  • Shock,Everett
  • Shock,Everett - 教授-亚利桑那州立大学-个人资料




Yang, Z., Lorance, E.D., Bockisch, C., Williams, L.B., Hartnett, H.E., Shock, E.L. and Gould, I.R. (2014) Hydrothermal photochemistry as a mechanistic tool in organic geochemistry. The chemistry of dibenzylketone. Journal of Organic Chemistry 79, 7861-7871.r
Boyd, E.S., Hamilton, T.L., Havig J.R., Skidmore M. and Shock, E.L. (2014) Chemolithotrophic primary production in a subglacial ecosystem. Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 80, 6146-6153.r
Oiler, J., Shock, E., Hartnett, H., and Yu, H. (2014) Harsh environment sensor array-enabled hot spring mapping. IEEE Sensors Journal 14, 3418-3425.r
Shipp, J., Gould, I.R., Shock, E.L., Williams, L.B., and Hartnett, H.E. (2014) Sphalerite is a geochemical catalyst for carbon-hydrogen bond activation. PNAS 111, 11642-11645. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1324222111r
Neveu, M. Desch, S.J., Shock, E.L. and Glein, C.R. (2014) Prerequisites for explosive cryovolcanism on dwarf planet-class Kuiper belt objects. Icarus (in press).r
Oiler, J., Shock, E., Hartnett, H. and Yu, H. (2013) MEMS harsh environment sensor array-enabled hot spring physical parameter mapping, IEEE Sensors 2013, doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2013.6688332.r
Dick, J.M. and Shock, E.L. (2013) A metastable equilibrium model for the relative abundances of microbial phyla in a hot spring. PLoS ONE 8, e72395. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072395.r
Schubotz, F., Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Bradley, A.S., Fredricks, H.F., Hinrichs, K.-U., Shock, E.L., and Summons, R.E. (2013) Lipid compositions of streamer biofilm communities in the Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park. Geobiology DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12051.r
Pappalardo, R.T., Vance, S., Bagenal, F., Bills, B.G., Blaney, D.L., Blankenship, D.D., Brinckerhoff, W.B., Connerney, J.E.P., Hand, K.P., Hoehler, T.M., Kurth, W.S., McGrath, M.A., Mellon, M.T., Moore, J.M., Patterson, G.W., Prockter, L.M., Senske, D.A., Shock, E.L., Smith, D.E. (2013) Science potential from a Europa lander. Astrobiology 13, 740-773.r
Shock, E.L., Canovas, P., Yang, Z., Boyer, G., Johnson, K., Robinson, K., Fecteau, K., Windman, T., and Cox, A. (2013) Thermodynamics of organic transformations in hydrothermal fluids. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry 76, 311-350.r
Amend, J.P., LaRowe, D.E., McCollom, T.M., and Shock, E.L. (2013) The energetics of organic synthesis inside and outside the cell. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368, 20120255.r
Glein, C. and Shock, E.L. (2013) A geochemical model of non-ideal solutions in the methane-ethane-propane-nitrogen-acetylene system on Titan. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 115, 217-240.r
Kelemen, P., Al Rajhi, A., Godard, M., Ildefonse, B., Koepke, J., MacLeod, C., Manning, C., Michibayashi, K., Nasir, S., Shock, E., Takazawa, E. and Teagle, D. (2013) Scientific drilling and related research in the Samail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman. Scientific Drilling, No. 15, March 2013, 64-71, doi:10.2204/iodp.sd.15.10.2013r
Romano, C., D’Imperio, S., Woyke, T., Mavromatis, K., Laskin, R., Shock, E.L., and McDermott, T. (2013) Comparative genomic analysis of phylogenetically closely related Hydrogenobaculum sp. from Yellowstone National Park. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 79, 2932-2943.r
Manning, C.E., Shock E. L. and Sverjensky, D.A. (2013) The chemistry of carbon in aqueous fluids at crustal and upper-mantle conditions: experimental and theoretical constraints. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry 75, 109-148.r
Shipp, J., Gould, I., Herckes, P., Shock, E., Williams, L., and Hartnett, H. (2013) Organic functional group transformations in water at elevated temperature and pressure: Reversibility, reactivity, and mechanisms. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 104, 194-209.r
Marusenko, Y., Shipp, J., Hamilton, G.A., Morgan, J.L.L., Keebaugh, M., Hill, H., Dutta, A., Zhuo, X., Upadhyay, N., Hutchings, J., Herckes, P., Anbar, A., Shock, E., and Hartnett, H. (2013) Bioavailability of nanoparticulate hematite to Arabidopsis thaliana. Environmental Pollution 174, 150-156.r
Yang, Z., Gould, I.R., Williams, L., Hartnett, H., and Shock, E.L. (2012) The central role of ketones in reversible and irreversible hydrothermal organic functional group transformations. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 98, 48-65.r
Zhuo, X., Boone, C. and Shock, E. (2012) Soil lead distribution and environmental justice in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Environmental Justice 5, 206-213.r
Paukert, A.P., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P.B., Shock, E.L. and Havig, J.R. (2012) Reactive transport modeling of enhanced in situ CO2 mineralization in the peridotite of the Samail ophiolite aquifer, Sultanate of Oman. Chemical Geology 330-331, 86-100.r
Boyd, E.S., Fecteau, K., Havig, J.R., Shock, E.L. and Peters, J.W. (2012) Modeling the habitat range of phototrophic microorganisms in Yellowstone National Park: Toward the development of a comprehensive fitness landscape. Frontiers in Microbiological Chemistry 3, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00221.
Swingley, W.D., Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Alsop, E.B., Falenski, H.D., Havig, J.R., Shock, E.L. and Raymond, J. (2012) Coordinating environmental genomics and geochemistry reveals metabolic transitions in a hot spring ecosystem. PLoS ONE 7(6): e38108. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038108.

