2023-05-06 11:42
  • 束庆海
  • 束庆海 - 研究员 博导-北京理工大学-材料学院-个人资料




个人介绍:束庆海,博士毕业于德国锡根大学有机化学专业,2013年入职北京理工大学材料学院,先后任讲师、副教授、特别研究员,现为博士生导师。长期从事功能高分子材料、钝感弹药、新概念毁伤等领域的基础和应用研究,主持国防973、军委科技委“十三五”创新专项、火箭军“十三五”装备预研、空军“十三五”装备预研、海军“十三五”装备预研、国家自然科学基金、兵器集团火炸药创新专项、北京理工大学基础科研基金;以主要完成人参加国家装备发展部某重点专项、国防科工局基础科研课题等,相关工作发表在Chem. Soc. Rev., Chem. Comm., Inorg. Chem., Biosensor Bioelectronics, Nano-micro letters, Dalton Trans., Analyst, Talanta, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem.,RSC Advances等期刊杂志上。迄今为止,以第一作者或通讯作者共发表SCI期刊收录论文30余篇,申请国家发明专利20余项,其中10余项专利已获授权。
  本科: 安庆师范学院,化学系,化学教育专业
  2007.3-2012.5 德国锡根大学,助理研究员
  2013.3-至今 北京理工大学,先后任讲师、副教授、特别研究员、博士生导师


  1、束庆海,金韶华,陈树森等,一种壳聚糖荧光标记的方法,CN 104292362A,已授权
  2、束庆海,李丽洁,刘云飞等,一种用方酰胺衍生物检测TNT炸药的方法, CN 104155272A,已授权
  3、束庆海,陈树森,金韶华等,一种用方酰胺衍生物检测NTO炸药的方法,CN 104155257A,已授权
  5、束庆海,牛虎,金韶华等,一种用于F-比色检测的方法, CN104865204A,已授权
  6、金韶华,束庆海,李丽洁等,一种用方酰胺衍生物检测HMX炸药的方法, CN104251851A,已授权
  7、束庆海,王小军,金韶华等, 5


  Shuai Zhao, Shan Sun, Qinghai Shu * et al., In Situ Synthesis of Fluorescent Mesoporous Silica-Carbon Dots Nanohybrid Featuring Folate Receptor-Overexpressed Cancer Cells Targeting and Drug Delivery, Nano-Micro Letters , 2019, 11:32, SCI 顶级期刊,IF 9.1
  Xiaopeng Zhang, Shusen Chen, et al. Qinghai Shu*, A novel cocrystal composed of CL-20 and an energetic ionic salt, Chemical Communications , 2018, 54, 13268, SCI 顶级期刊,IF 6.3
  Xiaoxue Wu, Shan Sun, Yuhui Wang, Jiali Zhu, Kai Jiang, Yumin Leng, Qinghai Shu*, Hengwei Lin, A fluorescent carbon-dots-based mitochondria-targetable nanoprobe for peroxynitrite sensing in living cells, Biosens. Bioelectron. , 2017, 90 , 501-507. SCI顶级期刊,IF 9.5
  Xingyong Zhang, Shusen Chen, Shaohua Jin, Xiaoxiao Lu, Lijie Li, Xin Chen*, Qinghai Shu*, Naphthalene based lab-on-a-molecule for the highly selective and sensitive detection of CN- and Ag+ in aqueous solution, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2016, 237 , 367-372. SCI 顶级期刊,IF 6.3
  Hu Niu, Shusen Chen, Qinghai Shu, Lijie Li, Shaohua Jin, Preparation, characterization and thermal risk evaluation of dihydroxylammonium 5, 5'-bistetrazole-1, 1'-diolate based polymer bonded explosive, J. Hazard. Mater. 2017, 338 , 208-217, SCI 顶级期刊,IF 6.1
  Li Wan, Qinghai Shu*, Jiaping Zhu, Shaohua Jin, Na Li, Xin Chen*, Shusen Chen, A New Multifunctional Schiff-based Chemosensor for Mask-free Fluorimetric and Colorimetric Sensing of F- and CN-, Talanta. 2016, 152 , 39-44. SCI重要期刊,IF 4.7
  Yuehai Yu, Shusen Chen, Xin Li, Shaohua Jin, Jiaping Zhu, Lijie Li, Qinghai Shu*, Molecular Dynamics Simulations for 5,5′-bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate (TKX-50) and its PBXs, RSC Adv., 2016, 6 , 20034-20041. SCI重要期刊,IF 3.8
  Xingyong Zhang, Shusen Chen , Shaohua Jin, Yan Zhang, Xin Chen*, Zhe Zhang, Qinghai Shu*, Naphthalene based lab-on-a-molecule for fluorimetric and colorimetric sensing of F- and CN- and nitroaromatic explosives, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2017, 237 , 367-372. SCI 顶级期刊,IF 5.4
  Dandan Tang, Yafeng Liu, Zhang Zhe, Qinghai Shu*, Bin Wang, Jian Fan*, Bo Song*, Donor-acceptor polymers based on 5,6-difluoro-benzo[1,2,5] thiadiazole for high performance solar cells, Org. Electron. , 2016, 33 , 187-193. SCI重要期刊,IF 3.8
  Jiaping Zhu, Shaohua Jin, Li Wan, Chunyuan Zhang, Lijie Li, Shusen Chen, and Qinghai Shu*, Nitrogen-Rich 4,4'-Azobis(1,2,4-triazolone) Salts—Synthesis and Promising Properties of a New Family of High-Density Insensitive Materials, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45 , 3590-3598. SCI重要期刊,IF 4.2
  Bo Shan, Yunfei Liu, Rui Shi, Shaohua Jin, Lijie Li, Shusen Chen, Qinghai Shu*, Squaramide-based lab-on-a-molecule for the detection of silver ion and nitroaromatic explosives, RSC Adv. 2015, 5 , 96665-96669. SCI重要期刊,IF 3.8
  Shichao Sun, Qinghai Shu*, Pengchao Lin, Yanyue Li, Shaohua Jin, Xin Chen, Dequan Wang, Triphenylamine based lab-on-a-molecule for the highly selective and sensitive detection of Zn2+ and CN- in aqueous solution, RSC Adv. 2016, 6 , 93826-93831. SCI重要期刊,IF 3.8
  Zhe Zhang, Shusen Chen, Rui Shi, Jiawen Ji, Dequan Wang, Shaohua Jin, Tongyu Han, Chenxiao Zhou, Qinghai Shu*, A single molecular fluorescent probe for selective and sensitive detection of nitroaromatic explosives: A new strategy for the mask-free discrimination of TNT and TNP within same sample, Talanta , 2017, 166 , 228-233. SCI重要期刊,IF 4.0
  Yuehai Yu, Shusen Chen, Xin Li, Shaohua Jin, Lijie Li, Guangyuan Zhang, Xiao Ma, and Qinghai Shu*, The novel compound Dimethylamine-5,5′-bistetrazole- 1,1′-diolate: Crystal structure, Thermal investigation, Safety evaluation and Theoretical studies, RSC Adv. 2017, 7 (30) :18523-18528. SCI重要期刊,IF 3.8
  Chunyuan Zhang, Shaohua Jin, Shusen Chen, Yan Zhang, Liang Qin, Xiaochun Wei, Qinghai Shu*,Solubilities of Dihydroxylammonium 5,5’-Bistetrazole-1,1’- diolate in various pure Solvents at Temperature between 293.15 K and 323.15 K, J. Chem. & Eng. Data , 2016, 61(5) , 1873-1875. SCI重要期刊,IF 2.0
  Jiaping Zhu, Shaohua Jin, Yuehai Yu, Chunyuan Zhang, Lijie Li, Shusen Chen, Qinghai Shu*, Evaluation of Thermal hazards and thermo-kinetic parameters of N, N’-dinitro-4,4’-azo-Bis(1,2,4-triazolone) (DNZTO), Thermochimica Acta., 2016, 623 , 58-64. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Guangyuan Zhang, Shaohua Jin, Lijie Li, Yunkai Li, Zhihua Li, Deqiu Wang, Bo Zhang, Baochao Jing, Qinghai Shu*, Thermal stability assessment of 3,4-bis(3-nitrofurazan-4-yl) furoxan (DNTF) by accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC), J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2016, 126 (3) , 1185-1190. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Guangyuan Zhang, Shaohua Jin, Lijie Li, Yunkai Li, Deqiu Wang, Wei Li, Ting Zhang, Qinghai Shu*, Thermal hazard assessment of 4,10-dinitro-2,6,8,12-tetraoxa -4,10-diazaisowutrzitane (TEX) by accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC), J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2016, 126 (2) , 467-471. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Jiaping Zhu, Shaohua Jin, Yuehai Yu, Lijie Li, Shusen Chen, Qinghai Shu*, The Crystal Structure and Thermal analysis of ZTO and Its Solvent Adducts, Res. Chem. Inter. , 2015: 1-8. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.8
  Hu Niu, Shusen Chen, Shaohua Jin, Lijie Li, Baochao Jing, Zhenming Jiang, Jiawen Ji, Qinghai Shu*, Thermolysis, nonisothermal decomposition kinetics, calculated detonation velocity and safety assessment of dihydroxylammonium 5, 5’-bistetrazole-1, 1’-diolate, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2016, 126 (2) , 473-480. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Haoming Zou, Shusen Chen, Xin Li, Shaohua Jin, Hu Niu, Fan Wang, Hui Chao, Tao Fang, Qinghai Shu*, Preparation, thermal investigation and detonation properties of ε-CL-20-based polymer-bonded explosives with high energy and reduced sensitivity, Mater. Exp. 2017, 7(3) ,199-208. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Chunyuan Zhang, Shaohua Jin, Jiawen Ji, Baochao Jing, Fang Bao, Qinghai Shu*, Thermal hazard assessment of TNT and DNAN under adiabatic condition by using accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC), J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2018, 131 (1) , 89-93. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Chunyuan Zhang, Shaohua Jin, Shusen Chen, Lijie Li, Chang Zhou, Yan Zhang, Qinghai Shu*, Thermal behavior and thermal-kinetic studies of 5,5’-bistetrozole-1,1’-diolate (1,1-BTO), J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2017, 129) , 1265-1270. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Hu Niu, Shusen Chen, Shaohua Jin, Qinghai Shu, Lijie Li, Dissolution properties of dihydroxylammonium 5, 5’-bistetrazole-1, 1’-diolate and disodium 5, 5’-bistetrazole-1, 1’-diolate in water, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2016, 34 (4) :416-425. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Hu Niu, Qinghai Shu*, Shaohua Jin, Bingjun Li , Jiaping Zhu, Lijie Li, Shusen Chen,A simple ratiometric and colorimetric chemosensor for the selective detection of fluoride in DMSO buffered solution, Spectrochim. Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. , 2015, 153 , 194-198. SCI重要期刊,IF 2.7
  Xiaojun Wang, Shusen Chen, Shaohua Jin, Chunyuan Zhang, Lijie Li and Qinghai Shu*, Preparation, crystal structure and properties of a new crystal form of diammonium 5,5′-bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate, Chinese Journal of Chemistry , 2015, 33 , 1229-1234. SCI重要期刊,IF 1.8
  Haoming Zou, Shusen Chen, Xin Li, Fengqin Shang, Xiao Ma, Jiangying Zhao, Qinghai Shu*, Thermal behavior and decomposition kinetics of CL-20-based plastic-bonded explosives, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. , 2017, 128 (3) :1-7, SCI重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Junfeng Wang, Shusen Chen, Qiang Yao, Shaohua Jin, Siwei Zhao, Zhenfei Yu, Jinxin Li, Qinghai Shu*, Preparation, Characterization, Thermal Evaluation and Sensitivities of TKX-50/GO Composite, Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2017, 42 , 1-8, 重要期刊,IF 1.9
  Minjie Wu, Shusen Chen, Qinghai Shu*, Lijie Li, Shaohua Jin, Synthesis and characterization of 1,5-dinitro-2,6-bis(trinitromethyl)-3a,4a,7a,8a-tetrahydro-[1,4]dioxino[2,3-d:5,6-d']diimidazole (DNTNDI), Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2013, 38 , 658-664, 重要期刊,IF 1.9.
  Qinghai Shu, Catherine Adam, Neso Sojic,* and Michael Schmittel*, Electrochemiluminescent polymer film with suitable redox “turn-off” absorbance window for remote selective sensing of Hg2+, Analyst , 2013, 138 , 4500-4504, SCI重要期刊,IF 3.9
J.Mater. Chem.-A, Chem. Comm., RSC Advances, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem.,Hazard. Mater.等国际著名期刊的审稿人

