  • Jones,Dylan
  • Jones,Dylan - 高级讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




Al-Maliki, S.M.J., Jones, D., Godbold, D., Jones, D., Scullion, J. 2017. Elevated CO2 and Tree Species Affect Microbial Activity and Associated Aggregate Stability in Soil Amended with Litter. Forests 8 (3) 70 Cadair
Humphreys, M., Loka, D., Gwynn-Jones, D., Scullion, J., Doonan, J., Gasior, D., Harper, J., Farrell, M., Kingston-Smith, A., Dodd, R., Chadwick, D., Hill, P., Mills, G., Hayes, F., Robinson, D., Jones, D. 2016. Climate-smart Strategies to Safeguard Persistency and Achieve Sustainable Grassland Production. 26th General Meeting of the EGF, Trondheim, Norway, 04/09/2016 - 08/09/2016.
Hill, R., Saetnan, E.R., Scullion, J., Jones, D., Ostle, N.J., Edwards, A. 2016. Temporal and spatial influences incur reconfiguration of Arctic heathland soil bacterial community structure. Environmental Microbiology 18 (6) pp. 1942-1953.
Jones, A.G., Bussell, J.S., Winters, A., Scullion, J., Jones, D. 2016. The functional quality of decomposing litter outputs from an Arctic plant community is affected by long-term exposure to enhanced UV-B. Ecological Indicators. Ecological Indicators 60 pp. 8-17.
Jones, A.G., Scullion, J., Ostle, N.J., S, O., di Dio, A., Gwynn-Jones, D. 2015. Plant community composition and an insect outbreak influence phenol oxidase activity and soil-litter biochemistry in a sub-Arctic birch-heath. Polar Biology 38 (4) pp. 505-516.
Jones, A.G., Scullion, J., Ostle, N., Levy, P.E., Gwynn-Jones, D. 2014. Completing the FACE of elevated CO2 research. Environment International 73 pp. 252-258. Cadair
Scullion, J., Smith, A., Jones, D., Jones, D.L., Godbold, D.L. 2014. Deciduous woodland exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 has species-specific impacts on anecic earthworms. Applied Soil Ecology 80 pp. 84-92.
Dader, B., Jones, D., Moreno, A., Winters, A., Ferres, A. 2014. Impact of UV-A radiation on the performance of aphids and whiteflies and on the leaf chemistry of their host plants. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 138 pp. 307-316.

