个人简介 1985 上海医科大学医学学士 1988 复旦大学哲学硕士 1990 美国北卡罗来纳大学公共卫生硕士 1994 美国北卡罗来纳大学流行病学哲学博士1995-1997 美国明尼苏达大学流行病学博士后1997-1999 美国肯塔基大学医学院医学系心血管内科助理教授1997-1999 美国肯塔基大学医学院预防医学系助理教授1999-2005 美国联邦疾病预防与控制中心心血管健康处副教授、科主任2005-2011 美国国立健康研究院国家心肺血液病研究所教授、科主任2010-2016 上海交通大学冠名讲席教授、公共卫生学院院长2015-2016 乔治全球卫生研究所(北京)所长(兼)2016-2017 上海交通大学冠名讲席教授、流行病学与生物统计学系主任2017-至今 教授,博士生导师,公共卫生学院全球卫生学系主任代表性科研项目 1.一带一路国家卫生发展政策研究2.全球卫生青年领袖培育计划3.全球心脏急救计划4.急性心肌梗死发作的诱导因素研究5.室性心律紊乱的诱导因素研究研究领域
主要研究方向 1.全球卫生战略2.医疗急救体系与政策3.慢性非传染性疾病流行规律与干预策略近期论文
10篇代表性论文 1. Zheng ZJ, Croft JB, Giles WH, Mensah GA. Sudden cardiac Death in the United States, 1989-1998. Circulation 2001; 104:2158-2163. 2. McGruder HF, Greenlund KJ, Malarcher AM, Antoine TL, Croft JB; Zheng ZJ. Racial and Ethnic Disparities associated with knowledge of symptoms of heart attack and use of 9-1-1: National Health Interview Survey, 2001. Ethnicity and Diseases. 2008;18(2)-192-7. 3. Xie J, Wu EQ, Zheng ZJ, Sullivan PW, Zhan L, Labarthe DR. Patient-reported health status in coronary heart disease in the United States: age, sex, racial, and ethnic differences. Circulation. 2008 Jul 29;118(5):491-7. 4. Smith SC, Jr, Zheng ZJ. The impending cardiovascular pandemic in China. Circulation: Cardiovascular Outcomes and Quality 2010;3(3):226-227. 5. Fishman GI, Chugh SS, DiMarco J, Albert CM, Anderson M, Bonow RO, Buxton A, Chen PS, Estes M, Jouven X, Kwong R, Lathrop D, Mascette A, Nerbonne J, O’Rourke B, Page R, Roden D, Rosenbaum DS, Sotoodehnia N, Trayanova N, Zheng ZJ. Sudden Cardiac Death Prediction and Prevention. Circulation 2010; 122(22):2335-48. 6. Canto JG, Rogers WJ, Goldberg RJ, Peterson ED, Wenger NK, Vaccarino V, Kiefe CI, Frederick PD, Sopko G, Zheng ZJ, for the NRMI Investigators. Relationship of Age to Sex Differences in Myocardial Infarction Presentation and Mortality in the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction (NRMI). JAMA. 2012;307(8):813-822 7. Feltner C, Jones CD, Cene CW, Zheng ZJ, Sueta CA, Coker-Schwimmer EJL, Arvanitis M, Lohr KN, Middleton JC, Jonas DE. Transitional Care Interventions to Prevent Readmissions for People with Heart Failure: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160(11):774-84. 8. Zhang L, Narayanan K, Chugh H, Shiota T, Zheng ZJ, Chugh SS. Factors Influencing Utilization of the Primary Prevention Implantable Defibrillator. PLoS ONE, 2015. 10(3): e0121515. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121515 9. Liu F, Zhang L, Ge M, Xing J, You BQ, Zhang XH, Shi OM, Bobrow B, LaBresh KA, Trisolini MG, and Zheng ZJ. Public Health Interventions to Improve Access and Quality of Care for Patients with Acute Cardiac Events: Overview of The HeartRescue China Program. Cardiol Plus 2016, 1 (2):33-40 10. Shi OM, Khan AM, Rezai MR, Jackevicius CA, Cox J, Atzema CL,Ko DT, Stukel TA, Lambert LJ, Natarajan MK, Zheng ZJ, Tu JV. Factors associated with door-in to door-out delays among ST- segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients transferred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a population-based cohort study in Ontario, Canada. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2018; 18:204-12美国心脏学院会士、美国心脏协会会士、中国医学救援协会心血管急救分会副会长、中国预防医学会心血管预防委员会副主任委员、中国医师协会公共卫生医师分会副会长、中国心脏学会常务理事、中国高血压联盟常务理事。 相关热点