  • Jones,Huw
  • Jones,Huw - 教授-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I did a PhD at Bristol University in molecular biology and intracellular signalling and worked at Long Ashton Research Station from 1992-1998. I then moved to Rothamsted Research to take up a position as Senior Research Scientist and group leader until 2016 when I joined IBERS. I have an international reputation in developing and applying in-vitro tissue culture and biotechnological approaches to study gene function and to facilitate plant breeding. I have experience applying these in cereals and also poplar and willow; however, in my role at IBERS, I will focus more on forage grasses, oats and miscanthus. I have particular interests in gene editing using site-directed nucleases and in RNAi mediated gene silencing to simultaneously edit or down-regulate homoeologous genes in polyploid genomes; also in exploiting chloroplast inheritance, doubled haploidy and heterosis for plant breeding. I have significant experience in risk-assessment and regulatory aspects of biotechnology. I have held two Defra licences for non-commercial, field trials of GM wheat in the UK. I am an Honorary Professor in the School of Biosciences, Nottingham University and a member of the GMO panel, European Food Safety Authority


Shewry, P.R., Corol, D.I., Jones, H., Beale, M.H., Ward, J.L. 2017. Defining genetic and chemical diversity in wheat grain by 1H-NMR spectroscopy of polar metabolites. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research Cadair
Jones, H. 2017. (In press) Increased SBPase activity improves photosynthesis and grain yield in wheat grown in greenhouse conditions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences pp. 1-21.
Primavesi, L.F., Wu, H., Mudd, E.A., Day, A., Jones, H.D. 2017. Visualisation of plastid degradation in sperm cells of wheat pollen. Protoplasma 254 (1) pp. 229-237.
Jones, H. 2016. Are plants engineered with CRISPR technology genetically modified organisms? The Biochemist pp. 14-17.
Jones, H. 2016. Biotechnology of Major Cereals. CABI Publishing, Wallingford Oxfordshire
Jones, H. 2016. Crop Biotechnology for Weed and Insect Control. Agricultural Chemicals and the Environment: Issues and Potential Solutions (2). Issues in Environmental Science and Technology Royal Society of Chemistry
Jones, H.D. 2016. Future of breeding by genome editing is in the hands of regulators. GM crops & food 6 (4) pp. 223-232.
Wang, G., Yu, X., Sun, Y., Jones, H., Xia, L. 2016. Generation of marker- and/or backbone-free transgenic wheat plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Frontiers in Plant Science 7 1324 Cadair
Jones, H. 2016. Genome editing in cereals: current status and future potential. In H. D. Jones. (ed) Biotechnology of Major Cereals. CABI Publishing pp. 125-132.
Jones, H. 2016. Introduction: Biotechnology of major cereals. In H. D. Jones. (ed) Biotechnology of Major Cereals. CABI Publishing pp. 1-4.
Jones, H. 2016. Transformation and Transgene Expression. In B. Thomas., D. J. Murphy., B. G. Murray. (eds) Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences. 2ndth edn, Elsevier pp. 258-254.

