2023-05-06 11:41
  • 孙士伟
  • 孙士伟 - 助理教授-北京理工大学-管理与经济学院-个人资料




孙士伟,北京理工大学管理与经济学院管理工程系助理教授、特别副研究员,2017年12月毕业于美国奥本大学(Auburn University)商学院管理信息系统专业,获管理学博士学位。现主要研究方向为信息技术扩散与创新管理,电子商务与社交商务,信息隐私与信息安全,供应链管理等,已在JCIS,IJIM等等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文7篇,其中SCI/SSCI检索论文6篇,是AIS等学术组织会员,同时担任EJOR等多家知名期刊匿名审稿人


[1]Shiwei Sun*, Casey G. Cegielski, Lin Jia, and Dianne Hall. (2018). Understanding the Main Factors Affecting Organizational Adoption of Big Data via Content Analysis. Journal of Computer Information Systems s, 58(3), 193-203.
[2]Qi Suo, Jinli Guo, Shiwei Sun, and Han Liu. (2018). Exploring the evolutionary mechanism of complex supply chain systems using evolving hypergraphs. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 489, 141-148.
[3]Zhuoqun Li, Shiwei Sun*, and Yongchun Huang. (2017). Exploring Inventory Order Policies Impact under the Non-Negative Constraint of Order Quantity: System Stability, Service Level, and Cost. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 103, 111-122.
[4]Mohana Shanmugam, Shiwei Sun*, Asra Amidi, Farzad Khani, and Fariborz Khani. (2016). The Applications of Social Commerce Constructs. International Journal of Information Management, 36(3), 425-432.
[5]Qi Suo, Shiwei Sun*, Nick Hajli, Peter Love. (2015). User Ratings Analysis in Social Networks Through a Hypernetwork Method. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(21), 7317-7325.
[6]Shiwei Sun*, Casey G. Cegielski, and Zhigang Li. (2015). Amassing And Analyzing Customer Data in the Age of Big Data: A Case Study of Haier’s Online to Offline Business Model. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 17:3-4, 156-171.
[7]Yunhua Li, Qianli Dong, and Shiwei Sun. (2015). Dry Port Development in China: Current Status and Future Strategic Directions. Journal of Coastal Research, 73, 641-646.
注:* 为通讯作者

[1]Shiwei Sun*, Dianne J. Hall. Big Data Capabilities Create Business Value: the Mediating Role of Decision-Making Impact. Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) 48th Annual Meeting, 2017. Washington DC, USA.
[2]Shiwei Sun*, Chetan Sankar, and Jiahe Song. Situation Awareness Differences on the Perception of the Use of Cloud Computing. Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) 47th Annual Meeting, 2016. Austin, TX, USA.
[3]Shiwei Sun*, Dianne J. Hall, Terry Byrd, Rui Zhang, Zhonghui Jiang. Big Data Capabilities In Creating Business Value Through Decision Quality Improvement: A Process-Level View. Proceedings of First World Congress and 2016 Asia Pacific DSI Conference. 2016. Beijing, China.
[4]Gaoshan Wang, Shiwei Sun*, Liang Ma, and Huixia Han. Recovery Satisfaction, Attitudinal Loyalty and Behavioral Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk. Proceedings of 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2016. Chiayi, Taiwan.
[5] Shiwei Sun*, Suning Zhu, Xiaoye Cheng, Terry Byrd. An Examination of Big Data Capabilities in Creating Business Value. Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) 46th Annual Meeting, 2015. Seattle, Washington, USA.
[6]Shiwei Sun*, Gaoshan Wang, and Terry Byrd. Digital Manufacturing Transformation Strategy of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in China. Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) 46th Annual Meeting, 2015. Seattle, Washington, USA.
[7] Yichuan Wang, Shiwei Sun*, John Drake, Dianne Hall. Job Applicants’ Information Privacy-Protective Responses: Exploring the Roles of Technology Readiness and Disposition to Trust. Proceedings of 21th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2015. Puerto Rico, USA.
[8]Shiwei Sun*, Casey G. Cegielski, Lin Jia and Dianne J. Hall. Understanding the Factors Affecting Organizational Adoption of Big Data in Developing Countries. Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) 45th Annual Meeting, 2014. Tampa, FL, USA.
[9]Lin Jia, Dianne Hall, and Shiwei Sun. The Effect of Technology Usage Habits on Consumers’ Intention to Continue Use Mobile Payments. Proceedings of 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2014. Savannah, GA, USA.
注:* 为会场Presenter
[1]决策科学年会分会场主席Session Chair (Technology and Innovation Session: New Product Adoption and Usage), Decision Science Institution (DSI) Annual Meeting, Austin, 2016
[2]决策科学年会分会场主席Session Chair (Analytics Session: Big Data), Decision Science Institution (DSI) Annual Meeting, Tampa, 2014
[3]以下刊物或国际会议匿名审稿人Ad-hoc reviewer for European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), (2017); International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), (2017, 2018); Applied Soft Computing (SOC), (2015); Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (JOCEC),( 2014, 2015); Industrial Management & Data Systems (IMDS), (2015, 2018); Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM), (2016); Journal of Management Analytics (JMA), (2014, 2015); Asian Social Science (ASS), (2015); Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017); Decision Science Institution (DSI, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017),International Conference on Management Science and Management Innovation (MSMI, 2017)
[4]以下国际学术组织会员Professional membership of Association for Information Systems (AIS), Decision Science Institution (DSI), and International Chinese Information Systems Association (ICISA) membership

