  • Sansom,Clare
  • Sansom,Clare - 伦敦大学, University of London




Shepherd AJ, Skelton S, Sansom CE, Gomez K, Moss DS & Hart DP (2014). A large-scale computational study of inhibitor risk in non-severe haemophilia A. Brit J Haematol, in press.
Shublaq N, Sansom C & Coveney PV (2013). Patient-specific modelling in drug design, development and selection including its role in clinical decision-making. Chem Biol Drug Des 81(1): 5-12.
Halling-Brown M, Pappalardo F, Rapin N, Zhang P, Alemani D, Emerson A, Castiglione F, Duroux P, Pennisi M, Miotto O, Churchill D, Rossi E, Moss DS, Sansom CE, Bernaschi M, Lefranc MP, Brunak S, Lund O, Motta S, Lollini PL, Murgo A, Palladini A, Basford KE, Brusic V & Shepherd AJ (2010). ImmunoGrid: towards agent-based simulations of the human immune system at a natural scale. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 368(1920): 2799-815.
Halling-Brown M, Shaban R, Frampton D, Sansom CE, Davies M, Flower D, Duffield M, Titball RW, Brusic V & Moss DS (2009). Proteins accessible to immune surveillance show significant T-cell epitope depletion: Implications for vaccine design. Mol Immunol. 46(13): 2699-705.
Halling-Brown MD, Moss DS, Sansom CE, Shepherd AJ (2009). A computational Grid framework for immunological applications. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 367(1898): 2705-16.

