2023-05-05 16:15
  • 李润涛
  • 李润涛 - 教授, 博士生导师-北京大学-药学院-个人资料




1981年获郑州大学化学专业学士学位; 1988年获郑州大学有机化学专业硕士学位; 1993年获大连理工大学精细化工专业博士学位; 1993-1995年在北京医科大学药学院从事博士后研究工作; 1996-2000年为北京医科大学药学院副教授; 2000-至今为北京大学药学院教授、博士生导师; 1997.11-1998.3德国波恩大学药物研究所DAAD高级访问学者; 2002.1-2002.9 美国Medinox药物研究公司访问教授。


1 杂环化合物的合成及生物学功能研究 2 有机合成新方法、新试剂的研究


1. Junfeng Wang, Xin Wang, Zemei Ge,* Tieming Cheng, Runtao Li.* Highly enantioselective Michael addition of cyclopentanone with chalcones via novel di-iminium mechanism. Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 1751-1753. 2. Junfeng Wang, Chao Qi, Zemei Ge,* Tieming Cheng, Runtao Li.* Efficient direct asymmetric vinylogous Michael addition reactions of g-butenolides to chalcones catalyzed by vicinal primary-diamine salts. Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 2124-2126. 3. Junfeng Wang, Qin Li, Chao Qi, Yi Liu, Zemei Ge,* and Runtao Li*,Primary 1,2-diamine catalysis III: An unexpected domino reaction for the synthesis of multisubstituted cyclohexa-1,3-dienamines,Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010, 8, 4240 – 4242; 4. Xin Ai, Xin Wang*, Jin-ming Liu, Ze-mei Ge, Tie-ming Cheng, Run-tao Li* An effective Aza-Michael addition of aromatic amines to electron-de?cient alkenes in alkaline Al2O3. Tetrahedron, 2010, 66, 5373-5377. 5. Shuai Xia, Xin Wang,* Ze-mei Ge, Tie-ming Cheng, Run-tao Li*. An ef?cient synthesis of aryldithiocarbamic acid esters from Michael addition of electron-de?cient alkenes with arylamines and CS2 in solid media alkaline Al2O3, Tetrahedron, 2009, 65, 1005-1009. 6. Song-Wen Lin, Qi Sun, Ze-Mei Ge, Xin Wang, Jia Ye, Run-Tao Li. Synthesis and structure–analgesic activity relationships of a novel series of monospirocyclopiperazinium salts (MSPZ), Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21, 940-943. 7. Yongqiang Zhu, Shuyang Yao, Bo Xu, Zemei Ge, Jingrong Cui, Tieming Cheng, Runtao Li*, Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of tripeptide boronic acid proteasome inhibitors, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2009, 17, 6851–6861. 8. Qi Sun, Cai-Qin Yue,a Jia Ye, Chang-Ling Li, Tie-Ming Cheng, Run-Tao Li*. Unique spirocyclopiperazinium salt III: Further investigation of monospirocyclo- piperazinium (MSPZ) salts as potential analgesics. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2007, 17, 6245-6249. 9. Ang Li, Xin Wang, Cai-Qin Yue, Jia Ye, Chang-Ling Li, Run-Tao Li*. Unique spirocyclopiperazinium salt. Part 4: Modification of dispirocyclo- piperazinium (DSPZ) salts as analgesics,Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2007, 17, 5078-5081. 10. Xueling Hou, Zemei Ge, Tingmin Wang, Wei Guo, Jingrong Cui, Tieming Cheng, Chingshan Lai, Runtao Li*. Dithiocarbamic acid esters as anticancer agent. Part 1: 4-Substituted-piperazine-1-carbodithioic acid 3-cyano-3,3-diphenyl-propyl esters, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2006, 16, 4214-4219.

