  • Kam,Jason
  • Kam,Jason - 博士-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I am interested in finding traits that have health benefits toward human consumption, increased resilience of crop against environmental challenges as well as adding value toward existing crops. My previous research experience with cereal crop such as wheat and barley have given me the opportunities to explore the possibilities using modern genetic and genomic tools.
My PhD has introduced me to drought responsive transcription factors through transcription responses. It has added to the knowledge of drought response and possible strategies that plants employ for countering such adverse conditions. My previous post investigating the lignin content as well as saccharification has enlightened me toward the power of genetics in identifying desired traits in the genome.
My current job is to study the collection of Pearl Millet germplasm here in IBERS by identifying genetic regions responsible for desired biochemical composition that may subsequently be beneficial toward consumers.


Chang, H., Chen, D., Kam, J., Richardson, T., Drenth, J., Guo, X., McIntyre, C.L., Chai, S., Rae, A.L., Xue, G. 2016. Abiotic stress upregulated TaZFP34 represses the expression of type-B response regulator and SHY2 genes and enhances root to shoot ratio in wheat. Plant Science 252 pp. 88-102.
Kam, J., Lister, S., Pierre, S., Yadav, R., Yadav, R. 2016. An edge in combating diabetes with pearl millet. 6th Annual GARNet meeting (Genomic Arabidopsis Research Network), Norwich, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 05/09/2005 - 06/09/2005.
Kam, J., Hegarty, M., Manwaring, H.R., Yadav, R., Yadav, R. 2016. Developing low GI pearl millet and its potential in combating diabetes. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV, San Diego, California, United States of America, 09/01/2016 - 13/01/2016.
Pierre, S., Kam, J., Lister, S., Yadav, R. 2016. Development of rapid and high throughput protocols to extract slowly, rapidly digestible and resistant starch from pearl millet grains. 6th Annual GARNet meeting (Genomic Arabidopsis Research Network), Norwich, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 05/09/2005 - 06/09/2005.
Kam, J., Puranik, S., Yadav, R., Manwaring, H.R., Pierre, S., Srivastava, R.K., Yadav, R. 2016. Dietary interventions for type 2 diabetes: How millet comes to help. Frontiers in Plant Science 7 01454 Cadair
Ben Romdhane, M., Pierre, S., Kam, J., Ghorbel, A., Zoghlami, N., Yadav, R. 2016. Phylogenetic relationships between Tunisian and Indian pearl millet germplasms based on seed starch fractions variation. 6th Annual GARNet meeting (Genomic Arabidopsis Research Network), Norwich, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 05/09/2005 - 06/09/2005.

