  • Stanford,Ian
  • Stanford,Ian - 教授-阿斯顿大学-个人资料




2013 - to date Professor of Neuroscience
2009 - to date Associate Dean for Research & Enterprise (LHS)
2007 to 2009 Associate Director of Research and Head of Biomedical Sciences.
2007 - 2013 Reader in Neurophysiology Aston University.
2005 – 2007 Research Convenor – Physiology and Pharmacology.
2004 – 2007 Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology, Aston University.
2004 – 2010 MRC Career Development Fellow.
2002 – 2004 Lecturer in Pharmacology, Aston University.
1997 – 2001 Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow, University of Birmingham.
1992 – 1997 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Birmingham.1989 – 1992 PhD, University of Southampton.
1987 – 1989 BSc (Hons), University of Southampton.


Hall S.D., Prokic E.J., McAllister C.J., Ronnqvist K.C., Williams A.C., Yamawaki N., Witton C., Woodhall G.L., Stanford I.M. (2014) GABA-mediated changes in inter-hemispheric beta frequency activity in early-stage Parkinson’s disease. Neuroscience281: 69-76.
Lacey M.G, Gooding-Williams G., Prokic E.J., Stanford I.M., Yamawaki N., Hall S.D., Woodhall G.L. (2014)Spike firing and IPSPs in layer V pyramidal neurons during beta oscillations in rat primary motor cortex (M1) in vitro.Plos One, 9 (1), e85109
McAllister C.J., R?nnqvist, K.C., Stanford I.M., Woodhall G.L., Furlong P.L., Hall S.D. (2013) Oscillatory Beta Activity Mediates Neuroplastic Effects of Motor Cortex Stimulation in Humans J. Neurosci. 33 (18): 7919-7927.
R?nnqvist, K.C., McAllister C.J., Woodhall G.L., Stanford I.M., Hall S.D. (2013) A Multimodal Perspective on the Composition of Cortical Oscillations.Front. Human Neurosci. 7 (132): 1-9.
Yamawaki, N. , Magill, P. J. , Hall, S. , Woodhall, G. & Stanford, I. (2012) Frequency selectivity and dopamine-dependence of plasticity at glutamatergic synapses in the subthalamic nucleus.Neuroscience. 203, 1-11
Hall S.D., Stanford I.M., Yamawaki N., McAllister C.J., R?nnqvist K.C., Woodhall G.L., Furlong P.L. (2011)GABAergic modulation of motor function related neuronal network activity. Neuroimage 56(3):1506-1510
Gross A., Sims R.E., Swinny J.D., Bolam J.P, Stanford I.M. (2011) Differential localization of GABAA receptor subunits in relation to rat striato-pallidal and pallido-pallidal synapses.E. J. Neurosci. 33, 868-878.
Hall S.D., Yamawaki N.,Fisher A., Clauss R., Woodhall G.L., Stanford I.M. (2010) GABA(A) α1-subunit mediated desynchronization of elevated low frequency oscillations alleviates specific dysfunction in stroke – a case report. Clin. Neurophys.121, 549-555.
Morgan N., Stanford I.M., Woodhall G.L. (2009) Functional CB2 type cannabinoid receptors at CNS synapses. Neuropharmacology.57, 356-368
Sims R.E., Woodhall G.L.,Wilson C.L., Stanford I.M. (2008) Functional characterization of GABAergic pallido-pallidal and striato-pallidal synapses in the rat globus pallidus in vitro. E.J. Neurosci. 28, 2401-2408.
Morgan N., Stanford I.M., Woodhall G.L. (2008) Modulation of network oscillatory activity and GABAergic synaptic transmission by CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the rat medial entorhinal cortex.Neural Plasticity 2008: 808564.
Loucif AJC, Woodhall GL, Sehirli US, Stanford IM. (2008)Depolarisation and suppression of burst firing in the mouse subthalamic nucleus by dopamine D1/D5 receptor activation of a cyclic nucleotide gated non-specific cation conductance.Neuropharm 55, 94-105
Yamawaki N, Stanford IM, Hall SD, Woodhall GL (2008)Pharmacological induced and stimulus evoked rhythmic neuronal oscillatory activity in the primary motor cortex (M1) in vitro.Neurosci. 151, 386-395
Boyes J., Bolam J.P., Shigemoto R. & Stanford I.M. (2007) Functional presynoptic HCN channels in the rat globus pallidus. European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 25, pp. 2081-2092, 2007
Wilson C.L., Cash D., Galley K., Chapman H., Lacey M.G. & Stanford I.M. (2006) Subthalamic nucleus neurons in slices from 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetra-hydropyridine (MPTP) lesioned mice show irregular, dopamine-reversible firing pattern changes, but without synchronous activity. Neurosci. 143 (2), 565-572.
Stanford I.M., Chahal H.S., Kantaria M.A. Loucif, K.C. & Wilson C.L. (2005)5-HT induced excitation and inhibition in the subthalamic nucleus: Action at 5-HT2C, 5-HT4, and 5-HT1A receptors.Neuropharm. 49(8), 1228-1234.
Loucif, K.C., Wilson C.L., Baig R., Lacey M.G. & Stanford I.M. (2005) Functional connectivity between the globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus in a mouse brain slice preparation.J. Physiol. 567 (3), 977-987.
Stanford I.M., Loucif, K.C, Wilson C.L., Cash D. & Lacey M.G. (2005)Limitations of the isolated GP-STN network. In: The Basal Ganglia VIII (Eds. J.P. Bolam, C.A. Ingham and P.J. Magill), Springer Science and Business Media: New York, NY, USA. pp 65-73.
Stanford IM (2003) Independent neuronal oscillators of the rat globus pallidus.J.Neurophysiol. 89 1713-1717.
Tofighy A, Abbott A, Centonze D, Cooper AJ, Noor E., Pearce SM, Puntis M, Stanford IM, Wigmore MA, Lacey MG. (2002) Excitation by dopamine of rat subthalamic nucleus neurones in vitro - a direct action with unconventional pharmacology.Neurosci.116, 157-166.

标签: 阿斯顿大学

