  • Poccia,DominicL
  • Poccia,DominicL - -阿默斯特学院-个人资料




Ph.D., Harvard University (1971)
A.M., Harvard University (1968)
B.S., Union College (1967)
A.M. (honorary), Amherst College (1987)
Harvard University, Biochem. and Molecular Biol. (1971-72)
University of California, Berkeley, Zoology (1972-74)
I teach introductory biology (Molecules, Genes and Cells), Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, and the First Year Seminar Improvisational Thinking.
The fields of cell and developmental biology have undergone phenomenal changes in the thirty years that I have taught them. I try to integrate the great experiments of the past that are often ignored with modern advances that deepen our understanding. Since science is an empirical activity. I emphasize in class the experimental evidence for theoretical models. I believe science should be learned also by doing, which is why all my science courses are lab courses. In Developmental Biology lab, I introduce as many different organisms as I can, to expose students to the great aesthetic satisfactions of studying early embryos. In Cell Biology, we use sophisticated instruments such as the flow cytometer and confocal microscope to supplement more traditional techniques.
My First-Year Seminar attempts to do something only rarely done at Amherst, to provide general theory and practice of improvisation which is often limited to specialized courses in music or drama. Successful improvisations require large amounts of preparation, but then have to be performed in the moment, making them usually less predictable and more exciting than reworked presentations. We attempt to apply improvisational thinking to as wide a range of subjects as possible and analyze how it works and when it is advantageous. This also leads to investigations of the nature of the creative process. Students and guest presenters have ample opportunity to demonstrate improvisational skills.


Poccia, D.L. (2016) A Sea Urchin Cell-Free System to Study Male Pronuclear Assembly and Activation. Int. J. Dev. Biol., doi: 10.1387/ijdb.160077dp.
Poccia, D.L. The Long-Term Potential of Marine OECD (2016) “Workshops” In, The Ocean Economy in 2030 OECD Publishing, Paris. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264251724-14-en.
Byrne, R.D., Larijani, B. and Poccia, D.L. (2016)The Use of 2-Photon FLIM/FRET to Study Protein Interactions during Nuclear Envelope Fusion in Vivo and in Vitro. In, The Nuclear Envelope: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 1411: pp. 123-132 (S. Shackleton, P. Collas and E.C. Schirmer, eds.) Springer, doi 10.1007/978-1-4939-3530-7.
Larijani, B, Hamati, F., Kundu, A., Chung, G.C., Domart, M.-C., Collinson, L. and Poccia, D.L. (2014). Principle of Duality of Phospholipids: Regulators of Membrane Morphology and Dynamics. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 42: 1335-1342. Included in Essays in Biochemistry: Membrane Nanodomains (2015) I. Parmryd, ed., Portland Press.
Mooney, J., Thakur, J., Kahng, P., Trapani, J.G. and Poccia, D. (2014). Quantification of Exocytosis Kinetics by DIC Image Analysis of Cortical Lawns. J. Chem. Biol. 7: 43-55. doi: 10.1007/s12154-013-0104-7.
Wang, A., Kundu, A., Fong, B., Fitzgerald, J., Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2013). A Structural Role for Lipids in Organelle Shaping. Biol. Bulletin 224: 218-226.
Poccia, D. (2013). Cell Biology of Gametes and Embryos: Insights from Marine Invertebrates: Introduction to a Virtual Symposium in The Biological Bulletin. Biol. Bulletin 224: 123-126.
Domart, M.C., Hobday, T.M.C., Peddie, C.J., Chung,G.H.C., Wang, A., Yeh, K., Jethwa, N., Zhang, Q., Wakelam, M.J.O., Woscholski, R., Byrne, R.D., Collinson, L.M., Poccia, D.L. and Larijani, B. (2012). The function of diacylglycerol in controlling ER morphology and nuclear envelope fusion from echinoderms to mammals, PLoS ONE 7: e51150. doi:10.1371.
Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2012). Effects of Phosphoinositides and their Derivatives on Membrane Morphology andFunction, Curr.Topics Microbiol Immunol. 362: 99-110 In, Phosphoinositides and Disease,. Chap 5, M. Falasca, ed., Springer.
Byrne RD, Applebee C, Poccia DL, Larijani B (2012) Dynamics of PLCγ and Src Family Kinase 1 Interactions during Nuclear Envelope Formation Revealed by FRET-FLIM. PLoS ONE 7: e40669. doi:10.1371
Dumas, F., Byrne, R.D., Vincent, B., Hobday, T.M.C., Poccia, D. and Larijani, B. (2010) Spatial Regulation of Membrane Fusion Controlled by Modification of Phosphoinositides, PLOS ONE 4 e12208. doi:10.1371.
Chatzidimitriadou, Z. and Poccia, D. (2010). Localization of PLCγ and Nuclear Envelopes in Telophase of Sea Urchin Embryos. Molec. Reprod. Devel. 77: 737.
Byrne, R. Poccia, D. and Larijani, B. (2009). The Role of Phospholipase C in Nuclear Envelope Assembly. Clinical Lipidology 4:103-112.
Byrne, R. Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2009). Tyrosine Kinase Regulation of Nuclear Envelope Assembly. Adv. Enzyme Regul.49:148-156.
Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2009). Nuclear Envelope Formation: Mind the Gaps. Annu. Rev. Biophysics 38: 107-124.
Poccia, D. and Larijani, B. (2009). Phosphatidylinositol Metabolism and Membrane Fusion. Biochem J. 418: 233-246.
Garnier-Lhomme, M., Byrne, R.D., Hobday, T.M.C., Gschmeissner, S., Woscholski, R., Poccia, D., Dufourc, E.J. and Larijani, B. (2009) Nuclear Envelope Remnants: Fluid Membranes Enriched in Sterols and Polyphosphoinositides, PLoS One 4: e4255. doi:10.1371.
Garnier-Lhomme, M., Dufourc, E., Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2009).Lipid Quantification and Structure Determination of Nuclear Envelope Precursor Membranes in the Sea Urchin In, Lipid Signaling Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, B. Larijani, R. Wolchoski and C. Rosser, eds. Humana Press, Chap. 6, pp. 89-110.
Byrne, R., Zhandre, V., Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2008). Nuclear Envelope Formation In Vitro: A Sea Urchin Egg Cell-Free System. In, The Nucleus: Physical Properties and Imaging Methods, Principles and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 2. R. Hancock, ed., Humana Press, Chap. 12, pp. 205-220.
Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2007). Protein and Lipid Signaling in Membrane Fusion: Nuclear Envelope Assembly. Signal Transduction 7: 142-153.
Poccia, D. (ed.) (2007). The Sea Urchin as a Model System for Investigation of Signaling Mechanisms. Signal Transduction, 7: 99-101.
Byrne, R., Garnier-Lhomme, M., Han, K., Dowicki, M., Michael, N., Totty, N., Zhendre, V., Cho, A., Pettitt, T.R.,Wakelam, M.J.O., Poccia, D and Larijani, B. (2007). PLCg is Enriched on Poly-phosphoinositide-rich Vesicles to Control Nuclear Envelope Assembly, Cellular Signalling 19: 913-922.
Poccia, D. (2006). Editorial: Beyond the Model Organism. J. Exp. Zool. 305A, 537.
Barona, T., Byrne, R., Pettitt, R., Wakelam, M.J.O., Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2005). Diacylglycerol Induces Fusion of Nuclear Envelope Membrane Precursor Vesicles, J. Biol. Chem. 280: 41171-41177.
Barona, T., Larijani, B. and Poccia, D. (2005). Dynamics of Nuclear Envelope Formation. Endocrinologia Metabolismo & Nutrição. 14: 107-114.

标签: 阿默斯特学院

