  • Edwards,Arwyn
  • Edwards,Arwyn - 高级讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I graduated from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth with a first degree in Microbiology in 2005, staying to complete a Ph.D. within the Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences in 2009. During the tenure of my Ph.D. and as a teaching fellow (2008-2009) I was involved in developing Welsh Medium teaching within the field of Biological Sciences, and continue to do so in my present role as Lecturer (2010) and Senior Lecturer (2015).


Pearce, D.A., Alekhina, I.A., Terauds, A., Wilmotte, A., Quesada, A., Edwards, A., Dommergue, A., Sattler, B., Adams, B., Magalhães, C.M., Chu, W., Lau, M., Cary, S.C., Smith, D.J., Wall, D., Eguren, G., Matcher, G., Bradley, J., de Vera, J.P., Elster, J., Hughes, K., Benning, L.G., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Convey, P., Hong, S.G., Pointing, S.B., Pellizari, V.H., Vincent, W.F. 2016. Aerobiology over Antarctica – a new initiative for atmospheric ecology. Frontiers in Microbiology 7 7 Cadair
Edwards Rassner, S., Anesio, A., Girdwood, S.E., Hell, K., Gokul, J., Whitworth, D., Edwards, A. 2016. Can the bacterial community of a High Arctic glacier surface escape viral control? Frontiers in Microbiology 7 956 Cadair
Cook, J., Edwards, A., Takeuchi, N., Irvine-Fynn, T. 2016. Cryoconite: The dark biological secret of the cryosphere. Progress in Physical Geography 40 (1) pp. 66-111.
Lutz, S., Anesio, A.M., Edwards, A., Benning, L.G. 2016. Linking microbial diversity and functionality of Arctic glacial surface habitats. Environmental Microbiology
Cook, J.M., Edwards, A., Bulling, M., Mur, L.A.J., Cook, S., Gokul, J.K., Cameron, K.A., Sweet, M., Irvine-Fynn, T.D.L. 2016. Metabolome-mediated biocryomorphic evolution promotes carbon fixation in Greenlandic cryoconite holes. Environmental Microbiology 18 (Thematic Issue) pp. 4674-4686.
Douglas, J., Worgan, H., Easton, G., Poret, L., Wolf, B., Edwards, A., Davies, E., Ross, D., McEwan, N. 2016. Microbial diversity in the digestive tract of two different breeds of sheep. Journal of Applied Microbiology 120 (5) pp. 1382-1389.
Stevens, I.T., Irvine-Fynn, T., Porter, P.R., Smart, M., Moorman, B.J., Hodson, A.J., Edwards, A., Mitchell, A. 2016. Near-surface permeability of Northern Hemisphere Glaciers. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, United States of America, 12/12/2016 - 16/12/2016. pp. C41D-0708. Other
Gokul, J., Hodson, A.J., Saetnan, E., Irvine-Fynn, T., Westall, P.J., Detheridge, A., Takeuchi, N., Bussell, J., Mur, L., Edwards, A. 2016. Taxon interactions control the distributions of cryoconite bacteria colonizing a High Arctic ice cap. Molecular Ecology 25 (15) pp. 3752-3767.
Hill, R., Saetnan, E.R., Scullion, J., Jones, D., Ostle, N.J., Edwards, A. 2016. Temporal and spatial influences incur reconfiguration of Arctic heathland soil bacterial community structure. Environmental Microbiology 18 (6) pp. 1942-1953.
Lutz, S., Anesio, A.M., Raiswell, R., Edwards, A., Newton, R.J., Gill, F., Benning, L.G. 2016. The biogeography of red snow microbiomes and their role in melting arctic glaciers. Nature Communications 7 11968 Cadair

