  • Nibau,Candida
  • Nibau,Candida - 博士后研究助理-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I received my PhD at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, in 2005 on a thesis entitled 'The role of the Arabidopsis small GTPase Arac7 (ROP9) in hormone signaling', under supervision of Prof. Alice Cheung. In 2005 I moved to the UK for my first postdoctoral position to join the lab of Dr. Juliet Coates where I studied the role of Arabidillo proteins during lateral root formation in Arabidopsis. In October 2008 I moved to Aberystwyth University to join Dr. Glyn Jenkins' lab as a technician on the Barley Meiosis LoLa project. Since 2012 I have been working as a Post-doc in the lab of Prof. John Doonan.


Doonan, J., Boyle, R., Han, J., Williams, K.S., Alcalde Barrios, A., Strange, H., Corke, F., Nibau, C., Scotson, C.P., Camargo-Rodriguez, A., Zwiggelaar, R., Sturrock, C., Mooney, S. 2016. Image-based phenotyping to measure plant diversity and performance. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV, San Diego, California, United States of America, 09/01/2016 - 13/01/2016.
Bush, M.S., Pierrat, O., Nibau, C., Mikitova, V., Zheng, T., Corke, F.M.K., Vlachonasios, K., Mayberry, L.K., Browning, K.S., Doonan, J. 2016. eIF4A RNA Helicase Associates with Cyclin-Dependent Protein Kinase A in Proliferating Cells and is Modulated by Phosphorylation. Plant Physiology 172 (1) pp. 128-140. Cadair
Phillips, D., Jenkins, G., Macaulay, M., Nibau, C., Wnetrzak, J., Fallding, D.S., Colas, I., Oakey, H., Waugh, R., Ramsay, L. 2015. The effect of temperature on the male and female recombination landscape of barley. New Phytologist 208 (2) pp. 421-429.
Gibbs, D.J., Voß, U., Harding, S.A., Fannon, J., Moody, L.A., Yamada, E., Swarup, K., Nibau, C., Bassel, G.W., Choudhary, A., Lavenus, J., Bradshaw, S.J., Stekel, D.J., Bennett, M.J., Coates, J.C. 2014. AtMYB93 is a novel negative regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 203 (4) pp. 1194-207. Cadair
Zheng, T., Nibau, C., Phillips, D.W., Jenkins, G., Armstrong, S.J., Doonan, J.H. 2014. CDKG1 protein kinase is essential for synapsis and male meiosis at high ambient temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (6) pp. 2182-2187. Cadair
Phillips, D.W., Wnetrzak, J., Nibau, C.S., Barakate, A., Ramsay, L., Wright, F., Higgins, J.D., Perry, R.M., Jenkins, G. 2013. Quantitative high resolution mapping of HvMLH3 foci in barley pachytene nuclei reveals a strong distal bias and weak interference. Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (8) pp. 2139-2154.
Nibau, C., Tao, L., Levasseur, K., Wu, H., Cheung, A.Y. 2013. The Arabidopsis small GTPase AtRAC7/ROP9 is a modulator of auxin and abscisic acid signalling. Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (11) pp. 3425-3437.

