  • Huber,Roland
  • Huber,Roland - 助理首席调查员--个人资料




Roland G. Huber studied Chemistry at the University of Innsbruck and wrote his master and PhD thesis in the laboratory of Prof. Klaus R. Liedl on entropy and biomolecular dynamics in ligand binding. He was awarded a DOC fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which allowed him to complete parts of his study at the laboratory of Prof. William L. Jorgensen at Yale University. After completing his PhD, he joined the group of Peter J. Bond at BII, A*STAR Singapore in 2014. In 2016, Roland G. Huber was awarded a Young Investigator Grant by the Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), A*STAR to conduct research on the interactions of viral proteins with viral genomic RNA in collaboration with researchers from GIS, A*STAR and Duke-NUS medical school, and hosted collaborators through an EMBO short-term fellowship. In 2019 he was appointed as Assistant Principal Investigator at BII, A*STAR.


"""Roland G. Huber’s research focuses on the structure and function of RNA. The key focus in on integrating sequence, structural, and computational methods to elucidate key functional regions of viral and human RNA. RNA adopts a wide diversity of structure, but at the same time exhibits a high degree of flexibility and a plurality of interactions. This makes functional RNA structures challenging to approach with classical biomolecular structure elucidation techniques alone, and calls for new integrative data analysis approaches."""


De Falco L, Silva NM, Huber RG, Martins IC. The Pseudo-Circular Genomes of Flaviviruses: Structures, Mechanisms, and Functions of Circularization. Cells 2021, 10(3), 642. doi: 10.3390/cells10030642r
Fibriansah G, Lim EXY, Marzinek JK, Ng TS, Tan JL, Huber RG, Lim XN, Chew VSY, Kostyuchenko VA, Shi J, Anand GS, Bond PJ, Crowe JE Jr, Lok SM. Antibody affinity versus dengue morphology influences neutralization. PLOS Pathogens, 2021, 17(2):e1009331. PMID: 33621239, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009331r
Mayrhofer JE, Enzler F, Feichtner A, Röck R, Fleischmann J, Raffeiner A, Tschaikner P, Ogris E, Huber RG, Hartl M, Schneider R, Troppmair J, Torres-Quesada O, Stefan E. Mutation-oriented profiling of autoinhibitory kinase conformations predicts RAF inhibitor efficacies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), Nov 23;202012150. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2012150117, PMID:33229534r
Faulkner M, Szabó I, Weetman SL, Sicard F, Huber RG, Bond PJ, Rosta E, Liu LN. Molecular simulations unravel the molecular principles that mediate selective Permeability of carboxysome shell protein. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 17501, 2020, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74536-5r
Marzinek JK, Huber RG, Bond PJ. (2020) Multiscale modeling and simulation of viruses. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 61 (2020) 146-152. IF: 7.179r
Tan LK, Wong WY, Yang HT, Huber RG, Bond PJ, Ng LC, Maurer-Stroh S, Hapuarachchige CH. (2020). Flavivirus Cross-Reactivity to Dengue Nonstructural Protein 1 Antigen Detection Assays. Diagnostics 10 (2020) 11. IF: 2.489r
Krah A, Huber RG, Zachariae U, Bond PJ. (2020). On the ion coupling mechanism of the MATE transporter ClbM. BBA Biomembranes 1862 (2020) 183137. IF: 3.790r
Köck EM, Bernard J, Podewitz M, Dinu DF, Huber RG, Liedl KR, Grothe H, Bertel E, Schlögl R, Loerting T. (2020) Alpha carbonic acid revisited: Carbonic acid monomethyl ester as a solid and its conformational isomerism in the gas phase. Chemistry – A European Journal 26 (2020) 285-305 2. IF: 5.160r
Kubankova M, Chambers J, Huber RG, Bond PJ, Marciniak S, Kuimova M. (2019). Linker length affects photostability of protein-targeted sensor of cellular microviscosity. Methods Appl Fluoresc. 2019 Sep 26. doi: 10.1088/2050-6120/ab481f.[Epub ahead of print]r
Röck R, Mayrhofer JE, Torres-Quesada O, Enzler F, Raffeiner A, Raffeiner P, Feichtner A, Huber RG, Koide S, Taylor SS, Troppmair J, Stefan E. (2019). BRAF inhibitors Promote intermediate BRAF(V600E) conformations and binary interactions with Activated RAS. Sci Adv. 2019 Aug 14;5(8):eaav8463. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aav8463.eCollection 2019 Aug.r
Holdbrook DA, Huber RG, Marzinek JK, Stubbusch A, Schmidtchen A, Bond PJ. (2019). Multiscale modeling of innate immune receptors: Endotoxin recognition And regulation by host defense peptides. Pharmacol Res. 2019 Sep;147:104372. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2019.104372. Epub 2019 Jul 24.r
Huber RG, Carpenter TS, Dube N, Holdbrook DA, Ingólfsson HI, Irvine WA, Marzinek JK, Samsudin F, Allison JR, Khalid S, Bond PJ. (2019). Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Approaches to Lipid-Protein Interactions. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;2003:1-30. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9512-7_1.r
Kamariah N, Huber RG, Nartey W, Bhushan S, Bond PJ, Grüber G. (2019). Structure And subunit arrangement of Mycobacterial F1FO ATP synthase and novel features of the unique mycobacterial subunit δ. J Struct Biol. 2019 Aug 1;207(2):199-208. doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2019.05.008. Epub 2019 May 24.r
Cai S , Lukamto DH , Toh JKC , Huber RG , Bond PJ , Jee JE , Lim TC , Liu P , Chen L , Qu QV , Lee SS , Lee SG . (2019). Directing GDNF-Mediated Neuronal Signaling with Proactively Programmable Cell-Surface Saccharide-Free Glycosaminoglycan Mimetics. chemical Communications 55 (2019) 1259-1262.r
Huber RG, Lim XN, Ng WC, Sim A, Poh HX, Shen Y, Lim SY, Sundstrom AKB, Sun XY, Aw JG, Too HK, Boey PH, Wilm A, Chawla T, Choy MJ, Jiang L, Sessions PF, Loh XJ, Alonso S, Hibberd M, Nagarajan N, Ooi EE, Bond PJ, Sessions OM, Wan Y. (2019). Structure Mapping of Dengue and Zika Viruses Reveals New Functional Long-Range Interactions. Nature Communications 10 1408.r
Ivanov S, Huber RG, Alibay I, Warwicker J, Bond PJ. (2019). Energetic Fingerprinting of Ligand Binding to Paralogous Proteins: The Case of the Apoptotic Pathway. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 59 245-261.r
Ghosh M, Wang LC, Huber RG, Gau YF, Morgan LK, Bond PJ, Kenney LJ, Anand GS. (2018). Engineering an Osmosensor by Pivotal Histidine Positioning Within Disordered Helices. Structure 27 302-314.r
Lim TC, Cai ST, Huber RG, Bond PJ, Xian PSC, Khou SL, Gao SJ, Lee SS, Lee SG. (2018). Facile Saccharide-free Mimetics that Recapitulate the Key Features of Glycosaminoglycan Sulfation Patterns. Chemical Science 9 7940-7947.r
Marzinek JK, Bag N, Huber RG, Holdbrook DA, Wohland T, Verma CS, Bond PJ. (2018). A funneled conformational landscape governs flavivirus fusion peptide interaction with lipid membranes. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 14 3920-3932.r
Boon PLS, Saw WG, Lim XX, Raghuvamsi PV, Huber RG, Marzinek JK, Holdbrook DA, Anand GS, Gruber G, Bond PJ. (2018). Partial Intrinsic disorder governs the dengue capsid protein conformational ensemble. ACS Chemical Biology 13 1621-1630.


