2023-05-06 12:01
  • 汪晓峰
  • 汪晓峰 - 教授 博导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料




1984年 毕业于内蒙古大学
1984-1993年 内蒙赤峰市农牧学校教师
1993–1996年 沈阳农业大学基础部,获理学硕士学位
1996–1999年 中国农业大学生物学院 获理学博士学位
1999-至今 北京林业大学生物学院 副教授、教授、博士生导师
2006年6月-2007年1月,赴以色列农业研究中心(Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Centre, Israel)从事 ABA 调控植物抗旱分子机制研究工作。访问学者。
2013年7月-2013年8月,赴英国皇家植物园邱园(The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)种子库从事千年种子库研究工作。高级访问学者


1. 种子老化劣变分子调控机制; 2. 种子脱水耐性获得的分子生物学机制"专利
1. 汪晓峰,王昱,李莹. 一种种子抗老化剂及其制备方法(发明专利). 2017.08.25.
2. 汪晓峰,李加国. 一种控制种子萌发的包衣剂、包衣种子及其制备方法(发明专利). 2015.05.20.
3. 汪晓峰,李加国,郎思睿. 一种治沙飞播用种子包衣剂、包衣种子及其制备方法(发明专利). 2014.04.16.
4. 汪晓峰,刘晓霞,姜祛寒. 一种手动植物种子研磨器(实用新型专利). 2014.12.10.
1. 汪晓峰,薛华,沈昕. 分子生物学实验技术. 北京:中国林业出版社,2017.
2. 汪晓峰,刘雪萍. 生物化学实验技术. 北京:中国林业出版社,2011.
3. 汪晓峰,杨志敏. 高级生物化学实验. 北京:高教出版社出版,2010.

1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《一氧化氮调控家榆种子线粒体依赖性细胞死亡机制的研究》(2018.01-2019.12)
2. 参加“十三五”国家重点研发计划林业资源培育及高效利用技术创新重点专项《杨树工业资源材高效培育技术研究“白杨无性系与环境互作及幼化繁殖研究”专题》(2016.07-2020.12)3. 主持北京市自然科学基金面上项目《BnRAD23基因在种子脱水耐性获得中的作用机制》(2016.01-2018.06)
4. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《热激转录因子HSF调控种子耐脱水性获得的机理研究》(2013.1-2016.12)
5. 主持国家林业局948项目《千年种质库林木种质资源设施保存核心技术引入》(2011.1-2015.12)
6. 主持国家林业公益行业专项《种子超干及包覆技术在沙区生态修复中的应用研究》(2011.1-2015.12)"



1. Long Peng, Qi Sun, Hua Xue* and Xiaofeng Wang* (2018) iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals pathways associated with re-establishing desiccation tolerance in germinating seeds of Caragana korshinskii Kom. Journal of Proteomics, 179: 1-16.
2. Long Peng, Sirui Lang, Yu Wang, Hugh W. Pritchard and Xiaofeng Wang* (2017) Modulating role of ROS in re-establishing desiccation tolerance in germinating seeds of Caragana korshinskii Kom. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(13): 3585-3601.
3. Sirui Lang#, Xiaoxia Liu#, Hua Xue, Xu Li and Xiaofeng Wang* (2017) Functional characterization of BnHSFA4a as a heat-shock transcription factor in controlling the re-establishment of desiccation tolerance in seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(9): 2361-2375.
4. Ying Li, Yu Wang and Xiaofeng Wang* (2017) Changes in the mitochondrial protein profile due to ROS eruption during ageing of elm (Ulmus pumila L.) seeds. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 114: 72-87.
5. Liqiang Su, Qinying Lan, Hugh W. Pritchard, Hua Xue* and Xiaofeng Wang* (2017) Super absorbent polymer seed coatings promote seed germination and seedling growth of Caragana korshinskii in drought. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, 18(8): 696-706.
6. Liqiang Su, Qinying Lan, Hugh W. Pritchard, Hua Xue* and Xiaofeng Wang* (2016) Reactive oxygen species induced by cold stratification promote germination of hedysarum scoparium seeds. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 109: 406-415.
7. Yu Wang#, Ying Li#, Hua Xue, Hugh W. Pritchard and Xiaofeng Wang* (2015) Reactive oxygen species (ROS)- provoked mitochondria-dependent cell death during ageing of elm (Ulmus pumila L.) seeds. The Plant Journal, 81: 438-452.
8. Xiaoxia Liu#, Sirui Lang#, Liqiang Su, Xin Liu and Xiaofeng Wang* (2015) Improved Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and high efficiency of root formation from hypocotyl meristem of spring Brassica napus 'Precocity' cultivar. Genetics and Molecular Research, 14(4), 16840-16855.
9. Jiaguo Li, Yu Wang, Hugh W. Pritchard and Xiaofeng Wang* (2014) The ?uxes of H2O2 and O2 can be used to evaluate seed germination and vigor of Caragana korshinskii. Planta, 239:1363-1373.
10. Sirui Lang#, Xiaoxia Liu#, Gang Ma, Qinying Lan and Xiaofeng Wang* (2014) Identification of desiccation tolerance transcripts potentially involved in rape (Brassica napus L.) seeds development and germination. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 83, 316-326.
11. Die Hu, Gang Ma, Qiong Wang, Jinghan Yao, Hugh W. Pritchard and Xiaofeng Wang* (2012) Spatial and temporal nature of reactive oxygen species production and programmed cell death in elm (Ulmus pumila L.) seeds during controlled deterioration. Plant, Cell and Environment, 35: 2045-2059.
12. Xu Li, Jia Jin Zhou, Ying Jing, Xiao Liu and Xiaofeng Wang* (2011) Expression of galactinol synthase gene are positively associated with desiccation tolerance of Brassica napus seeds during development. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168: 17 611-770.
13. Haiping Sun, Lin Li, Xu Wang, Sen Wu and Xiaofeng Wang? (2011) Ascorbate-glutathione cycle of mitochondria in osmoprimed soybean cotyledons in response to imbibitional chilling injury. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168: 226-232.
14. Ming Zhang, Jiajin Zhuo, Xu Wang, Sen Wu and Xiaofeng Wang* (2010) Optimizing seed water content: relevance to storage stability and molecular mobility. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52 (3): 324-331.
15. Xu Li, Yongqing Yang, Ming Zhang and Xiaofeng Wang* (2010) Effect of PEG priming on plasma membrane H+-ATPase activities and mitochondrium function in soybean seeds. Seed Science and Technology, 38: 49-60.
16. Jiajin Zhuo, Weixiang Wang, Yun Lu, Wu Sen and Xiaofeng Wang* (2009) Osmopriming-regulated changes of plasma membrane composition and function were inhibited by phenylarsine oxide in soybean seeds. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 51(9):858-867.

