2023-05-05 16:19
  • 刘涛
  • 刘涛 - 研究员 博导-北京大学-药学院-个人资料




2005-2011  Ph.D. Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Ohio, U.S.A (Supervisor: Professor Dehua Pei)\r
2001-2005  B.S. Biological Science, Nankai University, Tianjin, P. R. China\r
Professional Experience\r
2016- Assistant Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University Principal Investigator, State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs\r
2015-2016  California Institute for Biomedical Research, Scientist\r
2011-2015  The Scripps Research Institute, Postdoc Researcher (Supervisor: Professor Peter G. Schultz)\r
2018 Young Biomedical Scientist Award, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association\r
2019 the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, NSFC\r
2020 the Excellent Youth Foundation, Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation.\r
Tao Liu, Ph.D. Assistant professor at Peking University, School of pharmaceutical science and principal investigator at State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs. Dr. Liu obtained his bachelor’s degree at Nankai University and Ph.D. in biochemistry at the Ohio State University (Dr. Dehua Pei Lab). After graduation, he joined Dr. Peter G. Schultz lab at the Scripps Research Institute in 2011 as a postdoc researcher and worked as a joint appointment scientist at the California Institute for Biomedical Research. He joined Peking University at 2016 to start his own research group. His lab mainly focused on the application of expanded genetic codes and molecular evolution for biomedical applications.


"""""1. Development of novel biotherapeutics. We use a combination of molecular biology approaches


Chen, C., Yu, G., Huang, Y., Cheng, W., ... Ye, H.* & Liu, T.* (2021). Genetic code expanded cell-based therapy for treating diabetes in mice Nature Chemical Biology.\r
Song, X., Yang, F., ... Liu, T., ... Liu, X.*, Li, J.*, Cheng, J.* & Yao, X.* (2021). Dynamic crotonylation of EB1 by TIP60 ensures accurate spindle positioning in mitosis Nature Chemical Biology.\r
Ling, X.#, Chang, L.#, Chen, H., ... & Liu, T.* (2021). Improving the efficiency of CRISPR-Cas12a-based genome editing with site-specific covalent Cas12a-crRNA conjugates Molecular Cells.\r
Cao, W., Qin, X., & Liu, T.* (2021). When supramolecular chemistry meets chemical biology: new strategies to target proteins through host–guest interactions Chembiochem.\r
Cao, W., Qin, X., Wang, Y., Dai, Z., ... & Liu, T.* (2021). A general supramolecular approach to regulate protein functions by cucurbit [7] uril and unnatural amino acid recognition. Angewandte Chemie.\r
Wang, Y., Chen, X., Cai, W., Tan, L., Yu, Y., ... & Liu, T.* (2021). Expanding the structure diversity of protein building blocks with biosynthesized noncanonical amino acids from aromatic thiols. Angewandte Chemie.\r
Hu, L., Qin, X., Huang, Y., ..., & Liu, T.* (2020). Thermophilic Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase Mutants for Enhanced Mammalian Genetic Code Expansion. ACS Synthetic Biology.\r
Tan, L,. Zheng, Z., Xu, Y., ..., Liu, T.,* & Tang, H.* (2020). Efficient Selection Scheme for Incorporating Noncanonical Amino Acids Into Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.\r
Huang, Y., & Liu, T.*(2020). Step further towards targeted senolytic therapy: therapeutic potential of uPAR-CAR T cells for senescence-related diseases. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy.\r
Zhang, Y.#, Ling, X.#, Su, X., ..., Liu, T.*, & Tang, X.* (2020). Optical Control of a CRISPR/Cas9 System for Gene Editing by Using Photolabile crRNA. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.\r
Ling, X.#, Gao, X.#, ... & Liu, T.* (2020). Rational Design of Minimum CRISPR Guide RNA by Site-Specific Cas9-RNA Conjugation. Chemical Communications.\r
Ling, X.#, Xie, B.#, Gao, X.#, ..., Li, M.,* & Liu T.* (2020).Improving the efficiency of precise genome editing with site-specific Cas9-oligonucleotide conjugates. Sciences Advances.\r
Qin, X., Tang, H., ..., & Liu T.*(2020). An Orthogonal Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase/tRNA Pair from a Thermophilic Bacterium for an Expanded Eukaryotic Genetic Code. Biochemistry.\r
Zhang, C., Ling, X., Guo, Y., ..., Liu, T.*, & Cui, H.* (2019). Evaluation of COC183B2 antibody targeting ovarian cancer by near-infrared fluorescence imaging. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research.\r
Ling, X., Chen, H., Zheng, W., Chang, L., Wang, Y., & Liu,T.* (2019).Site-specific protein modification by genetic encoded disulfide compatible thiols. Chinese Chemical Letters.\r
Huang, Y., & Liu, T.* (2018). Therapeutic applications of genetic code expansion. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology.\r
Tang, H.#, Dai, Z.#, Qin, X., Cai, W., Hu, L., Huang, Y., ... & Liu, T.* (2018). Proteomic identification of protein tyrosine phosphatase and substrate interactions in living mammalian cells by genetic encoding of irreversible enzyme inhibitors. Journal of the American Chemical Society.\r
Liu, T.*(Lead Contact), Jia, P., Ma, H., Reed, S. A., Luo, X., Larman, H. B., & Schultz, P. G.* (2017). Construction and Screening of a Lentiviral Secretome Library. Cell Chemical Biology, 24(6), 767-771.\r
Luo, X., Fu, G., Wang, R. E., Zhu, X., Zambaldo, C., Liu, R., ... & Wang, F. (2017). Genetically encoding phosphotyrosine and its nonhydrolyzable analog in bacteria.. Nature Chemical Biology, 13(8), 845-849.

