  • Fernandez,DiegoMoya
  • Fernandez,DiegoMoya - 跨学科研究员-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




After completing his Degree in Veterinary Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), he started his PhD on feed additives and management strategies alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in order to optimize rumen fermentation and to reduce the incidence of digestive upsets. He moved then to Canada where he was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Beef Welfare and Behaviour Unit of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. He worked on the use of feeding behaviour pattern recognition techniques for early detection of morbidity, the development of novel methods to measure chronic stress in beef cattle, the assessment of the effects of age and handling on welfare of livestock undergoing routine management procedures, and the use of tri-axial accelerometers to measure animal behaviours related to pain and discomfort. Most recently, he works as an Interdisciplinary Research Fellow in Animal Sciences at Aberystwyth University.Team member of the MULTI-LAND research cluster, within the National Research Network for Low Carbon Energy and Environment, aims to identify positive interactions between trees, livestock and soil and to improve our understanding of animal behaviour and metabolism (feeding, growth, defecation and use of shelter) to increase productivity and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

