2023-05-05 16:36
  • 谢灿
  • 谢灿 - 研究员-北京大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




教育经历: 2006 - 2006 , 毕业 , 高速数据收集和结构解析,大分子X-射线衍射学 , 美国Brookhaven国家实验室,生物系和国家同步辐射中心 , RapiData 2006 学习班 2001 - 2009 , 博士后 , Research Fellow, 分子生物物理学和结构生物学 , 哈佛大学医学院病理系,免疫疾病研究所(前身为`CBR 生物医学研究所`) 1996 - 2001 , 理学博士 , 蛋白生化和分子遗传学 , 中国科学院 遗传与发育生物学研究所 , (导师:陈受宜,张劲松) 1991 - 1995 , 理学学士 , 生物学 , 湖南师范大学生物系


(1)动物对地球磁场的感受(磁感应受体),以及迁徙、导航的分子机理 (2)自然界色彩的生物物理学研究,从某种意义上来说,色彩是生物体对环境的一种结构性的适应,自然界的色彩包括色素色彩和结构色彩。结构色(Structural Color)、纳米自组装、变色龙的变色机理、章鱼的变色和隐形的生物物理学基础是我们的主要研究兴趣


1. Zhe Guan, Tiantian Cai, Zhongmin Liu, Yunfeng Dou, Xuesong Hu, Peng Zhang, Xin Sun, Hongwei Li, Yao Kuang, Qiran Zhai, Hao Ruan, Xuanxuan Li, Zeyang Li, Qihui Zhu, Jingeng Mai, Qining Wang, Luhua Lai, Jianguo Ji, Haiguang Liu, Bin Xia, Taijiao Jiang, Shu-Jin Luo, Hong-Wei Wang, Can Xie*, Origin of the reflectin gene and hierarchical assembly of its protein. Current Biology (In Press), 2017 2. Siying Qin, Hang Yin, Celi Yang, Yunfeng Dou, Zhongmin Liu, Peng Zhang, He Yu, Yulong Huang, Jing Feng, Junfeng Hao, Jia Hao, Lizong Deng, Xiyun Yan, Xiaoli Dong, Zhongxian Zhao, Taijiao Jiang, Hong-WeiWang, Shu-Jin Luo and Can Xie*, A magnetic protein biocompass, Nature Materials, 15(2): 217-226. 2016 (advance online publication, 16 November 2015 (DOI 10.1038/nature4484)). 3. Christopher S. Kollmann, Xiaopeng Bai, Ching-Hsuan Tsai, Hongfang Yang, Kenneth E. Lind, Steven R. Skinner, Zhengrong Zhu, David I. Israel, John W. Cuozzo, Barry A. Morgan, Koichi Yuki, Can Xie, Timothy A. Springer, Motomu Shimaoka, Ghotas Evindar , Application of encoded library technology (ELT) to a protein–protein interaction target: Discovery of a potent class of integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) antagonists , Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry , 2014 , in press (online published) 4. Liu L, Jin L, Huang X, Geng Y, Li F, Qin Q, Wang R, Ji S, Zhao S, Xie Q, Wei C, Xie C, Ding B, Li Y. , OsRFPH2-10, a RING-H2 Finger E3 Ubiquitin Ligase, Is Involved in Rice Antiviral Defense in the Early Stages of Rice dwarf virus Infection , Mol Plant , 2014 , online published 5. Lin L, Tian X, Hong S, Dai P, You Q, Wang R, Feng L, Xie C, Tian ZQ, Chen X. , A bioorthogonal Raman reporter strategy for SERS detection of glycans on live cells , Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. , 2013 , 2013 Jul 8;52(28):7266-71 6. Xu X, Dong GX, Hu XS, Miao L, Zhang XL, Zhang DL, Yang HD, Zhang TY, Zou ZT, Zhang TT, Zhuang Y, Bhak J, Cho YS, Dai WT, Jiang TJ, Xie C, Li RQ, Luo SJ . , The genetic basis of white tigers , Current Biology , 2013 , 1031-1035 7. Lianshun Feng, Senlian Hong, Jie Rong, Qiancheng You, Peng Dai, Rongbing Huang, Yanhong Tan, Weiyao Hong, Can Xie, Jing Zhao, and Xing Chen , Bifunctional Unnatural Sialic Acids for Dual Metabolic Labeling of Cell-Surface Sialylated Glycans , J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2013 , DOI: 10.1021/ja402326z.,( co-corresponding author) 8. Xie C, Zhu J, Chen X, Mi L, Nishida N, Springer TA , Structure of an integrin with an aI domain, complement receptor type 4. , EMBO J , 2010 , 29(3): 666-679., (It is the first complement receptor structure and also the first αI domain integrin structure.) 9. Xing Chen, Can Xie, Noritaka Nishida, Zongli Li, Thomas Walz, and Timothy A. Springer , Requirement of open headpiece conformation for activation of leukocyte integrin αXβ2 , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA , 2010 , 107: 14727-32 10. Xie C, et. al, , Stabilized Low Affinity Conformation of Integrins for Drug Discovery. , US Patent , 2008 , NP Ref: 033393-063940-P; ,(The patent is about a new technology of expressing and purifying huge, heterodimeric, glycoprotein with mammalian expression systems) 11. Vorup-Jensen, T, Chi, L, Gjelstrup, LC, Jensen, UB, Jewett CA, Xie C, Shimaoka M, Linhardt RJ, Springer TA , Binding between the integrin αXβ2 (CD11c/CD18) and heparin , J. Biol. Chem. , 2007 , 282:30869-77 12. Nishida N*, Xie C*, Shimaoka M, Cheng Y, Walz T, Springer TA , Activation of leukocyte β2 integrins by conversion from bent to extended conformation , Immunity , 2006 , 583-594 (* : Co-first author),(It is the first EM structure of aI Integrins. It also provided structural basis of antibody activation of integrin function). 13. Xie C, Shimaoka M, Xiao T, Schwab P, Klickstein LB, Springer TA , The integrin α subunit leg extends at a Ca2+-dependent epitope in the thigh/genu interface upon activation , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA , 2004 , 101: 15422-15427 14. Chen JF, Takagi J, Xie C, Xiao T, Luo BH, Springer TA , The relative influence of metal ion binding sites in the I-like domain and the interface with the hybrid domain on rolling and firm adhesion by integrin α4β7 , J. Biol. Chem. , 2004 , 279: 55556-55561 15. Xie C, Zhang JS, Zhou HL, Li J, Zhang ZG, Wang DW, Chen SY , Serine/threonine kinase activity in the putative histidine kinase-like ethylene receptor NTHK1 from tobacco , Plant J. , 2003 , 33(2):385-393,(It is the first report of Ser/Thr kinase activity, but not Histidine kinase activity of plant ethylene receptor, which overturned a previously proposed mechanism for ethylene signaling based on histidine kinase activity of the receptors) 16. Xie C, Zhang ZG, Zhang JS, He XJ, Cao WH, He SJ, Chen SY , Spatial expression and characterization of a putative ethylene receptor protein NTHK1 in tobacco , Plant Cell Physiol. , 2002 , 43(7):810-815 17. Zhang JS *, Xie C *, Shen YG, Chen SY, 2001, , A two-component gene (NTHK1) encoding a putative ethylene receptor homolog is both developmently- and stress-regulated in tobacco , Thero. Appl. Genet. , 2001 , 102 (6/7): 815-824. (* : Co-first author) 18. Zhang JS, Xie C, Wu XL, Du BX, Chen SY , Tobacco two-component gene NTHK2 , Chinese Science Bulletin , 2001 , 46(7): 574-577 19. Xie C, Zhang JS, Chen SY , Protein Phosphorylation and two-component system , Progress in Biotechnology , 2001 , 21(6), 9-14 20. Wang WM, Zhu LH, Xie R, Xie C, Jin L , Morphological and anatomical analysis of a floral organ mutant in rice , Acta Botanica Sinica , 2000 , 42(4): 379-382

