2023-05-06 11:39
  • 孟凡臣
  • 孟凡臣 - 教授 博导-北京理工大学-管理与经济学院-个人资料




[1] 新能源汽车基础设施与服务政策研究,国家自然科学基金(71041026),2010.12-2011.10
[2] 我国企业跨文化吸收能力与企业跨国并购绩效, 国家自然科学基金(71272060/G0204),2013.1-2016.12.
[3] 太阳能光伏一体化发电、加油、充电综合服务示范站建设,北京市科委 (Z111109056011013),2011.8-2012.12
[4] 军地协同处置突发事件机制研究,总参谋部,2012.6-2013.5.6
[5] 科技与创新国际化研究-战略、政策与实践,中德科学中心,GZ975 2015.3-2018


[1] 孟凡臣.赵中华. 跨文化吸收能力如何支撑国际并购的知识转移:基于多案例的分析[J]. 管理学报,2018. 15(8): 1221-1230
[2] Muhamad Awais Baloch, Danis, Fanchen Meng. Financial Instability and CO2 Emissions: the Case of Saudi Arabia[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, July 2018
[3] Muhammad Waseem Bari, Fanchen Meng ,Muhammad Awais Baloch. An Investigation of the Relationship between Workplace Practices and Firms Performance: Evidence From Hotel Industry, China[J].Services Technology and Management, 2018, Vol.24,Nos.1/2/3,EI
[4] Muhammad Awais Baloch, Fanchen Meng, Moderated Mediation between IT Capability and Orgaizational Agility [J]. Human System Management, 2018 (38):195-206
[5] Baloch, Muhammad A., Meng, FC. Dark Triad, Perception of Organizational Politics and Counterproductive Work Behaviours: The Moderating Effect of Political Skills[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8, 2017
[6] 孟凡臣. 肖盼等. 跨文化吸收能力对国际并购绩效的影响分析[J]. 科研管理,2016. (6): 151-158
[7] 孟凡臣. 刘博文. 廖超. 我国上市公司跨国并购财务绩效的影响因素分析[J]. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),2016.17(4): 69-75
[8] Fanchen Meng, Jens Mathies Rieckmann& Cheng Li. Empirical evidence how social capital effects the internationalization process of SME in Zhejiang[J]. Transnational Corporations Review. 2016
[9] Muhamad Waseem Bari, Meng Fanchen, Muhamad Awais Baloch. The relationship between knowledge management practices, innovativeness and organizational performance ( A case from software industry)[J]. Sci.Int.(Lahore), 2016, 28(1): 463-475, SCI
[10] Muhamad Waseem Bari, Meng Fanchen, Muhamad Awais Baloch. Management practice and performance of mergers and acquisitions in Pakistan: mediating role of psychological contract[J]. Springer Plus, 2016, 5:1527
[11] 张三卿,孟凡臣,唐云亭,整合模式对企业跨国并购绩效影响研究,管理现代化,2015,35(2): 78-80
[12] 张三卿. 邓舸. 孟凡臣.我国资源型企业跨国并购绩效评价[J]. 北京理工大学学报(增刊)2014.
[13] 孟凡臣. 李慧娟. 龙象共舞:十八年暗恋最终开花结果-三一重工与普茨迈斯特并购案. 全国工商管理专业学位研究生教育指导委员会“第五届全国百篇优秀管理案例“2014.
[14] 孟凡臣. 陈露. 我国制造业企业跨国并购绩效评价[J]. 管理现代化,2014.(2):87-89
[15] 孟凡臣,蒋帆,中国对外直接投资政治风险量化评价研究,国际商务研究,2014,(5):87-96

