2023-05-06 08:57
  • 钟上威
  • 钟上威 - 教师-北京大学-现代农学院-个人资料








1. Shi H.*, Lyu M.*, Luo Y.*, Liu S.*, Li Y., He H., Wei N., Deng X.W.#, Zhong S.#, Genome-wide regulation of light-controlled seedling morphogenesis by three families of transcription factors, PNAS, 2018,115: 6482-6487. (* equal contribution, #corresponding author) 2. Liu X., Liu R., Li Y., Shen X., Zhong S.#, Shi H.#, EIN3 and PIF3 Form an Interdependent Module that Represses Chloroplast Development in Buried Seedling, Plant Cell, 2017,29: 3051-3067. (#corresponding author) (该论文为Plant Cell发表当月最受关注的top5文章之一,被选为亮点文章,并发表评述文章做重点推荐,同时被F1000推荐) 3. Liu X., Li Y., Zhong S.#, Interplay between Light and Plant Hormones in the Control of Arabidopsis Seedling Chlorophyll Biosynthesis, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1433. 4. Shi H.*, Shen X.*, Liu R., Xue C., Wei N., Deng X.W.#, Zhong S.#, The red light receptor phytochrome B directly enhances substrate-E3 ligase interactions to attenuate ethylene responses, Developmental Cell , 2016,39:597-610., (* equal contribution, # corresponding author) (cover story) (该论文被遴选为当期封面文章,并由国际著名植物学家Jose M. Alonso教授在同期Developmental Cell上撰写评述文章推荐,同时被Science Signaling的Editors` Choice栏目选中发表评述做亮点推荐) 5. Shen X.*, Li Y.*, Pan Y.*, Zhong S.#, Activation of HLS1 by Mechanical Stress via Ethylene-Stabilized EIN3 Is Crucial for Seedling Soil Emergence, Frontiers in Plant Science , 2016 , 7: 1571, (* equal contribution, # corresponding author) 6. Shi H., Liu R., Xue C., Shen X., Wei N., Deng X.W.# , Zhong S.#, Seedlings Transduce the Depth and Mechanical Pressure of Covering Soil Using COP1 and Ethylene to Regulate EBF1/EBF2 for Soil Emergence , Current Biology , 2016 , 26: 139-149. , (# corresponding author) (该论文由美国科学学院院士Winslow R. Briggs在Current Biology上撰写评述文章推荐,同时被Nature Plants news and views发表评述文章推荐,并被Trends in Plant Science亮点推荐) 7. Shi H., Wang X., Mo X., Tang C., Zhong S.#, Deng X.W.# , Arabidopsis DET1 degrades HFR1 but stabilizes PIF1 to precisely regulate seed germination , PNAS , 2015 , 112 (12): 3817-3822 , (# corresponding author) 8. Zhong S., Shi H., Xue C., Wei N., Guo H., Deng X.W. , Ethylene-orchestrated circuitry coordinates a seedling`s response to soil cover and etiolated growth , PNAS , 2014 , 111 (11): 3913-20. , (该论文被F1000推荐) 9. Seo K.*, Lee J.*, Nezames C.D.*, Zhong S., Song E., Byun M., Deng X.D. , ABD1 is an Arabidopsis DCAF Substrate Receptor for CUL4-DDB1-Based E3 Ligases that Acts as a Negative Regulator of Abscisic Acid Signaling , Plant Cell , 2014 , 26: 695–711. , (* equal contribution) 10. Shi H.*, Zhong S.*, Mo X.*, Liu N., Nezames C.D., Deng X.W. , HFR1 sequesters PIF1 to govern the transcrIptional network underlying light-initiated seed germination in Arabidopsis , Plant Cell , 2013 , 25: 3770–3784. , (* equal contribution) 11. Shen H., He H., Li J., Chen W., Wang X., Guo L., Peng Z., He G., Zhong S., Qi Y., Terzaghi W., Deng X.W. , Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Changes in Two Arabidopsis Ecotypes and Their Reciprocal Hybrids , Plant Cell , 2012 , 24: 875 -92. 12. Zhong S., Shi H., Xue C., Wang L., Xi Y., Li J., Quail P.H., Deng X.W., Guo H. , A molecular framework of light-controlled phytohormone action in Arabidopsis , Current Biology , 2012 , 22: 1530–1535. , (该论文被Current Biology配以评述文章推荐,并同时被F1000推荐) 13. Zhong S., Shi H., Xi Y., Guo H. , Ethylene is crucial for seedlings’ chlorophyll synthesis and survival during de-etiolation , Plant Signal & behavior , 2010 , 5: 739–742. 14. Zhong S., Zhao M., Shi T., Shi H., An F., Zhao Q., Guo H. , EIN3/EIL1 cooperate with PIF1 to prevent photo-oxidation and promote greening of Arabidopsis seedlings , PNAS , 2009 , 106 (50): 21431-21436.

