  • Ohara,PatriciaB
  • Ohara,PatriciaB - -阿默斯特学院-个人资料




Adelphi University, N.Y., B.A., Chemistry, 1976
Columbia University, N.Y., N.Y., 1981, Biophysical Chemistry
2008-present Amanda and Lisa Cross Professor of Chemistry
2015- Spring Visiting Scholar, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
2014-Fall Visiting Professor, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
2010-2014 Dean of New Students
2009 (spring) Visiting Professor, UMass Amherst Biochemistry w. L. Gierasch
2008-2009 Senior Advisor to the Dean of Faculty, Amherst College
1995-2008 Professor of Chemistry, Amherst College, Chair (1999-2002)
2004-2005 Senior Sabbatical Fellowship, Bordeaux, France
2002-2004 Talheimer Professorship, Amherst College
1994-1997 Bruss Reader, Amherst College
1997-1998 Visiting Professor, UMass Amherst Chemistry w. C. Martin
1993-1994 Visiting Scientist, Boston Biomedical Research Inst. w. Z. Grabarek
1989-1995 Associate Professor, Amherst College
1987-1988 Visiting Professor, Penn. State University w. W.deW.Horrocks
1983-1989 Assistant Professor, Amherst College
1981-1983 Postdoctoral Research, Stanford University w. S.G. Boxer
1976-1981 Graduate Research, Columbia University w. R.A. Bersohn
1974-1976 Undergraduate Research, Adelphi University w. S.Y. Moon


Blatchly, R., Nircan Delen, Z., O'Hara, P. (2017) Royal Society of Chemistry, The Chemical Story of Olive Oil: From Grove to Table
Hebda, J., O'Hara, P. (2017) in review J. Chem. Ed. Selectivity of Non-Covalent Bonding Interactions Using ELISA as a Mimic for Receptor Function to Differentiate Between the Peptides Vasopressin and Oxytocin in an Undergraduate Lab
O’Hara, P., Türköz, M., Blatchly, R., Wernz, C., & Delen, Z. (2017) submitted to J. Higher Ed. Outreach and EngagementPlace And Space In Yeni Foça, Turkey: An Interdisciplinary Analysis Of The Olive Culture In A Small Village
Blatchly, R. A., Delen, Z., O’Hara, P.B.; (2014) J. Chem. Ed. (DOI 10.1021/ed300557r) article, six labs Making Sense Of Olive Oil: Simple Experiments to Link Sensory Observations with Underlying Chemistry
Jaswal, S.; O'Hara, P.; Williamson, P.; Springer, A.; (2013)Biochem. & Mol. Bio. Ed. DOI 10.1002/bmb.20718Teaching Structure: Student Use Of Software Tools For Understanding Macromolecular Structure In An Undergraduate Biochemistry Course
Pauyo, T.,Hilinski, G. J., Chiu, P.T.,Hansen, D.E.,Choi, Y.C., Ratner, D.I., Shah-Mahoney, N.,Southern,C.A.,O’Hara,P.B. (2006) Mol. Imm. Vol 43/7 pp 812-821Genetic and Physical Studies of Affinity Maturation in Related Antibodies.
O’Hara, P.B., Engelson, C., and St. Peter, W. (2005)J. Chem. Ed. 82 1 (includes manuscript, five labs) Turning on the Light: Lessons from Luminescence Also
O'Hara, P.B., Engelson, C. St. Peter, W., (2005) J. Chem. Educ. Activity: 82, p48A Turning on the Light
Mohan, G. S., Chiu, P.T., Southern, C.A.,O’Hara, P.B., (2004) J.Phys.Chem. A 108, 7871-7877Steady State and Multifrequency Phase Fluorometry Studies of Binding Site Flexibility in Related Antibodies
O’Hara, P.B., Howard, M.L.1., Sanborn, J.A., (1999) J. Chem. Educ.76 p1673-1677.GC/MS and Immunoassays of Pesticides in Drinking Water: A Project Based Approach to Introductory Chemistry
O’Hara, P. B. (1997) Calcium Binding Proteins, Celio editor, Oxford University Press 1996 J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 119, p8581.
O’Hara, P.B., Rahman, M.A., Rowland, A., and Turjoman, A.J., (1995) Photochem. and Photobio. B Biology 30 p15-21.Target Peptide Induced Changes in the Structure and Dynamics of Calmodulin as Probed by Frequency Domain Fluorometry of Bound Tb(III)
O’Hara, P.B., Gorski, K.M., Rosen, M. (1988) Biophys. J. 53, 1007-1014Thermal Profiles of Energy Transfer: Luminescent Probes of Protein Dynamics in Transferrin and Calmodulin
O’Hara, P.B., Gorski, K.M. (1988) Anal. Chim. Acta. 205, 161.Luminescent Probes of Protein Dynamics: Preliminary Results of Thermal Profiles of Förster Energy Transfer in Proteins
O’Hara, P.B. (1987) Photochem. Photobio. 46 1067.nvited Paper Lanthanide Ions as Luminescent Probes of Biomolecular Structure
O’Hara, P.B. and Koenig, S. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 1445.ESR and Magnetic Relax. Studies of Gd(III) Complexes with Human Serum Transferrin
O’Hara, P.B. (1985) J. Amer. Chem Soc. 107, 4365. (H. Siegel, ed)Review of Calcium and its Role in Biology Metal Ions in Biological Chem 17
O’Hara, P.B. and Bersohn, R. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 5269.Resolution of the Two Metal Binding Sites of Human Serum Transferrin by Low Temperature Excitation of Bound Eu(III)
Sommer, J.H., O'Hara, P.B., Jonah, C., Bersohn, R. (1982) Biochem. Biophys. Acta 703, 62.Relative Reducibilities of Complexes of Fe(III), Co(III), Mn(III), and Cu(II) with Apotransferrin Using Solvated Electrons and CO2-
O'Hara, P.B., Yeh, S.M., Meares, C.F., and Bersohn, R. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 4704.The Intersite Distance in Transferrin Measured by Energy Transfer From Tb+3 to Mn+3 or Fe+3
O'Hara, P.B. (1981) PhD Thesis, Columbia University, N.Y., N.Y.The Binding Sites of Transferrin: Spectroscopic and Magnetic Studies of Lanthanide and Transition Metal Complexes

标签: 阿默斯特学院

