  • Scullion,John
  • Scullion,John - 高级讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




Al-Maliki, S.M.J., Jones, D., Godbold, D., Jones, D., Scullion, J. 2017. Elevated CO2 and Tree Species Affect Microbial Activity and Associated Aggregate Stability in Soil Amended with Litter. Forests 8 (3) 70 Cadair
Guo, Q., Meng, L., Humphreys, M.W., Scullion, J., Mur, L.A. 2017. Expression of FlHMA3, a vacuolar P1B2-ATPase from Festulolium loliaceum, correlates with response to cadmium stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 112 pp. 270-277.
Marshall, A.H., Collins, R.P., Humphreys, M.W., Scullion, J. 2016. A new emphasis on root traits for perennial grass and legume varieties with environmental and ecological benefits. Food and Energy Security 5 (1) pp. 26-39. Cadair
Humphreys, M., Loka, D., Gwynn-Jones, D., Scullion, J., Doonan, J., Gasior, D., Harper, J., Farrell, M., Kingston-Smith, A., Dodd, R., Chadwick, D., Hill, P., Mills, G., Hayes, F., Robinson, D., Jones, D. 2016. Climate-smart Strategies to Safeguard Persistency and Achieve Sustainable Grassland Production. 26th General Meeting of the EGF, Trondheim, Norway, 04/09/2016 - 08/09/2016.
Lüscher, G., Ammari, Y., Andriets, A., Angelova, S., Arndorfer, M., Bailey, D., Balázs, K., Bogers, M., Bunce, R.G.H., Choisis, J., Dennis, P., Díaz, M., Dyman, T., Eiter, S., Fjellstad, W., Fraser, M., Friedel, J.K., Garchi, S., Geijzendorffer, I.R., Gomiero, T., González-bornay, G., Guteva, Y., Herzog, F., Jeanneret, P., Jongman, R.H.G., Kainz, M., Kwikiriza, N., López Díaz, M.L., Moreno, G., Nicholas-Davies, P., Nkwiine, C., Opio, J., Paoletti, M.G., Podmaniczky, L., Pointereau, P., Pulido, F., Sarthou, J., Schneider, M.K., Sghaier, T., Siebrecht, N., Stoyanova, S., Wolfrum, S., Yashchenko, S., Albrecht, H., Báldi, A., Belényesi, M., Benhadi-marin, J., Blick, T., Buholzer, S., Centeri, C., Choisis, N., Cuendet, G., De Lange, H.J., Déjean, S., Deltshev, C., Díaz Cosín, D.J., Dramstad, W., Elek, Z., Engan, G., Evtushenko, K., Falusi, E., Finch, O., Frank, T., Gavinelli, F., Genoud, D., Gillingham, P.K., Grónás, V., Gutiérrez, M., Häusler, W., Heer, X., Hübner, T., Isaia, M., Jerkovich, G., Jesus, J.B., Kakudidi, E., Kelemen, E., Koncz, N., Kovacs, E., Kovács-hostyánszki, A., Last, L., Ljubomirov, T., Mandery, K., Mayr, J., Mjelde, A., Muster, C., Nascimbene, J., Neumayer, J., Ødegaard, F., Ortiz Sánchez, F.J., Oschatz, M., Papaja-hülsbergen, S., Paschetta, M., Pavett, M., Pelosi, C., Penksza, K., Pommeresche, R., Popov, V., Radchenko, V., Richner, N., Riedel, S., Scullion, J., Sommaggio, D., Szalkovszki, O., Szerencsits, E., Trigo, D., Vale, J., Van Kats, R., Vasilev, A., Whittington, A.E., Wilkes-allemann, J., Zanetti, T. 2016. Farmland biodiversity and agricultural management on 237 farms in 13 European and two African regions. Ecology 97 (6) pp. 1625. Cadair
Hill, R., Saetnan, E.R., Scullion, J., Jones, D., Ostle, N.J., Edwards, A. 2016. Temporal and spatial influences incur reconfiguration of Arctic heathland soil bacterial community structure. Environmental Microbiology 18 (6) pp. 1942-1953.
Jones, A.G., Bussell, J.S., Winters, A., Scullion, J., Jones, D. 2016. The functional quality of decomposing litter outputs from an Arctic plant community is affected by long-term exposure to enhanced UV-B. Ecological Indicators. Ecological Indicators 60 pp. 8-17.
Crotty, F., Fychan, R., Sanderson, R., Rhymes, J., Bourdin, F., Scullion, J., Marley, C. 2016. Understanding the legacy effect of previous forage crop and tillage management on soil biology, after conversion to an arable crop rotation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 103 pp. 241-252. Cadair

