2023-05-05 16:39
  • 杨军
  • 杨军 - 研究员-北京大学-物理学院-个人资料




Education:1.B. S., Physics2003/09-2007/07, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.2.PhD., Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences2007/09-2009/12, Peking University, China.2009/12-2011/12, VisitingScietists, University of Toronto,Canada. 2012/01-2012/12, Peking University, China.3.Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Exoplanetary Climates2012/12-2015/12, University of Chicago, US.Positions: 2016.01--present, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China


1.Climate Dynamics2.Climate and habitability of Earth and other planets(including many exoplanets)3.Polar warming amplification


Yang Jun, D. S. Abbot, and D. D.B. Koll, 2018: Effects of Ocean Dynamics on the Habitable Zone and Phase Curves of Synchronously Rotating Exoplanets, Submitted.2.JiWeiwen,Ru Chen, and Jun Yang, 2018:Idealized wind-driven ocean circulations on exoplanets, submitted.3.Wei Q., Yongyun Hu, Yonggang Liu, Douglas N. C. Lin, Jun Yang, and A. P. Showman, 2018:Young Surface of Pluto’s Sputnik Planitia Caused by Viscous Relaxation, The Astrophysical JournalLetters, 856, L14. 4.YangJun, Feng Ding, Ramses M. Ramirez,W. R. Peltier, and Yongyun Hu, 2017: Dramatic Climate Transition Precludes the Potential Habitability of Icy Planets and Moons,Nature Geoscience, 10, 556-560,doi:10.1038/ngeo2994. 35.YangJun, Malte F. Jansen, Francis A. Macdonald, and Dorian S. Abbot, 2017: Persistence of a freshwater surface ocean after a snowball Earth,Geology, doi: 10.1130/G38920.16.Hu, Y., Yuwei Wang, Y. Liu, and Jun Yang, 2017: Climate and Habitability of Kepler 452b simulated with a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, The Astrophysical JournalLetters, 835, L6, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aa56c4. 7.YangJun, Wm. Richard Peltier, Yongyun Hu, 2016: Monotonicdecrease of the zonal SST gradient of the equatorial Pacific as a function of CO2concentration in CCSM3 and CCSM4. JGR-atmospheres,10637-10653, doi:10.1002/2016JD025231. 8.Yang, Jun,Jeremy Leconte, Eric T. Wolf, Colin Goldblatt, Nicole Feldl, Timonthy Merlis, Yuwei Wang, Danile D.B. Koll, Feng Ding, Francois Forget, and Darian S. Abbot, 2016: Differences in water vapor radiative transfer among 1D models can significantly affect the inner edge of the habitable zone, The Astrophysical Journal, 826(2), doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/222.9.Liu Yonggang, W. Richard Peltier, Jun Yang, Guido Vettoretti, and Yuwei Wang, 2016: Strong effects of tropical ice-sheet coverage and thickness on the hard Snowball Earth bifurcation point. Climate Dynamics, 1-16. 10.Ravi kumar Kopparapu, Eric T. Wolf, JacobHaqq-Misa, Jun Yang, James F. Kasting, Victoria Meadows, Ryan Terrien, and Suvrath Mahadevan, 2016: The Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone for Synchronously Rotating Planets Around Low-mass Stars Using General Circulation Models, The Astrophysical Journal, 819, 111.Yuwei Wang, Yonggang Liu, Feng Tian, Jun Yang, Feng Ding, Linjiong Zhou, and Yongyun Hu, 2016: Effects of Obliquity on the Habitability of Exoplanets around M Dwarfs, The Astrophysical JournalLetters, 823, 1, doi:10.3847/2041-8205/823/1/L20.12.Yang, Jun, Yonggang Liu, Yongyun Hu, and Dorian S. Abbot, 2014b: Water trapping on tidally locked terrestrial planets requires special conditions, The Astrophysical Journal, 796, L22, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/796/2/L22.13.Yang, Jun, Gwenael Boue, Daniel C. Frabrycky, and DorianS. Abbot, 2014a: Strong Dependence of the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone on Planetary Rotation Rate,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 787, L2, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/787/1/L2.14.Yang, Jun, and Dorian S. Abbot, 2014: A low-order model of water vapour, clouds, and thermalemission of tidally locked terrestrial planets,The Astrophysical Journal, 784, 155, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/784/2/155.15.Hu, Yongyun, and JunYang, 2014: Role of ocean heat transport in climates of tidally locked exoplanets around M-dwarf Stars,PNAS,111, 629-634.16.Yang, Jun, Nicolas B. Cowan, and Dorian S. Abbot, 2013: Stabilizing Cloud Feedback Dramatically Expands the Habitable Zone of Tidally Locked Planets, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 771, L45, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/771/2/L45.17.Liu, Yonggang, W. Richard Peltier, Jun Yang, and G. Vettoretti, 2013: The Initiation of Neoproterozoic ‘‘Snowball’’ Climates in CCSM3: The Influence of Paleo-Continental Configuration, Climate ofPast, 9, 2579-2593.18.Yang, Jun,W. Richard Peltier, and Yongyun Hu, 2012d: Initiation of modern soft and hard Snowball Earth climates in CCSM4. Climate ofPast, 8, 907–918. 419.Yang, Jun,Yongyun Hu, and W. Richard Peltier, 2012c: Radiative effects of ozoneon the climate of a Snowball Earth, Climate of thePast, 8, 2019-2029.20.Yang, Jun, W. Richard Peltier, and Yongyun Hu, 2012b: The initiation of modern “soft Snowball” and “hard Snowball” climates in CCSM3. Part I: the influence of solar luminosity, CO2 concentration and the sea-ice/snow albedo parameterization. Journal ofClimate, 25, 2711-2736

