2023-05-06 11:46
  • 王国亮
  • 王国亮 - 教授-北京理工大学-数学与统计学院-个人资料




Educational Background\r
[03] 2005.09--2010.06, Ph.D. for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Center for Combinatorics, Nankai Univ. Supervisor: William Y.C. Chen.\r
[02] 2001.09--2005.07, A.B. for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking Univ.\r
[01] 1998.09--2001.07, Academic education in High school, Qingdao No. 2 Middle School of Shandong Province.\r
Working Experience\r
[05] 2020.07--present, Full Professor in mathematics, Sch. Math. Stat., BIT, Beijing, China.\r
[04] 2018.09--2019.08, Visiting Associate Professor in Dept. Math., MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.\r
[03] 2014.12--2020.07, Associate Professor in mathematics, Sch. Math. Stat., BIT, Beijing, China.\r
[02] 2012.11--2014.09, Postdoc in Dept. Math., Univ. Haifa, Haifa, Israel.\r
[01] 2010.07--2012.06, Postdoc in Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR), Peking Univ., Beijing, China.


"""""David Wang is a professor in mathematics at BIT. He works in algebraic combinatorics


D.G.L. Wang and J.J.R. Zhang, Geometry of limits of zeros of polynomial sequences of type (1,1), Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 44 (2021), 785--803.\r
D.G.L. Wang and M.M.Y. Wang, A combinatorial formula for the Schur coefficients of chromatic symmetric functions, Discrete Appl. Math. 285 (2020), 621--630.\r
D.G.L. Wang and J.J.R. Zhang, A Toeplitz property of ballot permutations and odd order permutations, Electron. J. Combin. 27(2) (2020), P2.55.\r
Z.C. Lin, D.G.L. Wang, and J. Zeng, Around the q-binomial-Eulerian polynomials, European J. Combin. 78 (2019), 105--120.\r
D.D.D. Jin and D.G.L. Wang, On the minimum vertex cover of generalized Petersen graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 266 (2019), 309--318.\r
S.-M. Ma, T. Mansour, D.G.L. Wang, and Y.-N. Yeh, Several variants of the Dumont differential system and permutation statistics, Sci. China Math. 62(10) (2019), 2033--2052.\r
H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, A Tutte-type characterization for graph factors, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 31(2) (2017), 1149--1159.\r
H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, The number of disjoint perfect matchings in semi-regular graphs, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 11(1) (2017), 11--38.\r
H. Hu, D.G.L. Wang, F. Zhao, and T.Y. Zhao, Convolution preserves partial synchronicity of log-concave sequences, Math. Inequal. Appl. 20(1) (2017), 91--103.\r
J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Root geometry of polynomial sequences II: Type (1,0), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 441(2) (2016), 499--528.\r
D.G.L. Wang, Tilings of parallelograms by similar isosceles triangles, Math. Intelligencer 38(3) (2016), 24--29.\r
J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Iterated claws have real-rooted genus polynomials, Ars Math. Contemp. 10(2) (2016), 255--268.\r
J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Combinatorial conjectures that imply local log-concavity of graph genus polynomials, European J. Combin. 52(A) (2016), 207--222.\r
J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Root geometry of polynomial sequences I: Type (0,1), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 433(2) (2016), 1261--1289.\r
J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Log-concavity of the genus polynomials of Ringel ladders, Electron. J. Graph Theory & Appl. 3(2) (2015), 109--126.\r
J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Log-concavity of combinations of sequences and applications to genus distributions, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 29(2) (2015), 1002--1029.\r
T. Mansour and D.G.L. Wang, Recurrence relations in counting the pattern 13-2 in flattened permutations, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 21(1) (2015), 16--36.\r
H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, Surface embedding of (n,k)-extendable graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 179 (2014), 163--173.\r
D.G.L. Wang, On colored set partitions of type B_n, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 12(9) (2014), 1372--1381.\r
H. Lu, D.G.L. Wang, and Q. Yu, On the existence of general factors in regular graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 27(4) (2013), 1862--1869.

