2023-05-06 08:57
  • 郑晓静
  • 郑晓静 - 教授-北京大学-工学院-个人资料








Liu H Y, Wang G H, Zheng X J*, 2019. Amplitude modulation between multi-scale turbulent motions in high-Reynolds-number atmospheric surface layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 861: 585-607.
Hu R F, Zheng X J*, 2018. Energy contributions by inner and outer motions in turbulent channel flows. Physical Review Fluids, 3(8): 084607.
Zhang Y Y, Hu R F, Zheng X J*, 2018. Large-scale coherent structures of suspended dust concentration in the neutral atmospheric surface layer: A large-eddy simulation study. Physics of Fluids, 30(4): 046601.
Liu H Y, Wang G H, Zheng X J*, 2017. Spatial length scales of large-scale structures in atmospheric surface layers. Physical Review Fluids, 2(6): 064606.
Wang G H, Zheng X J*, Tao J J*, 2017. Very large scale motions and PM10 concentration in a high-Re boundary layer. Physics of Fluids, 29(6): 061701.
Wang X N, Zheng X J*, Wang P, 2017. Direct numerical simulation of particle-laden plane turbulent wall jet and the influence of Stokes number. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 92: 82-92.
Wang G H, Zheng X J*, 2016. Very large scale motions in the atmospheric surface layer: a field investigation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 802: 464-489.
Wang P, Zheng X J*, 2015. Unsteady saltation on Mars. Icarus, 260: 161-166.
Zheng X J*, 2013. Electrification of wind-blown sand: Recent advances and key issues. European Physical Journal E, 36: 138.
Zheng X J*, Zhang J H, Wang G H, Liu H Y, Zhu W, 2013. Investigation on Very Large Scale Motions (VLSMs) and their influence in a dust storm. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(2): 306-314.
Duan S Z, Zhu W, Zheng X J*, 2013. Numerical investigation on two-grain-bed collisions in windblown sand transport. Powder Technology, 235: 431-436.
Ye X.Y, Wang D M, Zheng X J*, 2012. Influence of particle rotation on the oblique penetration in granular media. Physical Review E, 86(6): 061304. (IF: 2.366;
Li X C, Xie L, Zheng X J*, 2012. The comparison between the mie theory and the rayleigh approximation to calculate the EM scattering by partially charged sand, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113(3): 251-258.
Wang D M, Ye X Y, Zheng X J*, 2012. The scaling and dynamics of a projectile obliquely impacting a granular medium. European Physical Journal E, 35: 7.
Hu W W, Xie L, Zheng X J*, 2012. Contact charging of silica glass particles in a single collision. Applied Physics Letters, 101: 114105-114107.
Ma G S, Zheng X J*, 2011. The fluctuation property of blown sand particles and the wind-sand flow evolution studied by numerical method. European Physical Journal E, 34(5): 54.
Zheng X J*, Zhang J H, 2010. Characteristics of near-surface turbulence during a dust storm passing Minqin on March 19, 2010. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(27-28): 3107-3112.( 郑晓静, 张静红. 2010年3月19日沙尘暴期间甘肃民勤地区近地表的湍流性质. 科学通报, 55(22): 2235-2240.)
Huang N, Yue G W, Zheng X J*, 2008. Numerical simulations of a dust devil and the electric field in it. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 113(D20): D20203.
Zhu L L, Qiao L, Zheng X J*, 2007. Molecular dynamics simulation of the elastic properties of metal nanowires in a transverse electric field. Nanotechnology, 18(38): 385703.
Zheng X J, Huang N*, Zhou Y H, 2003. Laboratory measurement of electrification of wind-blown sands and simulation of its effect on and saltation movement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D10): D104322.

