  • Sutherland,Andrew
  • Sutherland,Andrew - 博士-阿斯顿大学-个人资料




Efremova, OA , Brylev, KA, Vorotnikov, YA , Vejsadová, L , Shestopalov, MA, Chimonides, GF, Mikes, P , Topham, P , Kim, S-J, Kitamura, N & Sutherland, AJ 2016, ' Photoluminescent materials based on PMMA and a highly-emissive octahedral molybdenum metal cluster complex ' Journal of materials chemistry C , vol 4, no. 3, pp. 497-503., 10.1039/C5TC03204K
Vorotnikova, NA , Efremova, OA , Tsygankova, AR, Brylev, KA, Edeleva, MV, Kurskaya, OG , Sutherland, AJ, Shestopalov, AM, Mironov, YV & Shestopalov, MA 2016, ' Characterization and cytotoxicity studies of thiol-modified polystyrene microbeads doped with [(Mo6X8)(NO3)6]2- (X=Cl, Br, I) ' Polymers for Advanced Technologies , vol Early view., 10.1002/pat.3749
Chimonides, GF, Behrendt, JM, Chundoo, E, Bland, C , Hine, AV , Devitt, A , Nagel, DA & Sutherland, AJ2014, ' Cellular uptake of ribonuclease A-functionalised core-shell silica microspheres ' Journal of materials chemistry B , vol 2, no. 42, pp. 7307-7315., 10.1039/C4TB01130A
Efremova, O , Brylev, K, Kozlova, O, White, M, Shestopalov, M, Kitamura, N, Mironov, Y, Bauer, S & Sutherland, A 2014, ' Polymerisable octahedral rhenium cluster complexes as precursors for photo/electroluminescent polymers ' Journal of materials chemistry C , vol 2, no. 40, pp. 8630-8638.,10.1039/C4TC01643B
Nagel, D , Behrendt, JM, Chimonides, GF, Torr, EE , Devitt, A , Sutherland, AJ & Hine, AV 2014, ' Polymeric microspheres as protein transduction reagents ' Molecular and Cellular Proteomics , vol 13, no. 6, pp. 1543-1551., 10.1074/mcp.O113.034900
Efremova, OA , Shestapalov, MA, Chirtsova, NA, Smolentsev, AI, Mironov, YV, Kitamura, N, Brylev, KA & Sutherland, A 2014, ' A highly emissive inorganic hexamolybdenum cluster complex as a handy precursor for the preparation of new luminescent materials ' Dalton Transactions , vol 43, no. 16, pp. 6021-6025.,10.1039/c3dt53126k
Isakova, A , Topham, PD & Sutherland, AJ 2014, ' Controlled RAFT polymerization and zinc binding performance of catechol-inspired homopolymers ' Macromolecules , vol 47, no. 8, pp. 2561-2568.,10.1021/ma500336u
Erothu, H, Sohdi, A , Kumar, AC , Sutherland, A , Dagron-Lartigau, C, Allal, A, Hiorns, R & Topham, P 2013, 'Facile synthesis of poly(3-hexylthiophene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers via Steglich esterification 'Polymer Chemistry , vol 4, no. 13, pp. 3652-3655., 10.1039/c3py00505d
Behrendt, JM , Nagel, D , Chundoo, E, Alexander, LM, Dupin, D , Hine, AV , Bradley, M & Sutherland, AJ2013, ' Synthesis and characterization of dual-functionalized core-shell fluorescent microspheres for bioconjugation and cellular delivery ' PLoS ONE , vol 8, no. 3, e50713., 10.1371/journal.pone.0050713
Behrendt, J & Sutherland, A 2011, ' Polymer-supported reagents and catalysts '. in MS Silverstein, NR Cameron & MA Hillmyer (eds), Porous polymers. Wiley, pp. 387-434., 10.1002/9780470929445.ch11
Gennet, N, Alexander, LM, Sánchez-Martín, RM, Behrendt, JM , Sutherland, A , Brickman, JM, Bradley, M & Li, M 2009, ' Microspheres as a vehicle for biomolecule delivery to neural stem cells ' New Biotechnology , vol 25, no. 6, pp. 442-449., 10.1016/j.nbt.2009.05.006
Behrendt, JH, Afzaal, M, Alexander, LM, Bradley, M , Hine, AV , Nagel, DA , O'Brien, P, Presland, K & Sutherland, AJ 2009, ' Thiol-containing microspheres as polymeric ligands for the immobilisation of quantum dots ' Journal of Materials Chemistry , vol 19, no. 2, pp. 215-221., 10.1039/b814261k
McCairn, MC & Sutherland, A 2004, ' Scintillation proximity assays for the real-time detection and quantification of the progress of reactions upon solid supports ' Chemical Communications , vol 10, no. 3, pp. 296-297., 10.1039/B313223D

标签: 阿斯顿大学

