  • Lloyd,Amanda
  • Lloyd,Amanda - 研究助理-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




Lloyd, A., Beckmann, M., Wilson, T., Tailliart, K., Allaway, D., Draper, J. 2017. Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry plasma lipidomics can distinguish between canine breeds despite uncontrolled environmental variability and non-standardized diets: Plasma lipidome of dog breeds using UHPLC-HRM. Metabolomics 13 15 Cadair
Beckmann, M., Joosen, A.M., Clarke, M.M., Mugridge, O., Frost, G., Engel, B., Tailliart, K., Lloyd, A., Draper, J., Lodge, J.K. 2016. Changes in the human plasma and urinary metabolome associated with acute dietary exposure to sucrose and the identification of potential biomarkers of sucrose intake. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 60 (2) pp. 444-457. Cadair
Lloyd, A., Beckmann, M., Tailliart, K., Brown, W.Y., Draper, J., Allaway, D. 2016. Characterisation of the main drivers of intra- and inter- breed variability in the plasma metabolome of dogs. Metabolomics 12 (4) 72 Cadair
Wilson, T., Willis, N.D., Zubair, H., Beckmann, M., Xie, L., Tailliart, K., Lloyd, A., Mathers, J.C., Draper, J. 2016. Developing community-based urine sampling methods to facilitate dietary exposure biomarker technology for population assessment. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 75 (OCE3) E240 Nutrition Society Summer Meeting, Dublin, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 11/07/2016 - 14/07/2016.
Lloyd, A.J., Zubair, H., Willis, N.D., Wilson, T., Xie, L., Tailliart, K., Chambers, E.S., Garcia-Perez, I., Holmes, E., Frost, G., Mathers, J.C., Beckmann, M., Draper, J. 2016. Quantification of dietary biomarkers in spot urine samples reflects the intake of foods of UK high public health importance. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 75 (OCE3) E248 Nutrition Society Summer Meeting, Dublin, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 11/07/2016 - 14/07/2016.
Lloyd, A.J., Beckmann, M., Haldar, S., Seal, C., Brandt, K., Draper, J. 2013. Data-driven strategy for the discovery of potential urinary biomarkers of habitual dietary exposure. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 97 (2 ) pp. 377-389.
Beckmann, M., Lloyd, A., Halder, S., Fave, G., Seal, C., Brandt, K., Mathers, J.C., Draper, J. 2013. Dietary exposure biomarker-lead discovery based on Metabolomics analysis of urine samples. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 72 (3) pp. 352-361. Cadair

