  • Pachebat,Justin
  • Pachebat,Justin - 高级讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I am a parasitologist and specialist in single molecule genomics and next generation sequencing (NGS). After degrees in Microbiology at Bristol and Medical Microbiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, I did a PhD at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research on the characterisation and biosynthesis of a malaria vaccine target: Merozoite Surface Protein 7 in Plasmodium falciparum merozoites.
After my PhD I did several post-docs at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (2000-2007) and the University of Cambridge (2007-2009). At the MRC-LMB, I ran the HAPPY genome mapping project as part of the international Dictyostelium discoideum genome consortium (see Nature papers), I also ran several R&D projects. At the University of Cambridge, I was based in Jim Haseloff's laboratory at Plant Sciences, and developed an interest in synthetic biology; whilst David Baulcombe developed my interest in NGS which lead to collaborations with: Jim Ajioka (Pathology) and Carolina Marcano (Illumina) to characterise Campylobacter bacteriophage genomes; Gareth Bloomfield and Rob Kay (MRC-LMB) on D. discoideum phenotypic mutants (see E Life paper), Sarah Covshoff and Julian Hibberd on Echinochloa and Rice transcriptomics (see Plant Physiology paper). In 2009 and 2010 I organised the annual Cambridge NGS Bioinformatics meetings.


Karaseva, A., Tsapieva, A., Pachebat, J.A., Suvorov, A. 2016. Draft Genome Sequence of the probiotic Enterococcus faecium strain L-3. Genome Announcements 4 (1) e01599-15 Cadair
Cameron, S., E. Lewis, K., Huws, S., Lin, W., Hegarty, M., D. Lewis, P., Mur, L., Pachebat, J.A. 2016. Metagenomic Sequencing of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Upper Bronchial Tract Microbiome Reveals Functional Changes Associated with Disease Severity. PLoS One 11 (2) 0149095 Cadair
Brown, M., Hablutzel, P., Friberg, I.M., Thomason, A.G., Stewart, A., Pachebat, J.A., Jackson, J. 2016. Seasonal immunoregulation in a naturally-occurring vertebrate. BMC Genomics 369 Cadair
Huws, S., Edwards, J.E., Creevey, C., Rees Stevens, P., Lin, W., Girdwood, S., Pachebat, J., Kingston-Smith, A. 2016. Temporal dynamics of the metabolically active rumen bacteria colonising fresh perennial ryegrass. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92 (1) fiv 137
Zampini, M., Mur, L., Rees Stevens, P., Pachebat, J.A., Newbold, C., Hayes, F., Kingston-Smith, A. 2016. Terminator Operon Reporter: Combining a transcription termination switch with reporter technology for improved gene synthesis and synthetic biology applications. Scientific Reports 6 26572 Cadair
Covshoff, S., Szecowka, M., Hughes, T., Smith-Unna, R., Kelly, S., Bailey, K., Sage, T., Pachebat, J., Leegood, R., Hibberd, J. 2016. Transcriptomics of C4 photosynthesis in rice paddy. Plant Physiology 170 (1) pp. 57-73. Cadair
Facey, P.D., Méric, G., Hitchings, M.D., Pachebat, J.A., Hegarty, M.J., Chen, X., Morgan, L.V.A., Hoeppner, J.E., Whitten, M.M.A., Kirk, W.D.J., Dyson, P.J., Sheppard, S.K., Del Sol, R. 2015. Draft Genomes, Phylogenetic Reconstruction, and Comparative Genomics of Two Novel Cohabiting Bacterial Symbionts Isolated from Frankliniella occidentalis. Genome Biology and Evolution 7 (8) pp. 2188-2202. Cadair
Hadfield, S.J., Pachebat, J.A., Swain, M.T., Robinson, G., Cameron, S.J.S., Alexander, J., Hegarty, M.J., Elwin, K., Chalmers, R.M. 2015. Generation of whole genome sequences of new Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum isolates directly from stool samples. BMC Genomics 16 650 Cadair
Bloomfield, G., Traynor, D., Sander, S.P., Veltman, D.M., Pachebat, J.A., Kay, R.R. 2015. Neurofibromin controls macropinocytosis and phagocytosis in Dictyostelium. eLife 4 e04940 Cadair
Zampini, M., Rees Stevens, P., Pachebat, J., Kingston-Smith, A., Mur, L., Hayes, F. 2015. RapGene: a fast and accurate strategy for synthetic gene assembly in Escherichia coli. Scientific Reports 5 11302 Cadair

