


Offices held
SBS Board of Studies
SBS Academic Staff
SBS Teaching Staff


Edwards-jones, G., Canals, LMI., Hounsome, N., Truninger, M., Koerber, G., Hounsome, B., Cross, P., York, EH., Hospido, A., Plassmann, K., Harris, IM., Edwards, RT., Day, GAS., Tomos, AD., Cowell, SJ., Jones, DL., (2008) Testing the assertion that 'local food is best': the challenges of an evidence-based approach, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 19(5), 265-274.
Love, AJ., Laval, V., Geri, C., Laird, J., Tomos, AD., Hooks, MA., Milner, JJ., (2007) Components of Arabidopsis defense- and ethylene-signaling pathways regulate susceptibility to Cauliflower mosaic virus by restricting long-distance movement, Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions, 20(6), 659-670.
Roberts, K., Love, AJ., Laval, V., Laird, J., Tomos, AD., Hooks, MA., Milner, JJ., (2007) Long-distance movement of Cauliflower mosaic virus and host defence responses in Arabidopsis follow a predictable pattern that is determined by the leaf orthostichy, New Phytologist, 175(4), 707-717.
Farrell, AD., Ougham, HJ., Tomos, AD., (2006) The effect of gibberellic acid on the response of leaf extension to low temperature, Plant Cell and Environment, 29(7), 1329-1337.
Voitsekhovskaja, OV., Koroleva, OA., Batashev, DR., Knop, C., Tomos, AD., Gamalei, YV., Heldt, HW., Lohaus, G., (2006) Phloem loading in two Scrophulariaceae species. What can drive symplastic flow via plasmodesmata?, Plant Physiology, 140(1), 383-395.
Pritchard, J., Tomos, AD., Farrar, JE., Minchin, PEH., Gould, N., Paul, MJ., Macrae, EA., Ferrieri, RA., Gray, DW., Thorpe, MR., (2004) Turgor, solute import and growth in maize roots treated with galactose, Functional Plant Biology, 31(11), 1095-1103.
Darwent, MJ., Paterson, E., Mcdonald, AJS., Tomos, AD., (2003) Biosensor reporting of root exudation from Hordeum vulgare in relation to shoot nitrate concentration, Journal of Experimental Botany, 54(381), 325-334.
Kenny, DA., Humpherson, PG., Leese, HJ., Morris, DG., Tomos, AD., Diskin, MG., Sreenan, JM., (2002) Effect of elevated systemic concentrations of ammonia and urea on the metabolite and ionic composition of oviductal fluid in cattle, Biology of Reproduction, 66(6), 1797-1804.
Koroleva, OA., Tomos, AD., Farrar, J., Pollock, CJ., (2002) Changes in osmotic and turgor pressure in response to sugar accumulation in barley source leaves, Planta, 215(2), 210-219.
Laval, V., Koroleva, OA., Murphy, E., Lu, CG., Milner, JJ., Hooks, MA., Tomos, AD., (2002) Distribution of actin gene isoforms in the Arabidopsis leaf measured in microsamples from intact individual cells, Planta, 215(2), 287-292.
Lu, CG., Koroleva, OA., Farrar, JF., Gallagher, J., Pollock, CJ., Tomos, AD., (2002) Rubisco small subunit, chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and sucrose : fructan-6-fructosyl transferase gene expression and sugar status in single barley leaf cells in situ. Cell type specificity and induction by light, Plant Physiology, 130(3), 1335-1348.
Koroleva, OA., Tomos, AD., Farrar, JF., Gallagher, J., Pollock, CJ., (2001) Carbon allocation and sugar status in individual cells of barley leaves affects expression of Sucrose: Fructan 6- Fructosyltransferase gene, Annals of Applied Biology, 138(1), 27-32.
Tomos, AD., Sharrock, RA., (2001) Cell sampling and analysis (SiCSA): metabolites measured at single cell resolution, Journal of Experimental Botany, 52(356), 623-630.
Korolev, AV., Tomos, AD., Farrar, JF., (2000) The trans-tissue pathway and chemical fate of C-14 photoassimilate in carrot taproot, New Phytologist, 147(2), 299-306.
Koroleva, OA., Davies, A., Deeken, R., Thorpe, MR., Tomos, AD., Hedrich, R., (2000) Identification of a new glucosinolate-rich cell type in Arabidopsis flower stalk, Plant Physiology, 124(2), 599-608.
Tomos, AD., Leigh, RA., (1999) The pressure probe: A versatile tool in plant cell physiology, Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 50, 447-+.
Bazzanella, A., Lochmann, H., Tomos, AD., Bachmann, K., (1998) Determination of inorganic cations and anions in single plant cells by capillary zone electrophoresis, Journal of Chromatography a, 809(1-2), 231-239.
Hinde, P., Richardson, P., Koyro, HW., Tomos, AD., (1998) Quantitative X-ray microanalysis of solutes in individual plant cells: a comparison of microdroplet and in situ frozen-hydrated data, Journal of Microscopy-oxford, 191, 303-310.
Koroleva, OA., Farrar, JF., Tomos, AD., Pollock, CJ., (1998) Carbohydrates in individual cells of epidermis, mesophyll, and bundle sheath in barley leaves with changed export or photosynthetic rate, Plant Physiology, 118(4), 1525-1532.
Koroleva, OA., Farrar, JF., Tomos, AD., Pollock, CJ., (1997) Patterns of solute in individual mesophyll, bundle sheath and epidermal cells of barley leaves induced to accumulate carbohydrate, New Phytologist, 136(1), 97-104.
Price, AH., Tomos, AD., Virk, DS., (1997) Genetic dissection of root growth in rice (Oryza sativa L) .1. a hydrophonic screen, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 95(1-2), 132-142.
Price, AH., Tomos, AD., (1997) Genetic dissection of root growth in rice (Oryza sativa L) .2. mapping quantitative trait loci using molecular markers, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 95(1-2), 143-152.
Price, AH., Young, EM., Tomos, AD., (1997) Quantitative trait loci associated with stomatal conductance, leaf rolling and heading date mapped in upland rice (Oryza sativa), New Phytologist, 137(1), 83-91.
Griffiths, A., Parry, AD., Jones, HG., Tomos, AD., (1996) Abscisic acid and turgor pressure regulation in tomato roots, Journal of Plant Physiology, 149(3-4), 372-376.

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