  • Borges,Chad
  • Borges,Chad - 助理教授-亚利桑那州立大学-个人资料




Sherma N.D., Borges C.R., Trenchevska O., Jarvis J.W., Rehder D.S., Oran P.E., Nelson R.W., Nedelkov D. Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay for the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Cytokine Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF). Proteome Science 12(1):52, 2014.r
Borges C.R. and Lake D.F. Oxidative Protein Folding: Nature’s Knotty Challenge. Antioxid Redox Signal 21(3): 392-395, 2014.r
Borges C.R., Rehder D.S., Jensen S., Schaab M.R., Sherma N.D., Yassine H., Nikolova B., Breburda C. Elevated Plasma Albumin and Apolipoprotein A-I Oxidation under Suboptimal Specimen Storage Conditions. Mol Cell Proteomics 13(7):1890-1899, 2014.r
Zhao, Y., Ashcroft, B., Zhang, P., Liu, H., Sen, S., Song, W., Im, J., Gyarfas, B., Manna, S., Biswas, S., Borges, C., Lindsay, S. Single-molecule spectroscopy of amino acids and peptides by recognition tunneling. Nat Nanotechnol 9(6): 466-473, 2014.r
Oran P.E., Trenchevska O., Nedelkov D., Borges C.R., Schaab M.R., Rehder D.S., Jarvis J.W., Sherma N.D., Shen L., Krastins B., Lopez M.F., Schwenke D.C., Reaven P.D., Nelson R.W. Parallel workflow for high-throughput (>1,000 samples/day) quantitative analysis of human insulin-like growth factor 1 using mass spectrometric immunoassay. PLoS One, 9(3): e92801, 2014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092801.r
Borges C.R., Sherma N.D. Techniques for the Analysis of Cysteine Sulfhydryls and Oxidative Protein Folding. Antioxid Redox Signal, 21(3): 511-531, 2014.r
Yassine H.N., Jackson A.M., Borges C.R., Billheimer D., Koh H., Smith D., Reaven P., Lau S.S., Borchers C.H. The application of multiple reaction monitoring and multi-analyte profiling to HDL proteins. Lipids Health Dis 13(1): 8, 2014.r
Yassine, H., Borges, C.R., Schaab, M.R., Billheimer, D., Stump, C., Reaven, P., Lau, S.S., Nelson, R.W. Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay and Multiple Reaction Monitoring as Targeted MS-based Quantitative Approaches in Biomarker Development: Potential Applications to Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes. Proteomics Clin Appl, 7(7-8): 528-540, 2013.r
Borges, C.R., Rehder, D.S., Boffetta, P. Multiplexed surrogate analysis of glycotransferase activity in whole biospecimens. Anal Chem, 85: 2927-2936, 2013.r
Orsak, T., Smith, T.L., Eckert, D., Lindsley, J.E., Borges, C.R., Rutter, J. Revealing the Allosterome: Systematic Identification of Metabolite/Protein Interactions. Biochemistry, 51(1):225-32, 2012.r
Bley, C.J., Qi, X., Rand, D.P., Borges, C.R., Nelson, R.W., Chen, J.J.L. RNA-protein binding interface in the telomerase ribonucleoprotein. PNAS, 108(51): 20333-8, 2011.r
Oran, P.E., Jarvis, J.W., Borges, C.R., Sherma, N.D., Nelson, R.W. Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay of Intact Insulin and Related Variants for Population Proteomics Studies. Proteomics Clin Appl 5: 454-9, 2011.r
Borges, C.R., Oran, P.E., Buddi, S., Jarvis, J.W., Schaab, M.R., Rehder, D.S., Rogers, S. P., Taylor, T. and Nelson, R.W. Building Multidimensional Biomarker Views of Type 2 Diabetes Based on Protein Microheterogeneity. Clin.Chem 57: 719-728, 2011.r
Nelson, R.W., Borges, C.R. Mass spectrometric immunoassay revisited. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 22: 960-968, 2011.r
Rehder, D. S., Borges, C. R. Cysteine Sulfenic Acid as an Intermediate in Disulfide Bond Formation and Nonenzymatic Protein Folding, Biochemistry 49: 7748-7755, 2010.r
Oran, P.E., Sherma, N.D., Borges, C.R., Jarvis, J.W., Nelson, R.W. Intrapersonal and Populational Heterogeneity of the Chemokine RANTES. Clin Chem 56: 1432-1441, 2010.r
Rehder, D. S., Borges, C. R. Possibilities and pitfalls in quantifying the extent of cysteine sulfenic acid modification of specific proteins within complex biofluids. BMC Biochemistry 11: 25, 2010.r
Lopez, M.F., Rezai, T., Sarracino, D.A., Prakash, A., Krastins, B., Athanas, M., Singh, R.J., Barnidge, D.R., Oran, P.E., Borges, C.R., Nelson, R.W. Selected Reaction Monitoring–Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay Responsive to Parathyroid Hormone and Related Variants Clin Chem 56: 281-290, 2010.r
Borges, C.R., Rehder, D.S., Jarvis, J.W., Schaab, M.S., Oran, P.E., Nelson, R.W. Full length characterization of proteins in human populations Clin Chem 56: 202-211, 2010.
Oran, P.E., Jarvis, J.W., Borges, C.R., Nelson, R.W. C-peptide Microheterogeneity in Type 2 Diabetes Populations Proteomics Clin Appl 4: 1-6, 2010.

