  • Shepherd,Adrian
  • Shepherd,Adrian - 伦敦大学伯贝克学院, University of London




Pentiah, K., Lees, W., Moss, D., Shepherd, A.J. (2014). N-linked glycans on influenza A H3N2 hemagglutinin constrain binding of host antibodies, but shielding is limited. Accepted for publication in Glycobiology
Shepherd, A.J., Skelton, S., Sansom, C.E., Gomez, K., Moss, D.S., Hart, D.P. (2014). A large-scale computational study of inhibitor risk in nonsevere haemophilia A. British Journal of Haematology, accepted for publication
Lees, W., Moss, D.S., Shepherd, A.J. (2014). Evolution in the influenza A H3 stalk — a challenge for broad-spectrum vaccines? Journal of General Virology 95:317-324
Czarnecki, J., Nobeli, I., Smith, A.M., Shepherd, A.J. (2012). A Text-Mining System for Extracting Metabolic Reactions from Full-Text Articles. BMC Bioinformatics 13:172
Sivalingam, G.N., Shepherd, A.J. (2012). An analysis of B-cell epitope discontinuity. Molecular Immunology 51:304-309
Lees, W.D., Moss, D.S., Shepherd, A.J. (2011). Analysis of antigenically important residues in human influenza A in terms of B-cell epitopes. Journal of Virology 85: 8548-8555
Garcia-Alcade, F., Blanco, A., Shepherd, A.J. (2010). An intuitionistic approach to scoring DNA sequences against transcription factor binding site motifs. BMC Bioinformatics 11:551
Lees, W., Moss, D.S., Shepherd, A.J. (2010). A Computational Analysis of the Antigenic Properties of Haemagglutinin in Influenza A H3N2. Bioinformatics 26(11):1403-1408
Halling-Brown, M., Pappalardo, F., Rapin, N., Zhang, P., Alemani, D., Emerson, A., Castiglione, F., Duroux, P., Pennisi, M., Miotto, O., Churchill, D., Rossi, E., Moss, D.S., Sansom, C.E., Bernaschi, M., Lefranc, M.P., Brunak, S., Lund, O., Motta, S., Lollini, P.L., Murgo, A., Palladini, A., Basford, K.E., Brusic, V., Shepherd, A.J. (2010). ImmunoGrid: Towards Agent-based Simulations of the Human Immune System at a Natural Scale. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 368:2799-2815
Kabiljo, R., Clegg, A.B., Shepherd, A.J. (2009). A realistic assessment of methods for extracting gene/protein interactions from free text. BMC Bioinformatics 10:233
Halling-Brown, M.D., Moss, D.S., Sansom, C.E., Shepherd, A.J. (2009). A computational grid framework for immunological applications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 367(1898):2705-2716
Pappalardo, F., Halling-Brown, M.D., Rapin, N., Zhang, P., Alemani, D., Emerson, A., Paci, P., Duroux, P., Pennisi, M., Palladini, A., Miotto, O., Churchill, D., Rossi, E., Shepherd, A.J., Moss, D.S., Castiglione, F., Bernaschi, M., Lefranc, M.P., Brunak, S., Motta, S., Lollini, P.L., Basford, K.E., Brusic, V. (2009). ImmunoGrid, an integrative environment for large-scale simulation of the immune system for vaccine discovery, design, and optimization. Briefings in Bioinformatics 10:330-340

