  • Tomas,Salvador
  • Tomas,Salvador - 伦敦大学, University of London




Cooperative induction in double H-bonding donor/acceptor compounds: Chains vs. ribbons. R. Prohens , A. Portell, C. Puigjaner, R. Barbas, X. Alcobé, M. Font-Bardia, S. Tomas. Cryst. Eng. Comm. , 2012,14, 5745.
Cooperativity in Solid-State Squaramide. R. Prohens, A. Portell, C. Puigjaner, R. Barbas, S. Tomas, X. Alcobe, M. Font-Bardia, K. Harris, Cryst. Growth Des., 2011, 11, 3725.
Versatile low-molecular-weight hydrogelators: achieving multiresponsiveness through a modular design. L. Milanesi, C. A. Hunter, N. Tzokova, J. P. Waltho, S. Tomas, Chem. Eur. J., 2011, 17, 9753.
Mutual modulation between membrane-embedded receptor clustering and ligand binding in lipid membranes. S. Tomas, L. Milanesi, Nature Chem., 2010, 2, 1077.
Hydrophobically self-assembled nanoparticles as molecular receptors in water. S. Tomas, L. Milanesi, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 6618.
Effect of free versus liposomal-complexed pentamidine isethionate on biological characteristics of Acanthamoeba castellanii in vitro. R. Siddiqui, A. Syed, S. Tomas, J. Prieto-Garcia, N. A. Khan, J. Med. Microbiol., 2009, 58, 327.
A pulse-radiolysis approach to fast reductive cleavage of a disulfide bond to uncage enzyme activity. L. Milanesi, S. Tomas, C. A. Hunter, J. A. Weinstein, R. Edge, S. Navaratnam, J. P. Waltho, J. Best, Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2008, 45, 1271.

