  • Thain,Peter
  • Thain,Peter - -伯明翰城市大学-个人资料




Peter is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Therapy. Arriving in October 2016, Peter was appointed to design, develop and achieve validation for the portfolio of Sports Therapy programmes within the School of Life Sciences. Having worked at both the University of Bedfordshire and the University of Hertfordshire previously, Peter brings his experience of delivering high quality teaching to Birmingham City University.
After obtaining his PhD in 2013, Peter has remained active in research, with recent outputs including publications in peer reviewed journals, a book chapter and presentations at international conferences, as well as been a guest speaker at other UK universities.


Thain, P. K., Bleakley, C. M. and Mitchell, A. C. S. (2015). Muscle reaction time during a simulated lateral ankle sprain after wet-ice application or cold-water immersion. Journal of Athletic Training, 50(7), 697–703.
Greenhalgh, A., Hampson, J., Thain, P. K. and Sinclair, J. (2014). A comparison of center of pressure variables recorded during running in barefoot, minimalist footwear, and traditional running shoes in the female population. The Foot and Ankle Online Journal, 7(3): 6
Greenhalgh, A., Hampson, J., Thain, P. K. and Sinclair, J. (2014). The trajectory of the centre of pressure during walking in barefoot, minimalist footwear and traditional running shoe conditions in females. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32 Supplement 1, s42.

