University of London
  • Zanetti,Giulia


    近期论文 Zanetti, G., Prinz, S., Daum, S., Meister, A., Schekman, R., Bacia, K., and Briggs, J.A. (2013). The structure of the COPII transport-vesicle coat assembled on membranes. eLife 2, e00951. Zanetti, G., Pahuja, K.B., Studer, S., Shim, S., and S...
  • Williams,Mark


    近期论文 Romain A. Studer, Pascal-Antoine Christin, Mark A. Williams and Christine A. Orengo (2014). Stability-activity trade-offs constrain the adaptive evolution of RubisCO. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111,2223-2228. Mark A. Williams (2013). Protein-...
  • Wallace,Bonnie


    近期论文 Bagneris, C., DeCaen, P.G., Naylor, C.E., Pryde, D., Nobeli, I., Clapham, D.E., Jose L.S. Lopes; Antonio J. Costa-Filho; B. A. Wallace, Ana P.U. Araujo. (2013) Membrane Interactions of Calgranulin C (S100A12). PLOSone 8:e82555. O’Reilly, A....
  • Waksman,Gabriel


    近期论文 TR. Costa, A. Ilangovan, M. Ukleja, A. Redzej, JM. Santini, TK. Smith, EH. Egelman, G. Waksman (2016). Structure of the Bacterial Sex F Pilus Reveals an Assembly of a Stoichiometric Protein-Phospholipid Complex. Cell. 166(6):1436-1444.e10 M....
  • Vaughan,Cara


    近期论文 Mollapour M, Tsutsumi S, Truman AW, Xu W, Vaughan CK, Beebe K, Konstantinova A, Vourganti S, Panaretou B, Piper PW, Trepel JB, Prodromou C, Pearl LH, Neckers L. Threonine 22 phosphorylation attentuate Hsp90 interaction with cochaperones and a...
  • Topf,Maya


    近期论文 Meyer, E. and Carss, K.J and Rankin, J. and Nichols, J.M.E and Grozeva, D. and Joseph, A.P and Mencacci, N.E. and Papandreou, A. and Ng, J. and Barral, S. and Ngoh, A. and Ben-Pazi, H. and Willemsen, M.A. and Arkadir, D. and Barnicoat, A. and...
  • Tomas,Salvador


    近期论文 Cooperative induction in double H-bonding donor/acceptor compounds: Chains vs. ribbons. R. Prohens , A. Portell, C. Puigjaner, R. Barbas, X. Alcobé, M. Font-Bardia, S. Tomas. Cryst. Eng. Comm. , 2012,14, 5745. Cooperativity in Solid-State Sq...
  • Thompson,Katherine


    近期论文 Degradation and Rearrangement of a Lung Surfactant Lipid at the Air–Water Interface during Exposure to the Pollutant Gas Ozone, Katherine C. Thompson, Stephanie H. Jones, Adrian R. Rennie, Martin D. King, Andrew D. Ward, Brian R. Hughes, Cl...
  • Thalassinos,Konstantinos


    近期论文 Nyon, M. P., Prentice, T., Day, J., Kirkpatrick, J., Sivalingam, G. N., Levy, G., . . . Thalassinos, K. (2015). An integrative approach combining ion mobility mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrosco...
  • Slater,JonathanM


    近期论文 Slater, J M, Stocking, C and Simpson C F (1997). Applications of capillary electrophoresis to Nephrology. Experimental Nephrology, 6, 415-420. Slater, J M, Lau, K T and Micklefield J (1997) The optimization of sorption sensor arrays for use i...
  • Shepherd,Adrian


    近期论文 Pentiah, K., Lees, W., Moss, D., Shepherd, A.J. (2014). N-linked glycans on influenza A H3N2 hemagglutinin constrain binding of host antibodies, but shielding is limited. Accepted for publication in Glycobiology Shepherd, A.J., Skelton, S., S...
  • Savva,Renos


    近期论文 Cole, Ambrose R. and Ofer, Sapir and Ryzhenkova, Ksenia and Baltulionis, Gediminas and Hornyak, Peter and Savva, Renos (2013) Architecturally diverse proteins converge on an analogous mechanism to inactivate Uracil-DNA glycosylase. Nucleic Ac...
  • Sansom,Clare


    近期论文 Shepherd AJ, Skelton S, Sansom CE, Gomez K, Moss DS Coveney PV (2013). Patient-specific modelling in drug design, development and selection including its role in clinical decision-making. Chem Biol Drug Des 81(1): 5-12. Halling-Brown M, Pappa...
  • Saibil,Helen


    近期论文 Carroni, Marta and Saibil, Helen R. (2016) Cryo electron microscopy to determine the structure of macromolecular complexes. Methods 95 , pp. 78-85. ISSN 1046-2023. Watermeyer, Jean M. and Hale, Victoria L. and Hackett, F. and Clare, Daniel K....
  • Roberts,Anthony


    近期论文 Roberts AJ*, Goodman BS, Reck-Peterson SL*. (2014) Reconstitution of dynein transport to the microtubule plus end by kinesin. eLIFE. 3:e02641 Huang J*, Roberts AJ*, Leschziner AE, Reck-Peterson SL. (2012) Lis1 acts as a...
  • Pitts,Jim


    近期论文 Structure and function of human insulin-like growth factor-1, Gill, R., De Meyts, P., Pitts, J.E., Verma, C., Wollmer, A. and Wood, S.P. (2002) Recent Res. Devel. Protein Eng. 2, 105-134 [ISBN: 81-7736-147-3]. Structure-function studies of an...
  • Pinheiro,VitorBernardes


    近期论文 Tizei, P. A., Csibra, E., Torres, L., Holliger, P. (2013). Synthetic polymers and their potential as genetic materials. Bioessays, 35 (2), 113-122. doi:10.1002/bies.201200135 Pinheiro, V. B., Taylor, A. I., Cozens, C., Abramov, M., Renders, M...
  • Osborne,Andrew


    个人简历 2001 PhD Doctor of Philosophy – Cell Biology University of Dundee 1995 BSc Bachelor of Science – Biochemistry University of Dundee 近期论文 Davies, H. M., Thalassinos, K., Osborne, A. R. (2015). Experimental determination of the membr...
  • Nobeli,Irilenia


    近期论文 Bagneris, C. DeCaen, P.G., Naylor, C.E., Pryde, D.C., Nobeli, I., Clapham, D.E., and Wallace, B.A. (2014). Prokaryotic NavMs channel as a structural and functional model for eukaryotic sodium channel antagonism. PNAS 111: 8428-8433. doi:10.10...
  • Nicklin,Jane


    近期论文 Baker, S, Nicklin, J, Griffeths, C. (2011) Instant Notes in Microbiology. 4th ed. Bios. St. Quinton J.M.,. Fay M.F,. Ingrouille M Simmonds, M. (2010). Effect of photoperiod on the horizontal transmission of Isaria fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Co...
  • Moores,Carolyn


    近期论文 The microtubule cytoskeleton is essential for many cellular processes including cell division, motility, definition of cell architecture and differentiation. Our research is focused on understanding microtubule organisation and dynamics, and...
  • McDonald,NeilQ


    近期论文 Goodman KM, Kjær S, Beuron F, Knowles PP, Nawrotek A, Burns EM, Purkiss AG, George R, Santoro M, Morris EP, McDonald NQ. (2014) RET recognition of GDNF-GFRα1 ligand by a composite binding site promotes membrane-proximal self-association. Ce...
  • Marechal,Amandine


    个人简历 2007 PhD Doctor of Philosophy – Chemistry Universite Paris Sud, Orsay (Paris XI) 2004 MA Diplôme d'études approfondies – Chemistry Universite Paris Sud, Orsay (Paris XI) 2004 MAG Magistère – Chemistry and Biology Ecole Normale Supér...
  • Lowe,Alan


    个人简历 2005 PhD Doctor of Philosophy – Biophysics University of Cambridge 2001 M. Biochem Hons Master of Biochemistry (Honours) – Biochemistry University of Bath 近期论文 Schuergers, N., Lenn, T., Kampmann, R., Meissner, M. V., Esteves, T.,...
  • Lowden,Philip


    近期论文 Corre C., Lowden P.A.S. (2003) The first biosynthetic studies on the azinomycins. Submitted to Chemical Communications. Lowden P.A.S., Böhm G.A., Metcalfe S., Staunton J. Leadlay P.F. (2003). New rapamycin derivatives by precursor-directed b...
  • King,Paul


    近期论文 Heard, P J, King, P M, Bain, A D, Hazendonk, P, Tocher, D A. A detailed NMR study of the solution stereodynamics in tricarbonylrhenium (I) halide complexes of the non-racemic chiral ligand 2,6-bis[4R,5R)-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-2-yl]pyridine (L1)...
  • Keep,Nicholas


    近期论文 Quay, Doris H.X. and Cole, Ambrose R. and Cryar, A. and Thalassinos, Konstantinos and Williams, Mark A. and Bhakta, Sanjib and Keep, Nicholas H. (2015) Structure of the stationary phase survival protein YuiC from B.subtilis. BMC Structural Bi...
  • Hayward,Richard


    近期论文 Nans, Andrea and Kudryashev, M. and Saibil, Helen R. and Hayward, Richard (2015) Structure of a bacterial type III secretion system in contact with a host membrane in situ. Nature Communications, ISSN 2041-1723. (in press) Nans, Andrea and Fo...
  • Cheung,Alan


    近期论文 Morozov, Y. I., Parshin, A. V., Agaronyan, K., Cheung, A. C. M., Anikin, M., Cramer, P., Michaelis, J. (2015). Complete architecture of the archaeal RNA polymerase open complex from single-molecule FRET and NPS. Nature communications, 6. doi:...
  • Boucrot,Emmanuel


    个人简历 2016 Reader (Associate Professor) in Molecular Cell Biology 2015 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) 2014 Lister Institute Research Prize 2011 - 2016 BBSRC David Phillips Research Fellow, University College London, London (UK) 2008...
  • Barrett,Tracey


    个人简历 1995-1998 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at NIMR (Mill Hill) and UCL 1998-2003 BBSRC David Phillips Career Development Research Fellow 2003- Lecturer in Structural Biology 近期论文 Bagnéris, Claire, Alexander Ageichik, Nora Cronin, Mary Co...
