  • Yan,Hao
  • Yan,Hao - 教授-亚利桑那州立大学-个人资料




Ph.D. in Chemistry New York University, New York, NY August 2001 Advisor: Nadrian C. Seemanr
B.S. in Chemistry Shandong University, Jinan, P.R.China July 1993r
09/2013 to Present Director, Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZr
09/2015 to Present Milton D. Glick Distinguished Professor School of Molecular Sciences & Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZr
01/2012 to 08/2015 Milton D. Glick Distinguished Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Biodesign Institute,Arizona State University, Tempe, AZr
08/2008 to 01/2012 Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Biodesign Institute,Arizona State University, Tempe, AZr
08/2004 to 08/2008 Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Biodesign Institute,Arizona State University, Tempe, AZr
09/2001 to 07/2004 Assistant Research Professor Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durum, NCr
02/2021 to Present Co-founder, Exodigm Biosciences, Inc.


"""The theme of our research is to use nature's design rules as inspiration to advance biomedical, energy-related, and other technological innovations through the use of self-assembling molecules and materials. We aim to create intelligent materials with better component controls at the molecular level. Our interdisciplinary team is interested in designing bio-inspired molecular building blocks and programming their higher order assembly into systems that will perform complex functions. Our ultimate goals are 1) to engineer an information guided self-assembling molecular system for the finest possible interactions of molecules in a three-dimensional space; and 2) to create man-made molecular machines/molecular robotics through molecular design, molecular programming, directed molecular evolution and molecular systems engineering."""


D. Fu', R. Pradeep', A. Prasad', F. Zhang, D. Williams, J. Schreck, H. Yan* and J. Reif*. Automated design of 3D DNA origami with non-rasterized 2D curvature, Science Advances 8, eade445, (2022).r
X. Zhou', D. Satyabola', H. Liu, S. Jiang, X. Qi, L. Yu, S. Lin, Y. Liu, N.W. Woodbury*, H. Yan*. Two-Dimensional Excitonic Networks Directed by DNA Templates as an Efficient Model Light-Harvesting and Energy Transfer System, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61, e2022112, (2022).r
R. Pradeep', J. Procyk', P. Nandi, A. Prasad, Y. Xu, E. Poppleton, D. Williams, F. Zhang, H. Yan, P. Chiu*, N. Stephanopoulos*, and P. Sulc*, Coarse-Grained Simulations for the Characterization and Optimization of Hybrid Protein-DNA Nanostructures, ACS Nano 16, 14086�14096, (2022).r
L. Ma, Y. Liu, C. Han, A. Movsesyan, P. Li, H. Li, P. Tang, Y. Yuan, S. Jiang, W. Ni, H. Yan, A. Govorov, Z. Wang, X. Lan*, DNA-Assembled Chiral Satellite-Core Nanoparticle Superstructures: Two-State Chiral Interactions from Dynamic and Static Conformations, Nano Letters 22, 4784−4791, (2022).r
K. Chen, F. Xu, Y. Hu, H. Yan*, L. Pan*, DNA Kirigami Driven by Polymerase-Triggered Strand Displacemen, Small 18, 2201478, (2022).r
X. Zhou, H. Liu, F. Djutanta, D. Satyabola, S. Jiang, X. Qi, L. Yu, S. Lin, R.F. Hariadi, Y. Liu, N.W. Woodbury*, H. Yan*, DNA-Templated Programmable Excitonic Wires for Micron-Scale Exciton Transport, Chem. 8, 2442-2459, (2022).r
X. Zhou, S. Lin, H. Yan*, Interfacing DNA nanotechnology and biomimetic photonic complex: advances and prospects in energy and biomedicine, J. Nanobiotechnology 20, 257, (2022).r
C. Simmons', T. MacCulloch', M. Krepl, M. Matthies, A. Buchberger, I. Crawford, J. Sponer, P. Sulc, N. Stephanopoulos*, H. Yan*, The influence of Holliday junction sequence and dynamics on DNA crystal self-assembly, Nat. Commun. 13, 3112, (2022).r
L. Liu, F. Hong, H. Liu, X. Zhou, S. Jiang, P. Sulc, J. Jiang*, H. Yan*, A localized DNA Finite State Machine with Temporal Resolution, Science Advances 8, eabm9530, (2022).r
J. Bohlin', E. Poppleton', M. Matthies', J. Procyk', A. Mallya, H. Yan, P. Sulc*, Design and simulation of DNA, RNA, and hybrid protein-nucleic acid nanostructures with OxView, Nature Protocols 17, 1762�1788, (2022).r
C. Zhang*, X. Ma, X. Zheng, Y. Ke, K. Chen, D. Liu, Z. Lu, J. Yang*, H. Yan*, Programmable Allosteric DNA Regulations for Molecular Networks and Nanomachines, Science Advances 8, eabl4589, (2022).r
S. Dey', A. Dorey', L. Abraham', Y. Xing, I. Zhang, F. Zhang, S. Howorka*, H. Yan*, A Reversibly Gated Protein-Transporting Membrane Channel Made of DNA, Nat. Commun. 13, 2271, (2022).r
H. Liu, F. Hong, F. Smith, J. Goertz, T. Ouldridge, M. Stevens, H. Yan, P. Sulc*, Kinetics of RNA and RNA:DNA hybrid strand displacement, ACS Synth. Biol. 10, 3066-3073, (2021).r
Y. Liu, L. Ma, S. Jiang, C. Han, P. Tang, H. Yang, X. Duan, N. Liu*, H. Yan*, X. Lan*, DNA Programmable Self-Assembly of Planar, Thin-Layered Chiral Nanoparticle Superstructures with Complex Two-Dimensional Patterns, ACS Nano 15, 16664-16672, (2021).r
T. Yuan, Y. Shao, X. Zhou, Q. Liu, Z. Zhu, B. Zhou, Y. Dong, N. Stephanopoulos, S. Gui*, H. Yan*, D. Liu*, Highly Permeable DNA Supramolecular Hydrogel Promotes Neurogenesis and Functional Recovery after Completely Transected Spinal Cord Injury, Advanced Materials 33, 2102428, (2021).r
Y. Zhang, Z. Qu, . Jiang, Y. Liu, R. Narayanan, D. Williams, X. Zuo, L. Wang, H. Yan, H. Liu* & C. Fan, Prescribing Silver Chirality with DNA Origami, J. Am. Chem. Soc 143, 8639-8646, (2021).r
S. Jiang, N. Pal, F. Hong, N. E. Fahmi, H. Hu, M. Vrbanac, H. Yan*, N. G. Walter*, Y. Liu*, Regulating DNA Self-Assembly Dynamics with Controlled Nucleation, ACS Nano 15, 5384-5396, (2021).r
S. Dey, C. Fan*, K. V. Gothelf*, J. Li*, C. Lin*, L. Liu, N. Liu*, M. A. D. Nijenhuis, B. Sacca*, F. C. Simmel*, H. Yan* & P. Zhan, DNA Origami, Nat. Rev. Methods Primers 1, 13, (2021).r
S. Jiang, Z. Ge, S. Mou, H. Yan*, C. Fan*, Designer DNA Nanostructures for Therapeutics, Chem 7, 1156-1179, (2020).r
G. Yao', F. Zhang', F. Wang', T. Peng, H. Liu, E. Poppleton, P. Sulc, S. Jiang, L. Liu, C. Gong, X. Jing, X. Liu, L. Wang, Y. Liu, C. Fan*, H. Yan*, Meta-DNA Structures, Nat. Chem. 12, 1067-1075, (2020).r
C.R. Simmons', T. MacCulloch', F. Zhang, Y. Liu, N. Stephanopoulos & H. Yan, A Self-Assembled Rhombohedral DNA Crystal Scaffold with Tunable Cavity Sizes and High Resolution Structural Detail, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 18619-18626, (2020).r
S. Jiang, F. Zhang, H. Yan, Complex assemblies and crystals guided by DNA, Nat. Mater. 19, 694-700, (2020).r
J. Georges, X. Qi, X. Liu, Y. Zhou, E. C. Woolf, A. Valeri, Z. Al-Atrache, E. Belykh, B. Feuerstein, M. Preul, A. C. Scheck, M. Reiser, T. Anderson, J. Gopez, D. Appelt, S. Yocom, J. Eschbacher, H. Yan, P. Nakaji, A Fluorescent Aptamer Provides Rapid and Specific Ex Vivo Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Lymphoma from Rodent Xenograft Biopsies, J. Neurosurg. 134, 1728-1737, (2020).r
J. Li', J. Dai', S. Jiang', M. Xie', T. Zhai, L. Guo, S. Cao, S. Xing, Z. Qu, Y. Zhao, F. Wang, Y. Yang, L. Liu, X. Zuo, L. Wang*, H. Yan*, C. Fan*, Encoding quantized fluorescence states with fractal DNA frameworks, Nat. Commun. 11, 2185, (2020).r
X. Qi, X. Liu, L. Matiski, R. Rodriguez Del Villar, T. Yip, F. Zhang, S. Sokalingam, S. Jiang, L. Liu, H. Yan, Y. Chang, RNA Origami Nanostructures for Potent and Safe Anti-Cancer Immunotherapy, ACS Nano 14, 4727-4740, (2020).r
F. Hong, D. Ma, K, Wu, L.A. Mina, R.C. Luiten, Y. Liu, H. Yan*, A.A. Green*, Precise and Programmable Detection of Mutations Using Ultraspecific Riboregulators, Cell 180, 1018-1032, (2020).r
G. Yao, J. Li, Q. Li, X. Chen, X. Liu, F. Wang, Z. Qu, Z. Ge, R.P. Narayanan, D. Williams, H. Pei, X. Zuo, L. Wang, H. Yan, B.L. Feringa*, C. Fan*, Programming nanoparticle valence bonds with single-stranded DNA encoders, Nature Materials 19, 781-788, (2020).r
C. Zhang*, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, J. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. Li, L. Pan, Y. Ke*, H. Yan*, Nicking-Assisted Reactant Recycle to Implement Entropy-Driven DNA Circuit, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 17189-17197, (2019).r
Z. Zhao, C. Wang, H. Yan,* Y. Liu*, Soft Robotics Programmed with Double Crosslinking DNA Hydrogels, Advanced Functional Materials 1905911, (2019).r
X. Jing, F. Zhang, P. Pan, X. Dai, J. Li, L. Wang, H. Yan, C. Fan, Solidifying framework nucleic acids with silica, Nature Protocols 14, 2416-2436, (2019).r
X. Wang, A. Chandrasekaran, R. Arun, Z. Shen, Y. Ohayon, T. Wang, M. Kizer, R. Sha, C. Mao, H. Yan, X. Zhang, S. Liao, B. Ding, B. Chakraboty, N. Jonoska, D. Niu, H. Gu, J. Chao, X. Gao, Y. Li, T. Ciengshin, N. Seeman, Paranemic Crossover DNA: There and Back Again, Chemical Reviews 119, 6273-6289, (2019).r
Y. Zhou, X. Qi, Y. Liu, F. Zhang, H. Yan, DNA Nanoscaffold-Assisted Selection of Femtomolar Bivalent Aptamers for Human-Thrombin with Potent Anticoagulant Activity, ChemBioChem 20, 2494-2503 (2019).r
S. Mandal', X. Zhou', S. Lin, H. Yan, N. Woodbury, Directed Energy Transfer through DNA-Templated J-aggregates, Bioconjugate Chemistry 30, 1870-1879, (2019).r
X. Zhou', S. Mandal', S. Jiang, S. Lin, J. Yang, Y. Liu, D. Whitten, N. Woodbury, H. Yan, Efficient Long-rnage, Directional Energy Transfer through DNA-Templated Dye Aggregates, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 8473-8481, (2019).r
L. Xin, M. Lu, S. Both, M. Pfeifer, M. Urban, C. Zhou, H. Yan, T. Weiss, N. Liu, K. Lindfors, Watching a Single Fluorofphore Molecule Walk into a Plasmonic Hotspot, ACS Photonics 6, 985-993, (2019).r
Y. Xu, S. Jiang, C. Simmons, R. Narayanan, F. Zhang, A. Aziz, H. Yan, N. Stephanopoulos*, Tunable Nanoscale Cages from Self-Assembling DNA and Protein Building Blocks, ACS Nano 13, 3545-3554, (2019).r
H. Jun', F. Zhang', T. Shepherd, S. Ratanalert, X. Qi, H. Yan, M. Bathe*, Autonomously designed free-form 2D DNA origami, Science Advances 5, eaav0655, (2019).r
Z. Ge, J. Fu, M. Liu, S. Jiang, A. Andreoni, X. Zuo, Y. Liu, H. Yan*, C. Fan*, Constructing Submonolayer DNA Origami Scaffold on Gold Electrode for Wiring of Redox Enzymatic Cascade Pathways, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 13881-13887 (2019).r
Z. Ge, Z. Su, C. R. Simmons, J. Li, S. Jiang, W. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Liu*, W. Chiu, C. Fan*, H. Yan*, Redox Engineering of Cytochrome c using DNA Nanostructure-Based Charged Encapsulation and Spatial Control, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 13874-13880 (2019).r
F. Hong, S. Jiang, X. Lan, R. Narayanan, P. Sulc, F. Zhang*, Y. Liu*, H. Yan*, Layered-Crossover Tiles with Precisely Tunable Angles for 2D and 3D DNA Crystal Engineering, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 14670-14676, (2018).r
X. Qi', F. Zhang'*, Z. Su', S. Jiang, D. Han, B. Ding, Y. Liu, W. Chiu, P. Yin, H. Yan*, Programing Molecular Topologies from Single-stranded Nucleic Acids, Nature Commun. 9, 4579, (2018).r
D. Jiang', Z. Ge', H. Im, C. England, D. Ni, J. Hu, L. Zhang, C. Kutyreff, Y. Yan, Y. Liu, S. Cho, J. Engle, J. Shi, P. Huang, C. Fan*, H. Yan*, W. Cai*, DNA-origami nanostructures can exhibit preferential renal uptake and alleviate acute kidney injury, Nature Biomed. Eng. 2, 865-877, (2018).r
X. Lan*, T. Liu, Z. Wang, A. Govorov*, H. Yan, Y. Liu*, DNA-Guided Plasmonic Helix with Switchable Chirality, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 11763-11770, (2018).r
F. Zhang', C. Simmons', J. Gates, Y. Liu, H. Yan*, Self-Assembly of a 3D DNA Crystal Structure with Rationally Designed Six-Fold Symmetry, Angew Chem Int Ed. 57, 12504-12507, (2018).r
X. Liu', F. Zhang', X. Jing', M. Pan, P. Liu, W. Li, B. Zhu, J. Li, H. Chen, L. Wang, J. Lin, Y. Liu, D. Zhao, H. Yan* and C. Fan*, Complex silica composite nanomaterials templated with DNA origami, Nature 559, 593-598, (2018).r
J. Li, A. Johnson-Buck, Y. Yang, W. Shih, H. Yan, N. Walter*, Exploring the speed limit of toehold exchange with a cartwheeling DNA acrobat, Nature Nanotechnol. 13, 723-729, (2018).r
S. Li, Q. Jiang, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Tian, C. Song, J. Wang, Y. Zou, G. J. Anderson, J. Han, Y. Chang, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, L. Chen, G. Zhou, G. Nie*, H. Yan*, B. Ding*, Y. Zhao*, A DNA nanorobot functions as a cancer therapeutic in response to a molecular trigger in vivo, Nature Biotechnology 36, 258-264, (2018).r
E. Boulais, N. Sawaya, R. Veneziano, A. Andreoni, J. Banal, T. Kondo, S. Mandal, S. Lin, G. Schlau-Cohen, N. Woodbury, H. Yan*, A. Aspuru-Guzik*, M. Bathe*, Programmed coherent coupling in a synthetic DNA-based excitonic circuit, Nature Materals 17, 159-166, (2018).

