  • Goldfarb,Daniella
  • Goldfarb,Daniella - 教授-亚利桑那州立大学-个人资料




The Erich Klieger Professorial Chair in Chemical Physicsr
Weizmann Institute of Science


"""Our research focuses on developments and applications of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to problems in Biophysics and Structural Biology. EPR techniques provide dynamics, and geometric and electronic structures of paramagnetic molecules in solutions and solids. In addition we are interested in dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) methodology to enhance NMR signals via polarization transfer from radicals."""


Leavesley, A; Shimon, D; Siaw, Ta; Feintuch, A; Goldfarb, D; Vega, S; Kaminker, I; Han, S (2017). Effect of Electron Spectral Diffusion on Static Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at 7 Tesla. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19:3596-3605.r
Goldfarb, D (2017). Eldor-Detected NMR. Emagres. 6:101-114.r
Clayton, Ja; Qi, M; Godt, A; Goldfarb, D; Han, Sg; Sherwin, Ms (2017). Gd3+-Gd3+ Distances Exceeding 3 nm Determined by Very High Frequency Continuous Wave Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19:5127-5136.r
Theillet, Fx; Binolfi, A; Bekei, B; Martorana, A; Rose, Hm; Stuiver, M; Verzini, S; Lorenz, D; Van Rossum, M; Goldfarb, D; Selenko, P (2016). Structural Disorder of Monomeric Alpha-Synuclein Persists in Mammalian Cells. Nature. 530:45-+.r
Abdelkader, Eh; Yao, Xj; Feintuch, A; Adams, La; Aurelio, L; Graham, B; Goldfarb, D; Otting, G (2016). Pulse Epr-Enabled Interpretation of Scarce Pseudocontact Shifts Induced by Lanthanide Binding Tags. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. 64:39-51.r
Goldfarb, D (2016). Supporting Women Postdocs in Israel. Nature. 534:621.r
Cohen, Mr; Frydman, V; Milko, P; Iron, Ma; Abdelkader, Eh; Lee, Md; Swarbrick, Jd; Raitsimring, A; Otting, G; Graham, B; Feintuch, A; Goldfarb, D (2016). Overcoming Artificial Broadening in Gd3+-Gd3+ Distance Distributions Arising from Dipolar Pseudo-Secular Terms in Deer Experiments. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18:12847-12859.r
Collauto, A; Feintuch, A; Qi, M; Godt, A; Meade, T; Goldfarb, D (2016). Gd(III) Complexes as Paramagnetic Tags: Evaluation of the Spin Delocalization Over the Nuclei of the Ligand. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997). 263:156-63.r
Kaminker, I; Bye, M; Mendelman, N; Gislason, K; Sigurdsson, St; Goldfarb, D (2015). Distance Measurements Between Manganese(II) and Nitroxide Spin-Labels by Deer Determine a Binding Site of Mn2+ in the Hp92 Loop of Ribosomal RNA. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:15098-15102.r
Dalaloyan, A; Qi, M; Ruthstein, S; Vega, S; Godt, A; Feintuch, A; Goldfarb, D (2015). Gd(III)-gd(III) Epr Distance Measurements - the Range of Accessible Distances and the Impact of Zero Field Splitting. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:18464-18476.r
Kaminker, I; Goldfarb, D (2015). Atpase Site Configuration of the RNA Helicase Dbpa Probed by Endor Spectroscopy. RNA Remodeling Proteins. 137-164.r
Manukovsky, Nurit; Frydman, Veronica; Goldfarb, Daniella (2015). Gd3+ Spin Labels Report the Conformation and Solvent Accessibility of Solution and Vesicle-Bound Melittin. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. b. 119:13732-41.r
Hovav, Y; Kaminker, I; Shimon, D; Feintuch, A; Goldfarb, D; Vega, S (2015). The Electron Depolarization During Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Measurements and Simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:226-244.r
Martorana, A; Yang, Y; Zhao, Y; Li, Q; Su, X; Goldfarb, D (2015). Mn(II) Tags For Deer Distance Measurements in Proteins Via c-s Attachment. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003). 44:20812-6.r
Feintuch, Akiva; Otting, Gottfried; Goldfarb, Daniella (2015). Gd3+ Spin Labeling For Measuring Distances in Biomacromolecules: Why and How?. Methods in Enzymology. 563.r
Hovav, Y; Shimon, D; Kaminker, I; Feintuch, A; Goldfarb, D; Vega, S (2015). Effects of the Electron Polarization on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Solids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:6053-6065.r
Ravera, E., Shimon, D., Feintuch, A., Goldfarb, D., Vega, S., Flori, A., Luchinat, C., Menichetti, L., Parigi, G. (2015). The Effect of gd on Trityl-Based Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation in Solids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:26969-26978.r
Shimon, D; Hovav, Y; Kaminker, I; Feintuch, A; Goldfarb, D; Vega, S (2015). Simultaneous Dnp Enhancements of 1H and 13C Nuclei: Theory and Experiments. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:11868-11883.r
Abdelkader, Eh; Lee, Md; Feintuch, A; Cohen, Mr; Swarbrick, Jd; Otting, G; Graham, B; Goldfarb, D (2015). A New Gd3+ Spin Label For Gd3+-Gd3+ Distance Measurements in Proteins Produces Narrow Distance Distributions. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6:5016-5021.r
Kaminker, I; Bye, M; Mendelman, N; Gislason, K; Sigurdsson, St; Goldfarb, D (2015). Distance Measurements Between Manganese(II) and Nitroxide Spin-Labels by Deer Determine a Binding Site of Mn2+ in the Hp92 Loop of Ribosomal RNA (Vol 17, pg 15098, 2015). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:18197.r
Abdelkader, Eh; Feintuch, A; Yao, X; Adams, La; Aurelio, L; Graham, B; Goldfarb, D; Otting, G (2015). Protein Conformation by Epr Spectroscopy Using Gadolinium Tags Clicked to Genetically Encoded p-Azido-l-Phenylalanine. Chemical Communications. 51:15898-15901.r
Vigier, Fm; Shimon, D; Mugnaini, V; Veciana, J; Feintuch, A; Pons, M; Vega, S; Goldfarb, D (2014). The 13C Solid Dnp Mechanisms With Perchloro-Triphenylmethyl Radicals - the Role of cl-35,cl-37. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16:19218-19228.

