  • Tong,Anthony
  • Tong,Anthony - 教授-阿卡迪亚大学-个人资料




M. Sichinga, J. Frazee and A. Z. Tong*, Efficiency and kinetics in treatment of oily wastewater from garages and residential oil spills using membrane bioreactor technology, In Press, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, published online, DOI=10.1007/s13762-015-0852-8, (2015).
I. Burgos-Lujan and A. Z. Tong*, Determination of phytic acid in juices and milks by developing a quick complexometric-titration method, Food Analytical Methods, 8(7), 1836-1841 (2015).
A. J. Ghoshdastidar, S. Fox and A. Z. Tong*, The presence of the top prescribed pharmaceuticals in treated sewage effluents and receiving waters in Southwest Nova Scotia, Canada, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Published online 22(1), 689-700 (2015).
K. Brown, A. J. Ghoshdastidar, J. Hanmore, J. Frazee and A. Z. Tong*, Membrane Bioreactor Technology: A Novel Approach to the Treatment of Compost Leachate, Waste Management, 33(11), 2188-2194 (2013).
A. J. Ghoshdastidar and A. Z. Tong*, Treatment of 2,4-D, Mecoprop and Dicamba using Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(8), 5188-5197 (2013).
A. J. Ghoshdastidar, J. Saunders, K. Brown and A. Z. Tong*, Membrane Bioreactor Treatment of Commonly Used Organophosphate Pesticides, Journal of Environmental Science and Health B, 47(7), 742-750 (2012).
B. Crouse, A. J. Ghoshdastidar and A. Z. Tong*, The presence of acidic and neutral drugs in treated sewage effluents and receiving waters of the Cornwallis and Annapolis River watersheds and Mill Cove WPCC in Nova Scotia, Environmental Research, 112(1), 92-99, (2012).
G. Reid, M. Robertson and A. Z. Tong*, Derivation of New Equations for Phase-Shift Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115(19), 4902-4908, (2011).
J. Lomond and A. Z. Tong*, Rapid Analysis of Dissolved Methane, Ethylene, Acetylene and Ethane using Partition Coefficients and Headspace - Gas Chromatography, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 49(6), 469-475, (2011).
L. A. Graham*, A. Z. Tong, G. Poole, L. Ding, F. Ke, D. Wang, G. Caravaggio, J.-P. Charland, P. MacDonald, A. Hall, Y. Cheng and J. R. Brook, A Comparison of Direct Thermal Desorption with Solvent Extraction for Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Diesel Particulate Matter, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 90(7), 511-534, (2010).

标签: 阿卡迪亚大学

