  • Miller,JillS
  • Miller,JillS - -阿默斯特学院-个人资料




Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona (2000)
M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona (1997)
B.A., Biology, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado (1992)


Kamath, A'2011, RA Levin, and JS Miller. 2017. Floral size and shape evolution following the transition to gender dimorphism. American Journal of Botany 104:451-460.
Miller, JS, A Kamath '2011, BC Husband, and RA Levin. 2016. Correlated polymorphism in cytotype and sexual system within a monophyletic species, Lycium californicum. Annals of Botany 117:307-317.
Levin, RA, EM Keyes '2012, and JS Miller. 2015. Evolutionary relationships, gynodioecy, and polyploidy in the Galápagos endemic Lycium minimum (Solanaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 176:197-210.
Blank, CM'2014, RA Levin, and JS Miller. 2014. Intraspecific variation in gender strategies in Lycium (Solanaceae): Associations with ploidy and changes in floral form following the evolution of gender dimorphism. American Journal of Botany 101:2160-2168.
Diggle, PK and JS Miller. 2013. Developmental plasticity, genetic assimilation, and the evolutionary diversification of sexual expression in Solanum. American Journal of Botany 100:1050-1060.
Levin, RA, G Bernardello, C Whiting'2010 and JS Miller. 2011. A new generic circumscription in tribe Lycieae (Solanaceae). Taxon 60:681-690.
Miller JS and JL Kostyun'2009. 2011. Functional self-incompatibility in a peripheral population of Solanum peruvianum (Solanaceae). Heredity 107:30-39.
Miller, JS, A Kamath'2011, J Damashek'2009, and RA Levin. 2011. Out of America to Africa or Asia: Inference of dispersal histories using nuclear and plastid DNA and the S-RNase self-incompatibility locus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28:793-801.
Stiefkens, L, M Las Peñas, G Bernardello, RA Levin, and JS Miller. 2010. Karyotypes and fluorescent chromosome banding patterns in southern African Lycium (Solanaceae). Caryologia 63:50-61.
Temeles, E. J., J. S. Miller, andJ. R. Rifkin'2009. 2010. Evolution of sexual dimorphism in bill size and shape of hermit hummingbirds (Phaethornithinae): A role for ecological causation? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365:1053-1063.
Miller, JS, A Kamath'2011, and RA Levin. 2009. Do multiple tortoises equal a hare? The utility of nine noncoding plastid regions for species-level phylogenetics in tribe Lycieae (Solanaceae). Systematic Botany 34:796-804.
Levin, RA, AP Whelan'2008, and JS Miller. 2009. The utility of nuclear conserved ortholog set II (COSII) genomic regions for species-level phylogenetic inferences in Lycium (Solanaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53:881-190.
Levin, RA, JM Blanton'2006E, and JS Miller. 2009. Phylogenetic utility of nuclear NIA: A multi-locus comparison of nuclear and chloroplast sequence data for inference of relationships among American Lycieae (Solanaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50:608-617.
Miller, JS, RA Levin, and NM Feliciano'2008. 2008. A tale of two continents: Baker’s rule and the maintenance of self-incompatibility in Lycium (Solanaceae). Evolution 62:1052-1065.
Miller, JS and JL Stanton-Geddes'2004. 2007. Gynodioecy in Lobelia siphilitica and L. spicata (Lobeliaceae) from western Massachusetts. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 134:349-361.
Miller, JS and PK Diggle. 2007. Correlated evolution of fruit size and sexual expression in andromonoecious Solanum sections Acanthophora and Lasiocarpa (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany 94:1706-1715.
Levin, RA, G Bernardello, AM Venter, JR Shak'2006, and JS Miller. 2007. Evolutionary relationships in tribe Lycieae (Solanaceae). Acta Horticulturae 745:225-239.
Savage, AE'2004 and JS Miller. 2006. Gametophytic self-incompatibility in Lycium parishii (Solanaceae): Allelic diversity, genealogical structure, and patterns of molecular evolution. Heredity 96:434-444.
Levin, RA and JS Miller. 2005. Relationships within tribe Lycieae (Solanaceae): paraphyly of Lycium and multiple origins of gender dimorphism. American Journal of Botany 92:2044-2053.

标签: 阿默斯特学院

