2023-05-06 11:42
  • 沙德尚
  • 沙德尚 - 研究员-北京理工大学-自动化学院-个人资料




1994.9-1998.7 工业电气自动化 本科 洛阳工学院
1998.9-2001. 电力电子与电力传动 硕士 南京航空航天大学
1994.9-1998.7 电力电子与电力传动 博士 中国科学院电工所
1994.9-1998.7 电力电子与电力传动 博士后 时代集团
2008.1-2011.7 讲师 北京理工大学
2011.8-2016.12 副教授 北京理工大学
2012.8-2013.8 访问学者 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学
2014.12-- 博士生导师 北京理工大学
2017.1—现在 特别研究员(长聘) 北京理工大学


1.沙德尚(1)一种DC-DC变换器, ZL200910241893.
2.沙德尚(1) 储能系统及该储能系统的控制方法,ZL.201010273716.0
3.沙德尚(1) 一种用于多模块DC-DC变换器的功率均分控制方法, ZL.20110240489.X
4.沙德尚(1) 一种输入串联输出串联高频链逆变器功率均分控制


1.沙德尚 《输入串联模块化电力电子变换器》, 科学出版社, 2013.7
1.Deshang Sha*, Fulin You, Xiao Wang, “A High-Efficiency Current-Fed Semi-Dual Active Bridge DC–DC Converter for Low Input Voltage Applications ” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.63. No.4. April.2016.PP. 2155 - 2164(SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
2.Deshang.Sha*, Z.Guo, X.Liao, “Cross-feedback output current-sharing control for input-series-output-parallel modular DC-DC converters” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.25 .No.11. Nov. 2010.PP. 2762 – 2771. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
3.Deshang Sha*, Z. Guo, X. Liao, “Control strategy for input-parallel-output-parallel high frequency isolated inverter modules”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.26. No.8. Aug. 2011.PP. 2237 - 2248. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
4.Deshang. Sha*, K. Deng, X.Liao, “Control strategy for input-series-output-parallel high frequency AC link inverters”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol.59 No.11. Nov. 2012.PP. 4101 - 4111. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
5.Deshang. Sha*, K. Deng, X. Liao, “Duty cycle exchanging control for input-series-output-series connected two PS-FB DC-DC converters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.27. No.3. Mar. 2012.PP. 1490 –1501. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
6.Deshang. Sha*, Guo. Xu, X. Liao, “Control strategy for input series output series high-frequency AC-link inverters ”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.28. No.11. Nov. 2013.PP. 5283 –5292. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
7.Deshang. Sha*, Z.Guo, X. Liao, “A general control strategy for input-series-output-series modular DC-DC converters ”, IEEE Transactions Power Electronics . Vol.29. No.7. July. 2014.PP. 3766–3775. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
8.Deshang Sha*, J.Zhang, X.Wang, “Dynamic response improvements of parallel-connected modular bidirectional DC-DC Converters for electrical drive powered by low voltage battery employing optimized feedforward control”, . IEEE Transactions on Power Electron . Vol.32. No.10. Oct. 2017.PP. 7783–7794. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
9.Deshang Sha*J.Zhang , “Improved Boundary Operation for Voltage-Fed Semi DAB with ZVS Achievement and Non-active Power Reduction” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics . Vol.64. No.8. 6179–6189. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
10.Deshang Sha*,G.Xu,Y, Xu “Utility Direct Interfaced Charger/Discharger Employing Unified Voltage Balance Control for Cascaded H-Bridge Units and Decentralized Control for CF-DAB Modules”, IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics . IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics . Vol.64. No.10. 7831–7841. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
11.Deshang Sha*,Y.Xu, J.Zhang “Current-Fed Hybrid Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Power Conditioning System with Reduced Input Current Ripple ”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics . Vol.64. No.8. 6628–6638. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
12.Deshang Sha*, X.Wang “ High-Efficiency Current-Fed Dual Active Bridge DC–DC Converter With ZVS Achievement Throughout Full Range of Load Using Optimized Switching Patterns ”, IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics . (In press) (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
13.Deshang Sha*, QinWu Lin “A ZVS Bidirectional Three-Level DC–DC Converter With Direct Current Slew Rate Control of Leakage Inductance Current“ IEEE transactions on Industry Application. Vol.52. No.3. May-June. 2016.PP. 2368 - 2377(国际重要期刊)
14.Z.Guo, Deshang. Sha*, X. Liao, “Input-series-output-parallel phase shift full bridge derived DC-DC converters with auxiliary LC networks to achieve wide zero voltage switching range” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.29. No.10. March. 2014.PP.5081-5086.(SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
15.Z.Guo, Deshang Sha*, X. Liao, “Hybrid Phase-Shift-Controlled Three-Level and LLC DC-DC Converter with Active Connection at the Secondary Side”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.(SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)Vol.30. No.6. 2015.PP.2985-2996.
16.Z.Guo, Deshang Sha*, X.Liao, “Hybrid Three-Level and Half-Bridge DC-DC Converter With Reduced Circulating Loss and Output Filter Inductance.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.30. No.12. 2015.PP.6628-6638.(SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
17.G.Xu. Deshang Sha*, X.Liao, “Decentralized Anti-droop Control for Input-Series- Output-Parallel Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.30. No.9. Sept. 2015.PP. 4621 - 4625(SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
18.G.Xu. Deshang Sha*,X.Liao “Unified Boundary Trapezoidal Modulation Control Utilizing Fixed Duty Cycle Compensation and Magnetizing Current Design for Dual Active Bridge DC–DC Converter” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 2243-2252, March 2017. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊).
19.G.Xu, Deshang Sha* ,“Hybrid-Bridge-Based DAB Converter With Voltage Match Control for Wide Voltage Conversion Gain Application”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Vol.30. No.6. 2015.PP.2985-2996. (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
20.G.Xu, DeshangSha* ,“Dual-transformer-based DAB Converter withWide ZVS Range for Wide Voltage Conversion Gain Application ”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics ( In Press) (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
21.J.Chen, Deshang Sha*, “Cascaded High Voltage Conversion Ratio Bidirectional Nonisolated DC–DC Converter With Variable Switching Frequency” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (In press) (SCI一区,国际顶级期刊)
22.Deshang. Sha*, D.Wu, X.Liao, “Analysis of a hybrid controlled three-phase grid-connected inverter with harmonics compensation in synchronous reference frame”, IET Power Electronics. Vol.4 No.7 July. 2011.PP.743-751. (国际重要期刊)
23.Deshang Sha*, J.Chen “Bidirectional three-phase high-frequency ac link dc–ac converter used for energy storage” IET Power Electronics . 2015.12 (国际重要期刊)
王树武 刘桂山 陈朔鹰 姚分喜,《C语言程序设计教程习题与上机指导(第二版)》,北京理工大学出版社,2006.1

