.P., Castle, M., Maddison, A.L., Jones, L.E., Shield, I.F., Gregory, A.S., Karp, A. 2015. High yielding biomass ideotypes of willow (Salix spp.) show differences in below ground biomass allocation. Biomass and Bioenergy 80 pp. 114-127. Cadair
Purdy, S., Maddison, A., Cunniff, J., Donnison, I., Clifton-Brown, J. 2015. Non-structural carbohydrate profiles and ratios between soluble sugars and starch serve as indicators of productivity for a bioenergy grass. AoB PLANTS 7 plv02 Cadair
Purdy, S.J., Cunniff, J., Maddison, A.L., Jones, L.E., Barraclough, T., Castle, M., Davey, C.L., Jones, C.M., Shield, I., Gallagher, J.A., Donnison, I.S., Clifton-Brown, J.C. 2015. Seasonal Carbohydrate Dynamics and Climatic Regulation of Senescence in the Perennial Grass, Miscanthus. Bioenergy Research 8 (1) pp. 28-41. Cadair

