  • Howarth,Catherine
  • Howarth,Catherine - 高级讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




Chaffin, A.S., Huang, Y., Smith, S., Bekele, W.A., Babiker, E., Gnanesh, B.N., Foresman, B.J., Blanchard, S.G., Jay, J.J., Reid, R.W., Wight, C.P., Chao, S., Oliver, R.E., Islamovic, E., Kolb, F.L., Mccartney, C., Mitchell Fetch, J.W., Beattie, A.D., Bjørnstad, Å., Bonman, J.M., Langdon, T., Howarth, C., Brouwer, C.R., Jellen, E.N., Esvelt Klos, K., Poland, J.A., Hsieh, T., Brown, R., Jackson, E.W., Schlueter, J.A., Tinker, N.A. 2016. A Consensus Map in Cultivated Hexaploid Oat Reveals Conserved Grass Synteny with Substantial Subgenome Rearrangement. The Plant Genome 9 (2) 0102 Cadair
Galyuon, I.K.A., Howarth, C. 2016. Genetic diversity of stay-green sorghums and their derivatives revealed by microsatellites. African Journal of Biotechnology 15 (25) pp. 1363-1374. Cadair
Esvelt Klos, K., Huang, Y., Bekele, W.A., Obert, D.E., Babiker, E., Beattie, A.D., Bjørnstad, Å., Bonman, J.M., Carson, M.L., Chao, S., Gnanesh, B.N., Griffiths, I., Harrison, S.A., Howarth, C.J., Hu, G., Ibrahim, A., Islamovic, E., Jackson, E.W., Jannink, J., Kolb, F.L., Mcmullen, M.S., Mitchell Fetch, J., Murphy, J.P., Ohm, H.W., Rines, H.W., Rossnagel, B.G., Schlueter, J.A., Sorrells, M.E., Wight, C.P., Yan, W., Tinker, N.A. 2016. Population Genomics Related to Adaptation in Elite Oat Germplasm. The Plant Genome 9 (2) 0103 Cadair
Montilla-Bascón, G., Rispail, N., Sánchez-Martín, J., Rubiales, D., Mur, L.A.J., Langdon, T., Howarth, C.J., Prats, E. 2015. Genome-wide association study for crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae) and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. avenae) resistance in an oat (Avena sativa) collection of commercial varieties and landraces. Frontiers in Plant Science 6 103 Cadair
Boyle, R.D., Corke, F., Howarth, C.J. 2014. Image based estimation of oat panicle development using local patterns. Functional Plant Biology 42 (5) pp. 433-443. Cadair

