2023-05-05 16:04
  • 高彦梅
  • 高彦梅 - 副教授 博导-北京大学-外国语学院-个人资料




性 别:女


2002 北京师范大学外文系,英语语言文学博士
系统功能语法 (研究生)
学术阅读与评价 I (研究生)
语义学 (研究生)
英语词汇与英美文化 (本科生)

2015,2014-2015 年度教学优秀奖
2014,专著初稿获 2014 年上半年(总第 44 批)北京市社会科学理论著作出版基金资助
2013,北京大学 2012-2013 学年度优秀班主任
2012,2011-2012 年度教学优秀奖
2011,北京大学 2011 年度北京银行奖教金
2006,北京市精品教材 (总主编黄必康,本人为第三册主编)

高彦梅,2015. Gao, Yanmei. Monograph:Constructing Semantic Frames in Discourse (《语篇语义框架研究》。 北京:北京大学出版社。
高彦梅,2004. Gao Yanmei. Monograph:A Multifunctional Approach to the Semantics of Function Words. Beijing: Peking University Press.

高彦梅等译,2015. Translation: The Language of Early Childhood韩立德文集第四卷《婴幼儿的语言》 (M.A.K. Halliday 著)(本人担任主译和审校)。北京:北京大学出版社。

论文集 (第二主编)
Li Shujing & Gao Yanmei (eds.) 2010. Language Learning and New Technologies—Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Learning at Peking University. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Gao, Yanmei, (ed.). 2012. College English Book 3 (revised edition). Beijing: Peking University Press. The “Eleventh Five-Year Plan National level official textbook” and the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan National level official textbook”. [“《大学英语教程》(第三册)(修订版)”,北京大学出版社。]
Gao, Yanmei & Sha, Luyin, (eds.) 2010. New English Course-Student’s Book 2. Beijing: Peking University Press. [高彦梅、沙露茵主编《新编英语教程》(下册),北京大学出版社。]
Gao, Yanmei & Sha, Luyin, (eds.) 2010. New English Course- Student’s Book (Student Handbook). Beijing: Peking University Press. [高彦梅、沙露茵主编《新编英语教程》(自学手册)。北京大学出版社。]
Gao, Yanmei & Sha, Luyin, (eds.) 2009. New English Course-Student’s Book 1. Beijing: Peking University Press. [高彦梅、沙露茵主编《新编英语教程》(上册),北京大学出版社。]

2017- 至今 , 参与者 : “Preparing global researchers through internationalising Higher Degree Research education”,Griffith University.
2015,主持人:北京大学研究生创新项目《北京大学-格里菲斯联合培养双学位硕士项目建设和可持续 发展研究》。


Non-Subject Topics in Spoken Chinese: A Discourse Semantics Perspective. International Systemic Functional Linguistics Forum—2018 Peking University, 20-21 Oct. 2018.
Evaluative Patterns of Responsive Genres and Genre Awareness. Systemic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Education Forum,16 Oct 2017.[“回应性语类的评价模式与语类意识”。“系统功能语言学与外语教育论坛”。北京:北京师范大学。]
Dialogic Resonance and Cohesive Harmony. The 5th Seminar of Higher Education. Beijing: 25-26 May, 2015. [“对话共鸣与衔接和谐”,“博雅大学堂-第五届全国高校语言学高级研修班”。北京:2015年4月25至26日。]


Gao, Yanmei, 2018. Dialogic resonance and cohesive harmony. Modern Foreign Languages. Vol 3: 320-332. [“对话共鸣与衔接和谐”,《现代外语》 (3): 320-332。]
Gao, Yanmei, 2018. Contextual metaphor: Mapping and deviation. Foreign Languages in China. (1):39- 47 [“语境隐喻中的映射与偏离”,《中国外语》 (1):39-47。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2017. Systemic variations of semantic choices. Linguistic Research (21): 59-72. [“语义特征 选择的系统性差异”,《语言学研究》 (21): 59-72。]
Lv Guoyan & Gao Yanmei. 2017. Verb types, process types and incident structure: From lexis to discourse semantics. In J. Webster & Xuanwei Peng (eds.) Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics— The State of Art in China Today. London: Bloomsbury. 87-101.
Gao, Yanmei. 2015. Du Bois’ dialogic syntax. Linguistic Research (17): 71-76 [“Du Bois 的对话句法”,《语言学研究》 (17): 71-76。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2015. Early language development and language learning. In M.A.K. Halliday. The Language of Early Childhood. Beijing: Peking University Press. [“早期语言发展与语言学习”,载《婴幼儿语言》(中文版)。北京:北京大学出版社。]
Gao, Yanmei & Brendan Bartlett. 2014. Opportunities and Challenges for negotiating appropriate EAP practices in China—A case study. In Liyanage, I., & Walker, T. (Eds.). EAP in Asia:Negotiating Appropriate Practices in a Global Context. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Pp 13-32.
Gao, Yanmei, 2013. Incident structure in ideational system—bottom-up construe of experience in discourse. Linguistic Research. (13): 98-111. [“概念体系中的事件结构—自下而上的语篇经验建构”,《语言学研究》(13): 98-111。]
Gao, Yanmei. and Ma, Xu. 2013. Gender difference in stance taking in EFL discourse. Linguistic Research,12: 47-63.
Gao, Yanmei. 2012. Defining “phase” in discourse semantics. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (3): 137-149. [“语篇语义结构中的‘相’”,《当代外语研究》(3): 54-59。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2012. Subject, stance and alignment. In Qian Jun (ed.) Language Studies and Foreign Language Teaching. Pp 137-149. [“主体、立场、结盟”,载钱军主编《语言研究与外语教学》论文集。 137-149。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2011. Attribution of stance in EFL writings at tertiary level. In Zhongshe Lu, Weimin Zhang and Aaron Crippen. (eds.) Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning at Tertiary Level. Kowloon: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Press. Pp 415-426.
Gao, Yanmei. 2011. The development of discourse semantic theories in the West. Linguistic Research. (10): 48-58. [“西方语篇语义学理论发展概述”,《语言学研究》(10): 48-58。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2010. Zellig Harris and early discourse studies. Linguistic Research (8):29-39. [“Zellig Harris 与早期语篇研究”,《语言学研究》(8): 29-39。]
Gao Yanmei, Tian Jianqiu, Zhang Min. 2010. Learners’ evaluation of online learning resources. In Li Shujing& Gao Yanmei (eds.). Language Learning and New Technologies—Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Learning at Peking University. Beijing: Peking University Press. pp133-144.
Gao, Yanmei. 2009. An evidential analysis of Empires of the Mind. Linguistic Research (7): 109-120. [“《思想帝国》的言据性分析”,《语言学研究》(7):109-120。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2008. English Lexicology: Objectives, content and methodology. In Zhang Hua (ed.) English Lexicology. Beijing: Peking University Press. [“英语词汇学:目标、内容与方法”,载《实用英语词汇学》2008,北京:北京大学出版社。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2005. An introduction to Gunnel Tottie’s An Introduction to American English. In Gunnel Tottie An Introduction to American English. Beijing: Peking University Press. [“《美国英语入门》导读”, 载 Gunnel Tottie《美国英语入门》,北京:北京大学出版社。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2004. Interpreting the Definite Article The. Linguistic Research. [“语言学理论对 the 的多视角解释”,《语言学研究》第 2 辑。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2004. Discourse Presupposition. Linguistic Research 3. [“语篇预设”, 《语言学研究》第3辑。]
Gao, Yanmei. A Cognitive Approach to the Cohesive Functions of Pronouns. Foreign Languages Research 1: 26-30. [“代词衔接功能的认知研究”,《外语学刊》第 1 期: 26—30。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2001. Function Word Studies before the 20th Century. In Qian Jun (ed.) Linguistics: China andthe World. [“二十世纪以前的功能词研究”,载《语言学—中国与世界同步》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社。]
Gao, Yanmei. Discourse Competence –Evidence from Lexical Density. Foreign Language Education 24(5): 65-68. [“运用 LD 评估语篇能力”,《外语教学》第 5 期: 65-68。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2002,The Strata of Reference. Journal of Foreign Languages 139(3): 51-56. [“指称的层次”,《外国语》第 3 期 51-56。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2001. Function Word Studies since the 20th Century. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching(145 (20-22). [“20 世纪以来的功能词研究”,《外语与外语教学》第 5 期:20-22。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2001. How do Interjections Realize the Tenor of Discourse. Foreign Language Education 22(3):14-18. [“感叹词如何体现话语基调”,《外语教学》第 3 期。2001 年被人大报刊资料中 心《语言文字学》全文转载。]
Gao, Yanmei. 2000. A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Interjections. Shandong Foreign Language Education 4: 13-18. [“汉英感叹词对比研究”,《山东外语教学》第 5 期:13-18。]
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《语言学研究》(CSSCI 集刊)编辑部主任,编委;
Functional Linguistics 审稿专家。

