  • Subbe,ChristianPeter
  • Subbe,ChristianPeter - 博士-班戈大学-个人资料




Current position
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Acute and Critical Care Medicine since 2009
Consultant in Acute, Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine at the Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor, since 2011.
Educational background
1986 - National Medical School Entry Test: 97th percentile
1986-92 - Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster, Medical School and Cologne University, Medical School, both in Germany.
Academic qualifications
1992 - MB.BS. (3. Staatsexamen), University of Cologne
1994 - D.M. University of Cologne, Doctor of Medicine by Thesis (with honours)
1998 - MRCP Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, London
2006 - CCT Certificate of Completion of Training in General, Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine
External academic activities
Faculty for Rapid Response to Acute Illness (RRAILS) for the 1000 lives plus campaign.
Member Royal College of Physicians Working Party on NHS Early Warning Score (ongoing).
Peer reviewer for Resuscitation, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care, Mayo Proceedings, European Journal of Internal Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.
Study Steering Group for: “SPOT (light)”, a multi-centre study of critical illness prior to admission to Intensive Care, sponsored by ICNAR and the Wellcome Trust
INVENT grant for AMPLiFIRE, a software interface for patients and carers in 2012.
VITAL II study on intelligent bedside monitoring, sponsored by Philips Healthcare in 2011.
Award of SHINE grant (£ 75,000,-) by the Health Foundation for a program to use triage data to reduce hospital length in acute medical admissions as project with Bangor University in 2010.
Prospective observational study of a Simple Clinical Score in a District General Hospital (Grant by North-East Wales NHS Trust over £5.000,- in 2008)
Development of a course for Health Care Assistants to improve recognition of critical illness.
(Grant by North-East Wales NHS Trust over £4500,- in 2006)
Evaluation of outreach services in critical care in England (NHS R&D Service Delivery & Organisation Programme SDO/74/2004, under the lead of Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) over £250.000,-)
Scadding-Morriston-Davies Joint Fellowship in Respiratory Medicine to investigate the function and functioning of weaning centres in the USA, June and July 2004
Travelling Fellowship from the Welsh Intensive Care Society to present at the European Intensive Care Society Meeting in Barcelona 2002
Travelling Fellowship from North-East Wales NHS Trust to the Ecole National de Santé Publique in Rennes, France in 2002
Fellowship at the Lungen-Fachklinik Hemer, Germany 2002
Harold Thomas Travelling Scholarship for best presentation, Welsh Thoracic Society and West Midlands Thoracic Society, Shropshire, 2002
Presentation prize, Welsh Intensive Care Society Meeting, Porthmeirion, 2001
Presentation prize, Welsh Thoracic Society and West Country Chest Physicians Meeting, Cardiff, 2001
Presentation prize Hospital Symposium, Wrexham Maelor Hospital, Wrexham 2000


Le Jeune I, Masterton-Smith C, Subbe CP, Ward D.

标签: 班戈大学

