  • Bosch,Maurice
  • Bosch,Maurice - 高级讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




I received my PhD at the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in 2002 on a thesis entitled A Functional Study of Pistil-Specific Proline-Rich Glycoproteins under supervision of Titti Mariani. For my first postdoctoral work I moved to the US to join the lab of Peter Hepler (University of Massachusetts, Amherst).
In Peter's lab I further developed my research interest in studying structural cell wall components and cell wall dynamics. My research focused on the regulation of cell wall pectin dynamics by the enzyme pectin methylesterase using pollen tubes as a model system.
In 2005 I joined the lab of Noni Franklin-Tong in Birmingham and studied the temporal and spatial activation of caspase-like activities essential for the execution of Programmed Cell Death induced in self incompatible Papaver pollen.


da Costa, R., Pattathil, S., Avci, U., Lee, S.J., Hazen, S.P., Winters, A., Hahn, M., Bosch, M. 2017. A Cell wall Reference Profile for Miscanthus Bioenergy-crops Highlights Compositional and Structural Variations Associated with Development and Organ Origin. New Phytologist 213 (4) pp. 1710-1725. Cadair
Shah, I., Donnison, I., Insole, J., Winters, A., Dalton, S., Woodman, T., Bosch, M., Threadgill, M.D. 2016. (In press) An efficient assay for ferulic acid esterase and para-coumaric acid esterases in plants at physiologically relevant activities. Cell Chemistry and Biology 6 (5) pp. 300-311.
Fisher, L., Han, J., Corke, F., Akinyemi, A., Didion, T., Nielsen, K.K., Doonan, J., Mur, L., Bosch, M. 2016. Linking dynamic phenotyping with metabolite analysis to study natural variation in drought responses of Brachypodium distachyon. Frontiers in Plant Science 7 1751 Cadair
Wootton-Beard, P., Xing, Y., Durai Prabhakaran, R.T., Robson, P., Bosch, M., Thornton, J., Ormondroyd, G., Jones, P., Donnison, I. 2016. Review: Improving the impact of plant science on urban planning and design. Buildings 6 (4) Cadair
Fernandes Da Costa, R.M., Allison, G., Bosch, M. 2015. Cell wall biomass preparation and Fourier transform mid-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to study cell wall composition. Bio-protocol 5 (11)
Wilkins, K.A., Bosch, M., Haque, T., Teng, N., Poulter, N.S., Franklin-Tong, V.E. 2015. Self-Incompatibility-induced Programmed Cell Death in Papaver pollen involves dramatic acidification of the incompatible pollen tube cytosol. Plant Physiology 167 (3) pp. 766-779. Cadair
Allison, G.G., Cookson, A.R., Bosch, M., Donnison, I.S. 2014. Chemometric analysis of hyperspectral Raman datasets to explore plant cell wall composition and architecture. Eigen U, Seattle, United States of America, 27/04/2014 - 02/05/2014.
Allison, G.G., Cookson, A.R., Bosch, M., Donnison, I.S. 2014. Chemometric analysis of hyperspectral Raman datasets to explore plant cell wall composition and architecture. 3rd AgriNet International Conference on Plant Chemical Biology, Maidenhead, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 16/05/2014 - 16/05/2014.

