  • Chalmers,Iain
  • Chalmers,Iain - 讲师-亚伯里斯特威斯大学-个人资料




Lecturer in Veterinary Biosciences, IBERS, Aberstwyth University, UK
EU-funded Post-Doctoral Research Associate, IBERS, Aberystwyth University, UK
Research Technician, IBERS, Aberystwyth University, UK
Wellcome Trust PhD programme, under supervision of Dr. Karl Hoffmann, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, UK
BSc (Hons.) Degree in Immunology, Edinburgh University, UK


Reimers, N., Homann, A., Höschler, B., Langhans, K., Wilson, R.A., Pierrot, C., Khalife, J., Grevelding, C.G., Chalmers, I.W., Yazdanbakhsh, M., Hoffmann, K.F., Hokke, C.H., Haas, H., Schramm, G. 2015. Drug-Induced Exposure of Schistosoma mansoni Antigens SmCD59a and SmKK7. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9 (3) e0003593 Cadair
Chalmers, I.W., Fitzsimmons, C.M., Brown, M., Pierrot, C., Jones, F.M., Wawrzyniak, J.M., Fernandez-Fuentes, N., Tukahebwa, E.M., Dunne, D.W., Khalife, J., Hoffmann, K.F. 2015. Human IgG1 Responses to Surface Localised Schistosoma mansoni Ly6 Family Members Drop following Praziquantel Treatment. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9 (7) pp. e0003920. Cadair
Farnell, E.J., Tyagi, N., Ryan, S., Chalmers, I.W., Pinot de Moira, A., Jones, F.M., Wawrzyniak, J., Fitzsimmons, C.M., Tukahebwa, E.M., Furnham, N., Maizels, R.M., Dunne, D.W. 2015. Known Allergen Structures Predict Schistosoma mansoni IgE-Binding Antigens in Human Infection. Frontiers in Immunology 6 pp. 26. Cadair
Yoshino, T.P., Brown, M., Wu, X., Jackson, C.J., Ocadiz-Ruiz, R., Chalmers, I.W., Kolb, M., Hokke, C.H., Hoffmann, K.F. 2014. Excreted/secreted Schistosoma mansoni venom allergen-like 9 (SmVAL9) modulates host extracellular matrix remodelling gene expression. International Journal for Parasitology 44 (8) pp. 551-563. Cadair
Geyer, K.K., Chalmers, I.W., MacKintosh, N.D., Hirst, J.E., Geoghegan, R., Badets, M., Brophy, P.M., Brehm, K., Hoffmann, K.F. 2013. Cytosine methylation is a conserved epigenetic feature found throughout the phylum Platyhelminthes. BMC Genomics 14 462 Cadair
Chalmers, I.W., Hoffmann, K.F. 2012. Platyhelminth venom allergen-like (VAL) proteins: revealing structural diversity, class specific features and biological associations across the phylum. Parasitology 139 (10) pp. 1231-1245.
Fitzsimmons, C.M., Jones, F.M., Stearn, A., Chalmers, I.W., Hoffmann, K.F., Wawrzyniak, J., Wilson, S., Kabatereine, N.B., Dunne, D.W. 2012. The Schistosoma mansoni tegumental-allergen-like (TAL) protein family: influence of developmental expression on human IgE responses. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6 (4) e1593 Cadair

