  • Kenton,Paul
  • Kenton,Paul - 讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




After graduating in Biology from York I worked for some time as an immunology technician at Liverpool before completing and MSc and then PhD on human placental syncytiotrophoblast membranes as a model for cancer signalling. I then moved to Leicester where I worked in John Draper's group on signalling in the plant wound response with a particular interest in jasmonates with Luis Mur and Claus Wasternack (Halle). I also contributed to work on the roles of reactive oxygen species in plant defence with John and Luis. In 1997 the Leicester group moved to Aberystwyth and I joined them as a Research Lecturer. In addition to my interest in jasmonates, I also worked on the role of cytokinins in defence with Thea Davies and transmembrane movement of salicylic acid with Andrew Clarke. I had a brief sojourn in the Careers Advisory Service creating online resources. I returned to IBERS in 2006 as a Teaching Fellow and latterly a Lecturer in Biology concentrating on teaching cell biology at undergraduate level.


Harren, F.J.M., Mur, L.A.J., Kenton, P., Smith, A., Laarhoven, L. 2007. NO provides mainly avr-dependent inputs into cell death mechanisms associated with the hypersensitive response in tobacco. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 146 (4) pp. S256. Cadair
Mur, L.A.J., Kenton, P., Lloyd, A.J., Ougham, H.J., Prats, E. 2007. The hypersensitive response; the centenary is upon us but how much do we know? Journal of Experimental Botany 59 (3) pp. 501-520. Cadair
Mur, L.A.J., Clarke, A., Kenton, P., Darby, R.M. 2005. Harpin modulates the accumulation of salicylic acid by Arabidopsis cells via apoplastic alkalization. Journal of Experimental Botany pp. 3129-3136. Cadair
Draper, J.H., Kenton, P., Mur, L.A.J. 2005. In planta measurements of oxidative bursts elicited by avirulent and virulent bacterial pathogens suggests that H2O2 is insufficient to elicit cell death in tobacco. Plant, Cell and Environment pp. 548-561. Cadair
Atzorn, R., Mur, L.A.J., Wasternack, C., Kenton, P., Miersch, O. 2005. The outcomes of concentration-specific interactions between salicylate and jasmonate signaling include synergy, antagonism, and oxidative stress leading to cell death. Plant Physiology 140 (1) pp. 249-262. Other Cadair

