  • Thalassinos,Konstantinos
  • Thalassinos,Konstantinos - University of London, 伦敦大学




Nyon, M. P., Prentice, T., Day, J., Kirkpatrick, J., Sivalingam, G. N., Levy, G., . . . Thalassinos, K. (2015). An integrative approach combining ion mobility mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the conformational dynamics of (1)-antitrypsin upon ligand binding. PROTEIN SCIENCE, 24 (8), 1301-1312. doi:10.1002/pro.2706
Sivalingam, G. N., Yan, J., Sahota, H., & Thalassinos, K. (2013). Amphitrite: A program for processing travelling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 345, 54-62. doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2012.09.005
Willhoft, O., Kerr, R., Patel, D., Zhang, W., Al-Jassar, C., Daviter, T., . . . Vaughan, C. K. (2017). The crystal structure of the Sgt1-Skp1 complex: the link between Hsp90 and both SCF E3 ubiquitin ligases and kinetochores. Sci Rep, 7, 41626. doi:10.1038/srep41626
Davies, H. M., Thalassinos, K., & Osborne, A. R. (2016). Expansion of Lysine-rich Repeats in Plasmodium Proteins Generates Novel Localisation Sequences that Target the Periphery of the Host Erythrocyte. J Biol Chem. doi:10.1074/jbc.M116.761213
Bullock, J. M. A., Schwab, J., Thalassinos, K., & Topf, M. (2016). The Importance of Non-accessible Crosslinks and Solvent Accessible Surface Distance in Modeling Proteins with Restraints From Crosslinking Mass Spectrometry. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS, 15 (7), 2491-2500. doi:10.1074/mcp.M116.058560
Harvey, D. J., Scarff, C. A., Edgeworth, M., Struwe, W. B., Pagel, K., Thalassinos, K., . . . Scrivens, J. (2016). Travelling-wave ion mobility and negative ion fragmentation of high-mannose N-glycans. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 51 (3), 219-235. doi:10.1002/jms.3738
Harvey, D. J., Scarff, C. A., Edgeworth, M., Pagel, K., Thalassinos, K., Struwe, W. B., . . . Scrivens, J. H. (2016). Travelling-wave ion mobility mass spectrometry and negative ion fragmentation of hybrid and complex N-glycans. Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS. doi:10.1002/jms.3828
Blombach, F., Salvadori, E., Fouqueau, T., Yan, J., Reimann, J., Sheppard, C., . . . Werner, F. (2015). Archaeal TFE alpha/beta is a hybrid of TFIIE and the RNA polymerase III subcomplex hRPC62/39. ELIFE, 4, ARTN e08378. doi:10.7554/eLife.08378
Laverty, D. C., Cryar, A., Thalassinos, K., & Smart, T. G. (2015). Building GABA(A) Receptors for Structural Determination. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 108 (2), 433A. CELL PRESS.
Gervais, D., King, D., Kanda, P., Foote, N., Elliott, L., Brown, P., . . . Smith, S. (2015). Structural Characterisation of Non-Deamidated Acidic Variants of Erwinia chrysanthemi L-asparaginase Using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering and Ion-Mobility Mass Spectrometry. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH, 32 (11), 3636-3648. doi:10.1007/s11095-015-1722-2
Quay, D. H. X., Cole, A. R., Cryar, A., Thalassinos, K., Williams, M. A., Bhakta, S., & Keep, N. H. (2015). Structure of the stationary phase survival protein YuiC from B.subtilis. BMC STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, 15, ARTN 12. doi:10.1186/s12900-015-0039-z
Gooptu, B., Nyon, M., Cryar, A., Segeritz, C., Smith, G., Ordonez, A., . . . Thalassinos, K. (2015). Subcellular Responses To Misfolding In Er Stress And alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 191. AMER THORACIC SOC.
Shiltagh, N., Kirkpatrick, J., Cabrita, L. D., McKinnon, T. A., Thalassinos, K., Tuddenham, E. G., & Hansen, D. F. (2014). Solution structure of the major factor VIII binding region on von Willebrand factor. Blood, 123 (26), 4143-4151. doi:10.1182/blood-2013-07-517086
Wojnowska, M., Yan, J., Sivalingam, G., Cryar, A., Gor, J., Thalassinos, K., & Djordjevic, S. (2013). Autophosphorylation activity of a soluble hexameric histidine kinase correlates with the shift in protein conformational equilibrium. Chemistry & Biology. doi:10.1016/j.chembiol.2013.09.008
Chan, J. J., Flatters, D., Rodrigues-Lima, F., Yan, J., Thalassinos, K., & Katan, M. (2013). Comparative analysis of interactions of RASSF1-10. Adv Biol Regul, 53 (2), 190-201. doi:10.1016/j.jbior.2012.12.001
Thalassinos, K., Pandurangan, A. P., Xu, M., Alber, F., & Topf, M. (2013). Conformational States of macromolecular assemblies explored by integrative structure calculation. Structure, 21 (9), 1500-1508. doi:10.1016/j.str.2013.08.006
Shiltagh, N., Kirkpatrick, J., Cabrita, L. D., Thalassinos, K., Tuddenham, G. D., & Hansen, D. F. (2013). Solution structure and dynamics of the major FVIII binding region on von Willebrand factor: implications for type 2N von Willebrand disease. JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, 11, 13.
Chruszcz, M., Ciardiello, M. A., Osinski, T., Majorek, K. A., Giangrieco, I., Font, J., . . . Minor, W. (2013). Structural and bioinformatic analysis of the kiwifruit allergen Act d 11, a member of the family of ripening-related proteins. Mol Immunol, 56 (4), 794-803. doi:10.1016/j.molimm.2013.07.004
Tarr, S. J., Cryar, A., Thalassinos, K., Haldar, K., & Osborne, A. R. (2013). The C-terminal portion of the cleaved HT motif is necessary and sufficient to mediate export of proteins from the malaria parasite into its host cell. Mol Microbiol, 87 (4), 835-850. doi:10.1111/mmi.12133
Warelow, T. P., Oke, M., Schoepp-Cothenet, B., Dahl, J. U., Bruselat, N., Sivalingam, G. N., . . . Santini, J. M. (2013). The Respiratory Arsenite Oxidase: Structure and the Role of Residues Surrounding the Rieske Cluster. PLoS One, 8 (8), e72535-?. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072535
Patel, N. A., Crombie, A., Slade, S. E., Thalassinos, K., Hughes, C., Connolly, J. B., . . . Scrivens, J. H. (2012). Comparison of one- and two-dimensional liquid chromatography approaches in the label-free quantitative analysis of Methylocella silvestris. J Proteome Res, 11 (9), 4755-4763. doi:10.1021/pr300253s
Chauviac, F. X., Bommer, M., Yan, J., Parkin, G., Daviter, T., Lowden, P., . . . Keep, N. H. (2012). Crystal structure of reduced MsAcg, a putative nitroreductase from Mycobacterium smegmatis and a close homologue of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Acg. J Biol Chem, 287 (53), 44372-44383. doi:10.1074/jbc.M112.406264
Thalassinos, K., Vissers, J. P., Tenzer, S., Levin, Y., Thompson, J. W., Daniel, D., . . . Geromanos, S. J. (2012). Design and application of a data-independent precursor and product ion repository. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom, 23 (10), 1808-1820. doi:10.1007/s13361-012-0416-9
Malet, H., Canellas, F., Sawa, J., Yan, J., Thalassinos, K., Ehrmann, M., . . . Saibil, H. R. (2012). Newly folded substrates inside the molecular cage of the HtrA chaperone DegQ. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 19 (2), 152-157. doi:10.1038/nsmb.2210
Nyon, M. P., Segu, L., Cabrita, L. D., Lévy, G. R., Kirkpatrick, J., Roussel, B. D., . . . Gooptu, B. (2012). Structural dynamics associated with intermediate formation in an archetypal conformational disease. Structure, 20 (3), 504-512. doi:10.1016/j.str.2012.01.012

