  • Hegarty,Matthew
  • Hegarty,Matthew - 高级讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I obtained my Ph.D from the University of Bristol in 2002 based on studies in Professor Keith Edwards' laboratory on the use of transposon-tagging to identify genes involved in grain development of maize and wheat. I subsequently undertook two postdoctoral research projects at Bristol on the consequences of hybrid speciation and polyploidy in Senecio (ragworts) with Professor Simon Hiscock. In addition to my scientific interests, I am a keen amateur photographer.


Bisaga, M., Lowe, M., Hegarty, M., Abberton, M., Ravagnani, A. 2017. Deep sequencing of Suppression Subtractive Hybridisation drought and recovery libraries of the non-model crop Trifolium repens L. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 213 Cadair
Atkinson, K.V., Bishop, L.A., Rhodes, G., Salez, N., McEwan, N., Hegarty, M., Robey, J., Harding, N., Wetherell, S., Lauder, R.M., Pickup, R.W., Wilkinson, M., Gatherer, D. 2017. Genome Sequence of Human Rhinovirus A22, Strain Lancaster/2015. Genome Announcements 5 (12) Cadair
De Vere, N., Jones, L.E., Gilmore, T., Moscrop, J., Lowe, A., Smith, D., Hegarty, M., Creer, S., Ford, C.R. 2017. Using DNA metabarcoding to investigate honey bee foraging reveals limited flower use despite high floral availability. Scientific Reports 7 42838 Cadair
Mora-Ortiz, M., Swain, M., Vickers, M., Hegarty, M., Kelly, R., Smith, L., Skot, L. 2016. De-novo transcriptome assembly for gene identification, analysis, annotation, and molecular marker discovery in Onobrychis viciifolia. BMC Genomics 17 756 Cadair
Kam, J., Hegarty, M., Manwaring, H.R., Yadav, R., Yadav, R. 2016. Developing low GI pearl millet and its potential in combating diabetes. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV, San Diego, California, United States of America, 09/01/2016 - 13/01/2016.
Skujina, I., McMahon, R., Lenis, V.P., Gkoutos, G., Hegarty, M. 2016. Duplication of the mitochondrial control region is associated with increased longevity in birds. Aging 8 (8) pp. 1781-1789. Cadair
Blackmore, T., Thorogood, D., Skot, L., McMahon, R., Powell, W., Hegarty, M. 2016. Germplasm dynamics: the role of ecotypic diversity in shaping the patterns of genetic variation in Lolium perenne. Scientific Reports 6 22603 Cadair

