  • Trapani,Josef
  • Trapani,Josef - -阿默斯特学院-个人资料




Troconis EL'15, Ordoobadi AJ'15, Sommers TF'16, Aziz-Bose R'14, Carter AR, Trapani JG (2017). Intensity-dependent timing and precision of startle response latency in larval zebrafish. The Journal of Physiology, 595(1): 265-282. DOI: 10.1113/JP272466 image
Kruger M, Boney R, Ordoobadi AJ'15, Sommers TF'16, Trapani JG, Coffin AB (2016). Natural bizbenzoquinoline derivatives protect zebrafish lateral line sensory hair cells from aminoglycoside toxicity. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 10:83. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2016.00083. image
Olt J, Ordoobadi AJ'15, Marcotti W, Trapani JG (2016). Physiological recordings from the zebrafish lateral line. Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 133. image
Toro C, Trapani JG, Pacentine I, Maeda R, Sheets L, Mo W, Nicolson T (2015). Dopamine modulates the activity of sensory hair cells. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(50): 1694-16503. image
Pujol-Marti J*, Faucherre A*, Aziz-Bose R'14, Asgharsharghi A, Colombelli J, Trapani JG, Lopez-Schier H (2014). Converging axons collectively initiate and maintain synaptic selectivity in a constantly remodeling sensory organ. Current Biology, 24: 2968-2974. *equal author contribution PubMed link
Monesson-Olson BD, Troconis EL'15, Trapani JG. (2014). Recording field potentials from zebrafish larvae during escape responses. J Undergrad Neurosci Educ, 13(1):A52-A58. image
Monesson-Olson BD*, Browning-Kamins J* '13, Aziz-Bose R* '14, Kreines F '12, Trapani JG. (2014). Optical stimulation of zebrafish hair cells expressing channelrhodopsin-2. PLoS ONE, 9(5): e96641. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096641. *equal contributions image
Mooney J '12, Thakur S '11, Kahng P '13, Trapani JG, Poccia DL. (2014). Quantification of exocytosis kinetics by DIC image analysis of cortical lawns. Journal of Chemical Biology, 7:43-55. image
Smedemark-Margulies N '13 and Trapani JG. (2013). Tools, methods, and applications for optophysiology in neuroscience. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 6:18. image
Catipovic MA '14, Tyler PM '14, Trapani JG, Carter AR. (2013). Improving the quantification of Brownian motion. American Journal of Physics, 81(7):485-491. image

标签: 阿默斯特学院

