  • Allen,Debbie
  • Allen,Debbie - 高级研究技术员-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




Yadav, R., Allen, D. 2016. Genetic mapping of root traits in Lolium perenne. Eucarpia 20th General Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 29/08/2016 - 01/09/2016.
Thorogood, D., Blackmore, T.M., Mathews, R., Allen, D., MacDuff, J.H., Hegarty, M.J. 2014. A genetic association between leaf elongation rate and flowering time in perennial ryegrass. In D. Sokolović., C. Huyghe., J. Radović. (eds) Quantitative Traits Breeding for Multifunctional Grasslands and Turf. Springer Nature pp. 267-271.
Yadav, R.S., Allen, D., Mathews, R., MacDuff, J.H. 2013. QTLs for nitrogen uptake and utilisation efficiencies in temperate forage grass, Lolium perenne. Plant and Animal Genome XXI, San Diego, California, United States of America, 12/01/2013 - 16/01/2013. Other
Yadav, R.S., Allen, D.K., Mathews, R., Macduff, J. 2011. QTL analysis of components of nitrogen use efficiency in a perennial ryegrass mapping family under high and low nitrate supply in flowing solution culture. EUCARPIA 29th Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 04/09/2011 - 08/09/2011.
Hazarika, S., Parkinson, R.J., Bol, R., Dixon, L., Russell, P.J., Donovan, S., Allen, D.K. 2009. Effect of tillage system and straw management on organic matter dynamics. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 29 (4) pp. 525-533. Cadair
Yadav, R.S., Macduff, J.H., Scollan, N.D., Allen, D.K., Mathews, R. 2009. Mapping and marker assisted selection of genomic regions associated with nitrogen use efficiency and other forage productivity traits in Lolium perenne cultivars. 18th Meeting of the Eucarpia Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section, La Rochelle, France, 10/05/2009 - 14/05/2009. pp. Abstract No: P82. Other

